; ctype.s ; ; This file is part of ; cc65 - a freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems ; ; https://cc65.github.io ; ; See "LICENSE" file for legal information. ; ; GEOS character specification table. ; ; Source: The Hitchhiker's Guide To GEOS ; http://lyonlabs.org/commodore/onrequest/geos-manuals/The_Hitchhikers_Guide_to_GEOS.pdf .include "ctypetable.inc" .export __ctypeIdx ; The tables are readonly, put them into the rodata segment .rodata __ctypeIdx: ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 0/00 ____NULL___, 1/01 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 2/02 ____N/A____, 3/03 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 4/04 ____N/A____, 5/05 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 6/06 ____N/A____, 7/07 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_WS_SPACETAB_IDX ; 8/08 __BAKSPACE_, 9/09 __FWDSPACE_ ct_mix CT_CTRL_WS_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 10/0a _____LF____, 11/0b ____HOME___ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_WS_IDX ; 12/0c ___UPLINE__, 13/0d _____CR____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 14/0e __ULINEON__, 15/0f __ULINEOFF_ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 16/10 _ESC_GRAPH_, 17/11 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 18/12 ___REVON___, 19/13 ___REVOFF__ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 20/14 ___GOTOX___, 21/15 ___GOTOY___ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 22/16 ___GOTOXY__, 23/17 _NEWCRDSET_ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 24/18 ___BOLDON__, 25/19 __ITALICON_ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 26/1a _OUTLINEON_, 27/1b _PLAINTEXT_ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 28/1c ____N/A____, 29/1d ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_CTRL_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 30/1e ____N/A____, 31/1f ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_SPACE_SPACETAB_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 32/20 ___SPACE___, 33/21 _____!_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 34/22 _____"_____, 35/23 _____#_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 36/24 _____$_____, 37/25 _____%_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 38/26 _____&_____, 39/27 _____'_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 40/28 _____(_____, 41/29 _____)_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 42/2a _____*_____, 43/2b _____+_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 44/2c _____,_____, 45/2d _____-_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 46/2e _____._____, 47/2f _____/_____ ct_mix CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX ; 48/30 _____0_____, 49/31 _____1_____ ct_mix CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX ; 50/32 _____2_____, 51/33 _____3_____ ct_mix CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX ; 52/34 _____4_____, 53/35 _____5_____ ct_mix CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX ; 54/36 _____6_____, 55/37 _____7_____ ct_mix CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_DIGIT_XDIGIT_IDX ; 56/38 _____8_____, 57/39 _____9_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 58/3a _____:_____, 59/3b _____;_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 60/3c _____<_____, 61/3d _____=_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 62/3e _____>_____, 63/3f _____?_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_UPPER_XDIGIT_IDX ; 64/40 _____@_____, 65/41 _____A_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_UPPER_XDIGIT_IDX ; 66/42 _____B_____, 67/43 _____C_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_UPPER_XDIGIT_IDX ; 68/44 _____D_____, 69/45 _____E_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 70/46 _____F_____, 71/47 _____G_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 72/48 _____H_____, 73/49 _____I_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 74/4a _____J_____, 75/4b _____K_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 76/4c _____L_____, 77/4d _____M_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 78/4e _____N_____, 79/4f _____O_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 80/50 _____P_____, 81/51 _____Q_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 82/52 _____R_____, 83/53 _____S_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 84/54 _____T_____, 85/55 _____U_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 86/56 _____V_____, 87/57 _____W_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_UPPER_IDX ; 88/58 _____X_____, 89/59 _____Y_____ ct_mix CT_UPPER_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 90/5a _____Z_____, 91/5b _____[_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 92/5c _____\_____, 93/5d _____]_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 94/5e _____^_____, 95/5f _UNDERLINE_ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_LOWER_XDIGIT_IDX ; 96/60 _____`_____, 97/61 _____a_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_LOWER_XDIGIT_IDX ; 98/62 _____b_____, 99/63 _____c_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_LOWER_XDIGIT_IDX ; 100/64 _____d_____, 101/65 _____e_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_XDIGIT_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 102/66 _____f_____, 103/67 _____g_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 104/68 _____h_____, 105/69 _____i_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 106/6a _____j_____, 107/6b _____k_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 108/6c _____l_____, 109/6d _____m_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 110/6e _____n_____, 111/6f _____o_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 112/70 _____p_____, 113/71 _____q_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 114/72 _____r_____, 15/73 _____s_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 116/74 _____t_____, 117/75 _____u_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 118/76 _____v_____, 119/77 _____w_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_LOWER_IDX ; 120/78 _____x_____, 121/79 _____y_____ ct_mix CT_LOWER_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 122/7a _____z_____, 123/7b _____{_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 124/7c _____|_____, 125/7d _____}_____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_CTRL_IDX ; 126/7e _____~_____, 127/7f __USELAST__ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 128/80 __SHORTCUT_ ,129/81 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 130/82 ____N/A____ ,131/83 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 132/84 ____N/A____ ,133/85 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 134/86 ____N/A____, 135/87 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 136/88 ____N/A____ ,137/89 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 138/8a ____N/A____ ,139/8b ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 140/8c ____N/A____, 141/8d ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 142/8e ____N/A____, 143/8f ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 144/90 ____N/A____, 145/91 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 146/92 ____N/A____, 147/93 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 148/94 ____N/A____, 149/95 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 150/96 ____N/A____, 151/97 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 152/98 ____N/A____, 153/99 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 154/9a ____N/A____, 155/9b ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 156/9c ____N/A____, 157/9d ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 158/9e ____N/A____, 159/9f ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 160/a0 ____N/A____, 161/a1 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 162/a2 ____N/A____, 163/a3 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 164/a4 ____N/A____, 165/a5 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 166/a6 ____N/A____, 167/a7 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 168/a8 ____N/A____, 169/a9 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 170/aa ____N/A____, 171/ab ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 172/ac ____N/A____, 173/ad ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 174/ae ____N/A____, 175/af ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 176/b0 ____N/A____, 177/b1 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 178/b2 ____N/A____, 179/b3 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 180/b4 ____N/A____, 181/b5 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 182/b6 ____N/A____, 183/b7 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 184/b8 ____N/A____, 185/b9 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 186/ba ____N/A____, 187/bb ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 188/bc ____N/A____, 189/bd ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 190/be ____N/A____, 191/bf ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 192/c0 ____N/A____, 193/c1 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 194/c2 ____N/A____, 195/c3 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 196/c4 ____N/A____, 197/c5 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 198/c6 ____N/A____, 199/c7 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 200/c8 ____N/A____, 201/c9 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 202/ca ____N/A____, 203/cb ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 204/cc ____N/A____, 205/cd ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 206/ce ____N/A____, 207/cf ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 208/d0 ____N/A____, 209/d1 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 210/d2 ____N/A____, 211/d3 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 212/d4 ____N/A____, 213/d5 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 214/d6 ____N/A____, 215/d7 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 216/d8 ____N/A____, 217/d9 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 218/da ____N/A____, 219/db ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 220/dc ____N/A____, 221/dd ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 222/de ____N/A____, 223/df ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 224/e0 ____N/A____, 225/e1 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 226/e2 ____N/A____, 227/e3 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 228/e4 ____N/A____, 229/e5 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 230/e6 ____N/A____, 231/e7 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 232/e8 ____N/A____, 233/e9 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 234/ea ____N/A____, 235/eb ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 236/ec ____N/A____, 237/ed ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 238/ee ____N/A____, 239/ef ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 240/f0 ____N/A____, 241/f1 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 242/f2 ____N/A____, 243/f3 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 244/f4 ____N/A____, 245/f5 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 246/f6 ____N/A____, 247/f7 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 248/f8 ____N/A____, 249/f9 ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 250/fa ____N/A____, 251/fb ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 252/fc ____N/A____, 253/fd ____N/A____ ct_mix CT_NONE_IDX, CT_NONE_IDX ; 254/fe ____N/A____, 255/ff ____N/A____