;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Atari System Equates ; by Freddy Offenga, Christian Groessler, and Christian Krueger ; ; References: ; - Atari 400/800 OS rev.B source code, Atari 1979 ; - Atari OS manual - XL addendum ; - Atari XL/XE rev.2 source code, Atari 1984 ; - Mapping the Atari - revised edition, Ian Chadwick 1985 ; ; ##old## old OS rev.B label - moved or deleted ; ##1200xl## new label introduced in 1200XL OS (rev.10/11) ; ##rev2## new label introduced in XL/XE OS rev.2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Configuration Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXDEV = 33 ;offset to last possible entry of HATABS IOCBSZ = 16 ;length of IOCB SEIOCB = 0*IOCBSZ ;##rev2## screen editor IOCB index MAXIOC = 8*IOCBSZ ;first invalid IOCB index DSCTSZ = 128 ;##rev2## disk sector size LEDGE = 2 ;left edge REDGE = 39 ;right edge INIML = $0700 ;##rev2## initial MEMLO ICSORG = $CC00 ;##rev2## international character set origin DCSORG = $E000 ;##rev2## domestic character set origin ; IOCB Command Code Equates OPEN = $03 ;open GETREC = $05 ;get record GETCHR = $07 ;get character(s) PUTREC = $09 ;put record PUTCHR = $0B ;put character(s) CLOSE = $0C ;close STATIS = $0D ;status SPECIL = $0E ;special ; DOS IOCB command codes RENAME = $20 ;rename disk file DELETE = $21 ;delete disk file LOCKFL = $23 ;lock file (set to read-only) UNLOCK = $24 ;unlock file POINT = $25 ;point sector NOTE = $26 ;note sector GETFL = $27 ;get file length CHDIR_MYDOS = $29 ;change directory (MyDOS) MKDIR = $2A ;make directory (MyDOS/SpartaDOS) RMDIR = $2B ;remove directory (SpartaDOS) CHDIR_SPDOS = $2C ;change directory (SpartaDOS) FORMAT = $FE ;format GETCWD = $30 ;get current directory (MyDOS/SpartaDOS) ; Special Entry Command Equates ; DOS Commands ; Command line table, Index values for (DOSVEC),Y -- COMTAB ; Compatible with OS/A+, DOS XL and SpartaDOS COMTAB = 0 ;DOS entry jump vector ZCRNAME = 3 ;file name crunch routine jump vector BUFOFF = 10 ;next parameter buffer offset COMFNAM = 33 ;destination buffer for crunch routine LBUF = 63 ;command line input buffer ; Screen IOCB Commands DRAWLN = $11 ;draw line FILLIN = $12 ;draw line with right fill ; ICAX1 Auxiliary Byte 1 Equates APPEND = $01 ;open write append (D:) DIRECT = $02 ;open for directory access (D:) OPNIN = $04 ;open for input (all devices) OPNOT = $08 ;open for output (all devices) MXDMOD = $10 ;open for mixed mode (E:, S:) INSCLR = $20 ;open for input without clearing screen ; Device Code Equates CASSET = 'C' ;cassette DISK = 'D' ;disk SCREDT = 'E' ;screen editor KBD = 'K' ;keyboard PRINTR = 'P' ;printer DISPLY = 'S' ;screen display ; SIO Command Code Equates SIO_FORMAT = $21 ;format disk (default density) SIO_FORMATS = $22 ;1050: format medium density SIO_CONFIG = $44 ;configure drive SIO_CONFIGSF = $4B ;slow/fast configure drive?? SIO_RDPERCOM = $4E ;read PERCOM block (XF551) SIO_WRPERCOM = $4F ;write PERCOM block (XF551) SIO_WRITE = $50 ;write sector SIO_READ = $52 ;read sector SIO_STAT = $53 ;get status information SIO_VERIFY = $56 ;verify sector SIO_WRITEV = $57 ;write sector with verify SIO_WRITETRK = $60 ;write track (Speedy) SIO_READTRK = $62 ;read track (Speedy) ; SIO Status Code (DSTATS) ; Input: data direction ; Bit #7 - W (write operation) ; #6 - R (read operation) ; Output: status code ; $01 (001) -- OPERATION COMPLETE (NO ERRORS) ; $8A (138) -- DEVICE TIMEOUT (DOESN'T RESPOND) ; $8B (139) -- DEVICE NAK ; $8C (140) -- SERIAL BUS INPUT FRAMING ERROR ; $8E (142) -- SERIAL BUS DATA FRAME OVERRUN ERROR ; $8F (143) -- SERIAL BUS DATA FRAME CHECKSUM ERROR ; $90 (144) -- DEVICE DONE ERROR ; Character and Key Code Equates CLS = $7D ;##rev2## clear screen EOL = $9B ;end of line (RETURN) HELP = $11 ;##1200xl## key code for HELP CNTLF1 = $83 ;##1200xl## key code for CTRL-F1 CNTLF2 = $84 ;##1200xl## key code for CTRL-F2 CNTLF3 = $93 ;##1200xl## key code for CTRL-F3 CNTLF4 = $94 ;##1200xl## key code for CTRL-F4 CNTL1 = $9F ;##1200xl## key code for CTRL-1 ; Status Code Equates SUCCES = 1 ;($01) succesful operation BRKABT = 128 ;($80) BREAK key abort PRVOPN = 129 ;($81) IOCB already open error NONDEV = 130 ;($82) nonexistent device error WRONLY = 131 ;($83) IOCB opened for write only error NVALID = 132 ;($84) invalid command error NOTOPN = 133 ;($85) device/file not open error BADIOC = 134 ;($86) invalid IOCB index error RDONLY = 135 ;($87) IOCB opened for read only error EOFERR = 136 ;($88) end of file error TRNRCD = 137 ;($89) truncated record error TIMOUT = 138 ;($8A) peripheral device timeout error DNACK = 139 ;($8B) device does not acknowledge command FRMERR = 140 ;($8C) serial bus framing error CRSROR = 141 ;($8D) cursor overrange error OVRRUN = 142 ;($8E) serial bus data overrun error CHKERR = 143 ;($8F) serial bus checksum error DERROR = 144 ;($90) device done (operation incomplete) BADMOD = 145 ;($91) bad screen mode number error FNCNOT = 146 ;($92) function not implemented in handler SCRMEM = 147 ;($93) insufficient memory for screen mode DSKFMT = 148 ;($94) SpartaDOS: unrecognized disk format INCVER = 149 ;($95) SpartaDOS: disk was made with incompat. version DIRNFD = 150 ;($96) SpartaDOS: directory not found FEXIST = 151 ;($97) SpartaDOS: file exists NOTBIN = 152 ;($98) SpartaDOS: file not binary LSYMND = 154 ;($9A) SDX: loader symbol not defined BADPRM = 156 ;($9C) SDX: bad parameter OUTOFM = 158 ;($9E) SDX: out of memory INVDEV = 160 ;($A0) invalid device number TMOF = 161 ;($A1) too many open files DSKFLL = 162 ;($A2) disk full FATLIO = 163 ;($A3) fatal I/O error FNMSMT = 164 ;($A4) internal file number mismatch INVFNM = 165 ;($A5) invalid file name PDLERR = 166 ;($A6) point data length error EPERM = 167 ;($A7) permission denied DINVCM = 168 ;($A8) command invalid for disk DIRFLL = 169 ;($A9) directory full FNTFND = 170 ;($AA) file not found PNTINV = 171 ;($AB) point invalid BADDSK = 173 ;($AD) bad disk INCFMT = 176 ;($B0) DOS 3: incompatible file system ; DCB Device Bus Equates DISKID = $31 ;##rev2## disk bus ID PDEVN = $40 ;##rev2## printer bus ID CASET = $60 ;##rev2## cassette bus ID ; Bus Command Equates FOMAT = '!' ;##rev2## format command PUTSEC = 'P' ;##rev2## put sector command READ = 'R' ;##rev2## read command STATC = 'S' ;##rev2## status command WRITE = 'W' ;##rev2## write command ; Command Auxiliary Byte Equates DOUBLE = 'D' ;##rev2## print 20 characters double width NORMAL = 'N' ;##rev2## print 40 characters normally PLOT = 'P' ;##rev2## plot SIDWAY = 'S' ;##rev2## print 16 characters sideways ; Bus Response Equates ACK = 'A' ;##rev2## device acknowledged COMPLT = 'C' ;##rev2## device succesfully completed operation ERROR = 'E' ;##rev2## device incurred error NACK = 'N' ;##rev2## device did not understand ; Floating Point Miscellaneous Equates FPREC = 6 ;precision FMPREC = FPREC-1 ;##rev2## length of mantissa ; Cassette Record Type Equates HDR = $FB ;##rev2## header DTA = $FC ;##rev2## data record DT1 = $FA ;##rev2## last data record EOT = $FE ;##rev2## end of tape (file) TONE1 = 2 ;##rev2## record TONE2 = 1 ;##rev2## playback ; Cassette Timing Equates WLEADN = 1152 ;##rev2## NTSC 19.2 second WRITE file leader RLEADN = 576 ;##rev2## NTSC 9.6 second READ file leader WIRGLN = 180 ;##rev2## NTSC 3.0 second WRITE IRG RIRGLN = 120 ;##rev2## NTSC 2.0 second READ IRG WSIRGN = 15 ;##rev2## NTSC 0.25 second WRITE short IRG RSIRGN = 10 ;##rev2## NTSC 0.16 second READ short IRG BEEPNN = 30 ;##rev2## NTSC 0.5 second beep duration BEEPFN = 10 ;##rev2## NTSC 0.16 seconrd beep duration WLEADP = 960 ;##rev2## PAL 19.2 second WRITE file leader RLEADP = 480 ;##rev2## PAL 9.6 second READ file leader WIRGLP = 150 ;##rev2## PAL 3.0 second WRITE IRG RIRGLP = 100 ;##rev2## PAL 2.0 second READ IRG WSIRGP = 13 ;##rev2## PAL 0.25 second WRITE short IRG RSIRGP = 8 ;##rev2## PAL 0.16 second READ short IRG BEEPNP = 25 ;##rev2## PAL 0.5 second beep duration BEEPFP = 8 ;##rev2## PAL 0.16 seconrd beep duration WIRGHI = 0 ;##rev2## high WRITE IRG RIRGHI = 0 ;##rev2## high READ IRG ; Power-up Validation Byte Value Equates PUPVL1 = $5C ;##rev2## power-up validation value 1 PUPVL2 = $93 ;##rev2## power-up validation value 2 PUPVL3 = $25 ;##rev2## power-up validation value 3 ; Relocating Loader Miscellaneous Equates DATAER = 156 ;##rev2## end of record appears before END MEMERR = 157 ;##rev2## memory insufficient for load error ; Miscellaneous Equates IOCFRE = $FF ;IOCB free indication B19200 = $0028 ;##rev2## 19200 baud POKEY counter value B00600 = $05CC ;##rev2## 600 baud POKEY counter value HITONE = $05 ;##rev2## FSK high freq. POKEY counter value LOTONE = $07 ;##rev2## FSK low freq. POKEY counter value NCOMLO = $34 ;##rev2## PIA lower NOT COMMAND line command NCOMHI = $3C ;##rev2## PIA raise NOT COMMAND line command MOTRGO = $34 ;##rev2## PIA cassette motor ON command MOTRST = $3C ;##rev2## PIA cassette motor OFF command NODAT = $00 ;##rev2## SIO immediate operation GETDAT = $40 ;##rev2## SIO read data frame PUTDAT = $80 ;##rev2## SIO write data frame CRETRI = 13 ;##rev2## number of command frame retries DRETRI = 1 ;##rev2## number of device retries CTIM = 2 ;##rev2## command frame ACK timeout NBUFSZ = 40 ;##rev2## print normal buffer size DBUFSZ = 20 ;##rev2## print double buffer size SBUFSZ = 29 ;##rev2## print sideways buffer size ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page Zero Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINZBS = $00 ;LINBUG RAM (WILL BE REPLACED BY MONITOR RAM) LNFLG = $00 ;##1200xl## 1-byte LNBUG flag (0 = not LNBUG) NGFLAG = $01 ;##1200xl## 1-byte memory status (0 = failure) ; Not Cleared CASINI = $02 ;CASSETTE INIT LOCATION RAMLO = $04 ;RAM POINTER FOR MEMORY TEST TRAMSZ = $06 ;TEMPORARY REGISTER FOR RAM SIZE ;TSTDAT = $07 ;##old## RAM TEST DATA REGISTER CMCMD = $07 ;##rev2## 1-byte command communications ; Cleared upon Coldstart only WARMST = $08 ;WARM START FLAG BOOTQ = $09 ;SUCCESSFUL BOOT FLAG DOSVEC = $0A ;DISK SOFTWARE START VECTOR DOSINI = $0C ;DISK SOFTWARE INIT ADDRESS APPMHI = $0E ;APPLICATIONS MEMORY HI LIMIT ; Cleared upon Coldstart or Warmstart INTZBS = $10 ;INTERRUPT HANDLER POKMSK = $10 ;SYSTEM MASK FOR POKEY IRG ENABLE BRKKEY = $11 ;BREAK KEY FLAG RTCLOK = $12 ;REAL TIME CLOCK (IN 16 MSEC UNITS> BUFADR = $15 ;INDIRECT BUFFER ADDRESS REGISTER ICCOMT = $17 ;COMMAND FOR VECTOR DSKFMS = $18 ;DISK FILE MANAGER POINTER DSKUTL = $1A ;DISK UTILITIES POINTER ABUFPT = $1C ;##1200xl## 4-byte ACMI buffer pointer area ;PTIMOT = $1C ;##old## PRINTER TIME OUT REGISTER ;PBPNT = $1D ;##old## PRINT BUFFER POINTER ;PBUFSZ = $1E ;##old## PRINT BUFFER SIZE ;PTEMP = $1F ;##old## TEMPORARY REGISTER ZIOCB = $20 ;ZERO PAGE I/O CONTROL BLOCK IOCBAS = $20 ;16-byte page zero IOCB ICHIDZ = $20 ;HANDLER INDEX NUMBER (FF = IOCB FREE) ICDNOZ = $21 ;DEVICE NUMBER (DRIVE NUMBER) ICCOMZ = $22 ;COMMAND CODE ICSTAZ = $23 ;STATUS OF LAST IOCB ACTION ICBALZ = $24 ;BUFFER ADDRESS LOW BYTE ICBAHZ = $25 ;1-byte high buffer address ICPTLZ = $26 ;PUT BYTE ROUTINE ADDRESS -1 ICPTHZ = $27 ;1-byte high PUT-BYTE routine address ICBLLZ = $28 ;BUFFER LENGTH LOW BYTE ICBLHZ = $29 ;1-byte high buffer length ICAX1Z = $2A ;AUXILIARY INFORMATION FIRST BYTE ICAX2Z = $2B ;1-byte second auxiliary information ICSPRZ = $2C ;4-byte spares ENTVEC = $2C ;##rev2## 2-byte (not used) ICIDNO = $2E ;IOCB NUMBER X 16 CIOCHR = $2F ;CHARACTER BYTE FOR CURRENT OPERATION STATUS = $30 ;INTERNAL STATUS STORAGE CHKSUM = $31 ;CHECKSUM (SINGLE BYTE SUM WITH CARRY) BUFRLO = $32 ;POINTER TO DATA BUFFER (LO BYTE) BUFRHI = $33 ;POINTER TO DATA BUFFER (HI BYTE) BFENLO = $34 ;NEXT BYTE PAST END OF THE DATA BUFFER LO BFENHI = $35 ;NEXT BYTE PAST END OF THE DATA BUFFER HI ;CRETRY = $36 ;##old## NUMBER OF COMMAND FRAME RETRIES ;DRETRY = $37 ;##old## NUMBER OF DEVICE RETRIES LTEMP = $36 ;##1200xl## 2-byte loader temporary BUFRFL = $38 ;DATA BUFFER FULL FLAG RECVDN = $39 ;RECEIVE DONE FLAG XMTDON = $3A ;TRANSMISSION DONE FLAG CHKSNT = $3B ;CHECKSUM SENT FLAG NOCKSM = $3C ;NO CHECKSUM FOLLOWS DATA FLAG BPTR = $3D ;1-byte cassette buffer pointer FTYPE = $3E ;1-byte cassette IRG type FEOF = $3F ;1-byte cassette EOF flag (0 = quiet) FREQ = $40 ;1-byte cassette beep counter SOUNDR = $41 ;NOISY I/0 FLAG. (ZERO IS QUIET) CRITIC = $42 ;DEFINES CRITICAL SECTION (CRITICAL IF NON-Z) FMSZPG = $43 ;DISK FILE MANAGER SYSTEM ZERO PAGE ;CKEY = $4A ;##old## FLAG SET WHEN GAME START PRESSED ZCHAIN = $4A ;##1200xl## 2-byte handler linkage chain pointer ;CASSBT = $4B ;##old## CASSETTE BOOT FLAG DSTAT = $4C ;DISPLAY STATUS ATRACT = $4D ;ATRACT FLAG DRKMSK = $4E ;DARK ATRACT MASK COLRSH = $4F ;ATRACT COLOR SHIFTER (EOR'ED WITH PLAYFIELD TMPCHR = $50 ;1-byte temporary character HOLD1 = $51 ;1-byte temporary LMARGN = $52 ;left margin (normally 2, cc65 C startup code sets it to 0) RMARGN = $53 ;right margin (normally 39 if no XEP80 is used) ROWCRS = $54 ;1-byte cursor row COLCRS = $55 ;2-byte cursor column DINDEX = $57 ;1-byte display mode SAVMSC = $58 ;2-byte saved memory scan counter OLDROW = $5A ;1-byte prior row OLDCOL = $5B ;2-byte prior column OLDCHR = $5D ;DATA UNDER CURSOR OLDADR = $5E ;2-byte saved cursor memory address FKDEF = $60 ;##1200xl## 2-byte function key definition table ;NEWROW = $60 ;##old## POINT DRAW GOES TO ;NEWCOL = $61 ;##old## PALNTS = $62 ;##1200xl## 1-byte PAL/NTSC indicator (0 = NTSC) LOGCOL = $63 ;POINTS AT COLUMN IN LOGICAL LINE ADRESS = $64 ;2-byte temporary address MLTTMP = $66 ;1-byte temporary OPNTMP = $66 ;FIRST BYTE IS USED IN OPEN AS TEMP TOADR = $66 ;##rev2## 2-byte destination address SAVADR = $68 ;2-byte saved address FRMADR = $68 ;##rev2## 2-byte source address RAMTOP = $6A ;RAM SIZE DEFINED BY POWER ON LOGIC BUFCNT = $6B ;BUFFER COUNT BUFSTR = $6C ;EDITOR GETCH POINTER BITMSK = $6E ;BIT MASK SHFAMT = $6F ;1-byte shift amount for pixel justifucation ROWAC = $70 ;2-byte draw working row COLAC = $72 ;2-byte draw working column ENDPT = $74 ;2-byte end point DELTAR = $76 ;1-byte row difference DELTAC = $77 ;2-byte column difference KEYDEF = $79 ;##1200xl## 2-byte key definition table address ;ROWINC = $79 ;##old## ;COLINC = $7A ;##old## SWPFLG = $7B ;NON-0 1F TXT AND REGULAR RAM IS SWAPPED HOLDCH = $7C ;CH IS MOVED HERE IN KGETCH BEFORE CNTL & SH INSDAT = $7D ;1-byte temporary COUNTR = $7E ;2-byte draw iteration count ; Floating Point Package Page Zero Address Equates FR0 = $D4 ;6-byte register 0 FR0M = $D5 ;##rev2## 5-byte register 0 mantissa QTEMP = $D9 ;##rev2## 1-byte temporary FRE = $DA ;6-byte (internal) register E FR1 = $E0 ;FP REG1 FR1M = $E1 ;##rev2## 5-byte register 1 mantissa FR2 = $E6 ;6-byte (internal) register 2 FRX = $EC ;1-byte temporary EEXP = $ED ;VALUE OF E FRSIGN = $EE ;##rev2## 1-byte floating point sign NSIGN = $EE ;SIGN OF # PLYCNT = $EF ;##rev2## 1-byte polynomial degree ESIGN = $EF ;SIGN OF EXPONENT SGNFLG = $F0 ;##rev2## 1-byte sign flag FCHRFLG = $F0 ;1ST CHAR FLAG XFMFLG = $F1 ;##rev2## 1-byte transform flag DIGRT = $F1 ;# OF DIGITS RIGHT OF DECIMAL CIX = $F2 ;CURRENT INPUT INDEX INBUFF = $F3 ;POINTS TO USER'S LINE INPUT BUFFER ZTEMP1 = $F5 ;2-byte temporary ZTEMP4 = $F7 ;2-byte temporary ZTEMP3 = $F9 ;2-byte temporary ;DEGFLG = $FB ;##old## same as RADFLG ;RADFLG = $FB ;##old## 0=RADIANS, 6=DEGREES FLPTR = $FC ;2-byte floating point number pointer FPTR2 = $FE ;2-byte floating point number pointer ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page Two Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTABS = $0200 ;INTERRUPT RAM VDSLST = $0200 ;DISPLAY LIST NMI VECTOR VPRCED = $0202 ;PROCEED LINE IRQ VECTOR VINTER = $0204 ;INTERRUPT LINE IRQ VECTOR VBREAK = $0206 ;SOFTWARE BREAK (00) INSTRUCTION IRQ VECTOR VKEYBD = $0208 ;POKEY KEYBOARD IRQ VECTOR VSERIN = $020A ;POKEY SERIAL INPUT READY IRQ VSEROR = $020C ;POKEY SERIAL OUTPUT READY IRQ VSEROC = $020E ;POKEY SERIAL OUTPUT COMPLETE IRQ VTIMR1 = $0210 ;POKEY TIMER 1 IRG VTIMR2 = $0212 ;POKEY TIMER 2 IRG VTIMR4 = $0214 ;POKEY TIMER 4 IRG VIMIRQ = $0216 ;IMMEDIATE IRG VECTOR CDTMV1 = $0218 ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 1 CDTMV2 = $021A ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 2 CDTMV3 = $021C ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 3 CDTMV4 = $021E ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 4 CDTMV5 = $0220 ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 5 VVBLKI = $0222 ;IMMEDIATE VERTICAL BLANK NMI VECTOR VVBLKD = $0224 ;DEFERRED VERTICAL BLANK NMI VECTOR CDTMA1 = $0226 ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 1 JSR ADDRESS CDTMA2 = $0228 ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 2 JSR ADDRESS CDTMF3 = $022A ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 3 FLAG SRTIMR = $022B ;SOFTWARE REPEAT TIMER CDTMF4 = $022C ;COUNT DOWN TIMER 4 FLAG INTEMP = $022D ;IAN'S TEMP CDTMF5 = $022E ;COUNT DOWN TIMER FLAG 5 SDMCTL = $022F ;SAVE DMACTL REGISTER SDLSTL = $0230 ;SAVE DISPLAY LIST LOW BYTE SDLSTH = $0231 ;SAVE DISPLAY LIST HI BYTE SSKCTL = $0232 ;SKCTL REGISTER RAM LCOUNT = $0233 ;##1200xl## 1-byte relocating loader record LPENH = $0234 ;LIGHT PEN HORIZONTAL VALUE LPENV = $0235 ;LIGHT PEN VERTICAL VALUE BRKKY = $0236 ;BREAK KEY VECTOR ;RELADR = $0238 ;##1200xl## 2-byte relocatable loader address VPIRQ = $0238 ;##rev2## 2-byte parallel device IRQ vector CDEVIC = $023A ;COMMAND FRAME BUFFER - DEVICE CCOMND = $023B ;COMMAND CAUX1 = $023C ;COMMAND AUX BYTE 1 CAUX2 = $023D ;COMMAND AUX BYTE 2 TEMP = $023E ;TEMPORARY RAM CELL ERRFLG = $023F ;ERROR FLAG - ANY DEVICE ERROR EXCEPT TIME OUT DFLAGS = $0240 ;DISK FLAGS FROM SECTOR ONE DBSECT = $0241 ;NUMBER OF DISK BOOT SECTORS BOOTAD = $0242 ;ADDRESS WHERE DISK BOOT LOADER WILL BE PUT COLDST = $0244 ;COLDSTART FLAG (1=IN MIDDLE OF COLDSTART> RECLEN = $0245 ;##1200xl## 1-byte relocating loader record length DSKTIM = $0246 ;DISK TIME OUT REGISTER ;LINBUF = $0247 ;##old## CHAR LINE BUFFER PDVMSK = $0247 ;##rev2## 1-byte parallel device selection mask SHPDVS = $0248 ;##rev2## 1-byte PDVS (parallel device select) PDIMSK = $0249 ;##rev2## 1-byte parallel device IRQ selection RELADR = $024A ;##rev2## 2-byte relocating loader relative adr. PPTMPA = $024C ;##rev2## 1-byte parallel device handler temporary PPTMPX = $024D ;##rev2## 1-byte parallel device handler temporary CHSALT = $026B ;##1200xl## 1-byte character set alternate VSFLAG = $026C ;##1200xl## 1-byte fine vertical scroll count KEYDIS = $026D ;##1200xl## 1-byte keyboard disable FINE = $026E ;##1200xl## 1-byte fine scrolling mode GPRIOR = $026F ;GLOBAL PRIORITY CELL PADDL0 = $0270 ;1-byte potentiometer 0 PADDL1 = $0271 ;1-byte potentiometer 1 PADDL2 = $0272 ;1-byte potentiometer 2 PADDL3 = $0273 ;1-byte potentiometer 3 PADDL4 = $0274 ;1-byte potentiometer 4 PADDL5 = $0275 ;1-byte potentiometer 5 PADDL6 = $0276 ;1-byte potentiometer 6 PADDL7 = $0277 ;1-byte potentiometer 7 STICK0 = $0278 ;1-byte joystick 0 STICK1 = $0279 ;1-byte joystick 1 STICK2 = $027A ;1-byte joystick 2 STICK3 = $027B ;1-byte joystick 3 PTRIG0 = $027C ;1-byte paddle trigger 0 PTRIG1 = $027D ;1-byte paddle trigger 1 PTRIG2 = $027E ;1-byte paddle trigger 2 PTRIG3 = $027F ;1-byte paddle trigger 3 PTRIG4 = $0280 ;1-byte paddle trigger 4 PTRIG5 = $0281 ;1-byte paddle trigger 5 PTRIG6 = $0281 ;1-byte paddle trigger 6 PTRIG7 = $0283 ;1-byte paddle trigger 7 STRIG0 = $0284 ;1-byte joystick trigger 0 STRIG1 = $0285 ;1-byte joystick trigger 1 STRIG2 = $0286 ;1-byte joystick trigger 2 STRIG3 = $0287 ;1-byte joystick trigger 3 ;CSTAT = $0288 ;##old## cassette status register HIBYTE = $0288 ;##1200xl## 1-byte relocating loader high byte WMODE = $0289 ;1-byte cassette WRITE mode BLIM = $028A ;1-byte cassette buffer limit IMASK = $028B ;##rev2## (not used) JVECK = $028C ;2-byte jump vector or temporary NEWADR = $028E ;##1200xl## 2-byte relocating address TXTROW = $0290 ;TEXT ROWCRS TXTCOL = $0291 ;TEXT COLCRS TINDEX = $0293 ;TEXT INDEX TXTMSC = $0294 ;FOOLS CONVRT INTO NEW MSC TXTOLD = $0296 ;OLDROW & OLDCOL FOR TEXT (AND THEN SOME) ;TMPX1 = $029C ;##old## 1-byte temporary register CRETRY = $029C ;##1200xl## 1-byte number of command frame retries HOLD3 = $029D ;1-byte temporary SUBTMP = $029E ;1-byte temporary HOLD2 = $029F ;1-byte (not used) DMASK = $02A0 ;1-byte display (pixel location) mask TMPLBT = $02A1 ;1-byte (not used) ESCFLG = $02A2 ;ESCAPE FLAG TABMAP = $02A3 ;15-byte (120 bit) tab stop bit map LOGMAP = $02B2 ;LOGICAL LINE START BIT MAP INVFLG = $02B6 ;INVERSE VIDEO FLAG (TOGGLED BY ATARI KEY) FILFLG = $02B7 ;RIGHT FILL FLAG FOR DRAW TMPROW = $02B8 ;1-byte temporary row TMPCOL = $02B9 ;2-byte temporary column SCRFLG = $02BB ;SET IF SCROLL OCCURS HOLD4 = $02BC ;TEMP CELL USED IN DRAW ONLY ;HOLD5 = $02BD ;##old## DITTO DRETRY = $02BD ;##1200xl## 1-byte number of device retries SHFLOK = $02BE ;1-byte shift/control lock flags BOTSCR = $02BF ;BOTTOM OF SCREEN 24 NORM 4 SPLIT PCOLR0 = $02C0 ;1-byte player-missile 0 color/luminance PCOLR1 = $02C1 ;1-byte player-missile 1 color/luminance PCOLR2 = $02C2 ;1-byte player-missile 2 color/luminance PCOLR3 = $02C3 ;1-byte player-missile 3 color/luminance COLOR0 = $02C4 ;1-byte playfield 0 color/luminance COLOR1 = $02C5 ;1-byte playfield 1 color/luminance COLOR2 = $02C6 ;1-byte playfield 2 color/luminance COLOR3 = $02C7 ;1-byte playfield 3 color/luminance COLOR4 = $02C8 ;1-byte background color/luminance PARMBL = $02C9 ;##rev2## 6-byte relocating loader parameter RUNADR = $02C9 ;##1200xl## 2-byte run address HIUSED = $02CB ;##1200xl## 2-byte highest non-zero page address ZHIUSE = $02CD ;##1200xl## 2-byte highest zero page address OLDPAR = $02CF ;##rev2## 6-byte relocating loader parameter GBYTEA = $02CF ;##1200xl## 2-byte GET-BYTE routine address LOADAD = $02D1 ;##1200xl## 2-byte non-zero page load address ZLOADA = $02D3 ;##1200xl## 2-byte zero page load address DSCTLN = $02D5 ;##1200xl## 2-byte disk sector length ACMISR = $02D7 ;##1200xl## 2-byte ACMI interrupt service routine KRPDEL = $02D9 ;##1200xl## 1-byte auto-repeat delay KEYREP = $02DA ;##1200xl## 1-byte auto-repeat rate NOCLIK = $02DB ;##1200xl## 1-byte key click disable HELPFG = $02DC ;##1200xl## 1-byte HELP key flag (0 = no HELP) DMASAV = $02DD ;##1200xl## 1-byte SDMCTL save/restore PBPNT = $02DE ;##1200xl## 1-byte printer buffer pointer PBUFSZ = $02DF ;##1200xl## 1-byte printer buffer size GLBABS = $02E0 ;4-byte global variables for non-DOS users RUNAD = $02E0 ;##map## 2-byte binary file run address INITAD = $02E2 ;##map## 2-byte binary file initialization address RAMSIZ = $02E4 ;RAM SIZE (HI BYTE ONLY) MEMTOP = $02E5 ;TOP OF AVAILABLE USER MEMORY MEMLO = $02E7 ;BOTTOM OF AVAILABLE USER MEMORY HNDLOD = $02E9 ;##1200xl## 1-byte user load flag DVSTAT = $02EA ;STATUS BUFFER CBAUDL = $02EE ;1-byte low cassette baud rate CBAUDH = $02EF ;1-byte high cassette baud rate CRSINH = $02F0 ;CURSOR INHIBIT (00 = CURSOR ON) KEYDEL = $02F1 ;KEY DELAY CH1 = $02F2 ;1-byte prior keyboard character CHACT = $02F3 ;CHACTL REGISTER RAM CHBAS = $02F4 ;CHBAS REGISTER RAM NEWROW = $02F5 ;##1200xl## 1-byte draw destination row NEWCOL = $02F6 ;##1200xl## 2-byte draw destination column ROWINC = $02F8 ;##1200xl## 1-byte draw row increment COLINC = $02F9 ;##1200xl## 1-byte draw column increment CHAR = $02FA ;1-byte internal character ATACHR = $02FB ;ATASCII CHARACTER CH = $02FC ;GLOBAL VARIABLE FOR KEYBOARD FILDAT = $02FD ;RIGHT FILL DATA DSPFLG = $02FE ;DISPLAY FLAG DISPLAY CNTLS IF NON-ZERO SSFLAG = $02FF ;START/STOP FLAG FOR PAGING (CNTL 1). CLEARE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page Three Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- DCB = $0300 ;DEVICE CONTROL BLOCK DDEVIC = $0300 ;PERIPHERAL UNIT 1 BUS I.D. NUMBER DUNIT = $0301 ;UNIT NUMBER DCOMND = $0302 ;BUS COMMAND DSTATS = $0303 ;COMMAND TYPE/STATUS RETURN DBUFLO = $0304 ;1-byte low data buffer address DBUFHI = $0305 ;1-byte high data buffer address DTIMLO = $0306 ;DEVICE TIME OUT IN 1 SECOND UNITS DUNUSE = $0307 ;UNUSED BYTE DBYTLO = $0308 ;1-byte low number of bytes to transfer DBYTHI = $0309 ;1-byte high number of bytes to transfer DAUX1 = $030A ;1-byte first command auxiliary DAUX2 = $030B ;1-byte second command auxiliary TIMER1 = $030C ;INITIAL TIMER VALUE ;ADDCOR = $030E ;##old## ADDITION CORRECTION JMPERS = $030E ;##1200xl## 1-byte jumper options CASFLG = $030F ;CASSETTE MODE WHEN SET TIMER2 = $0310 ;2-byte final baud rate timer value TEMP1 = $0312 ;TEMPORARY STORAGE REGISTER ;TEMP2 = $0314 ;##old## TEMPORARY STORAGE REGISTER TEMP2 = $0313 ;##1200xl## 1-byte temporary PTIMOT = $0314 ;##1200xl## 1-byte printer timeout TEMP3 = $0315 ;TEMPORARY STORAGE REGISTER SAVIO = $0316 ;SAVE SERIAL IN DATA PORT TIMFLG = $0317 ;TIME OUT FLAG FOR BAUD RATE CORRECTION STACKP = $0318 ;SIO STACK POINTER SAVE CELL TSTAT = $0319 ;TEMPORARY STATUS HOLDER HATABS = $031A ;35-byte handler address table (was 38 bytes) PUPBT1 = $033D ;##1200xl## 1-byte power-up validation byte 1 PUPBT2 = $033E ;##1200xl## 1-byte power-up validation byte 2 PUPBT3 = $033F ;##1200xl## 1-byte power-up validation byte 3 IOCB = $0340 ;I/O CONTROL BLOCKS ICHID = $0340 ;HANDLER INDEX NUMBER (FF=IOCB FREE) ICDNO = $0341 ;DEVICE NUMBER (DRIVE NUMBER) ICCOM = $0342 ;COMMAND CODE ICSTA = $0343 ;STATUS OF LAST IOCB ACTION ICBAL = $0344 ;1-byte low buffer address ICBAH = $0345 ;1-byte high buffer address ICPTL = $0346 ;1-byte low PUT-BYTE routine address - 1 ICPTH = $0347 ;1-byte high PUT-BYTE routine address - 1 ICBLL = $0348 ;1-byte low buffer length ICBLH = $0349 ;1-byte high buffer length ICAX1 = $034A ;1-byte first auxiliary information ICAX2 = $034B ;1-byte second auxiliary information ICAX3 = $034C ;1-byte third auxiliary information ICAX4 = $034D ;1-byte fourth auxiliary information ICAX5 = $034E ;1-byte fifth auxiliary information ICSPR = $034F ;SPARE BYTE PRNBUF = $03C0 ;PRINTER BUFFER SUPERF = $03E8 ;##1200xl## 1-byte editor super function flag CKEY = $03E9 ;##1200xl## 1-byte cassette boot request flag CASSBT = $03EA ;##1200xl## 1-byte cassette boot flag CARTCK = $03EB ;##1200xl## 1-byte cartridge equivalence check DERRF = $03EC ;##rev2## 1-byte screen OPEN error flag ; Remainder of Page Three Not Cleared upon Reset ACMVAR = $03ED ;##1200xl## 11 bytes reserved for ACMI BASICF = $03F8 ;##rev2## 1-byte BASIC switch flag MINTLK = $03F9 ;##1200xl## 1-byte ACMI module interlock GINTLK = $03FA ;##1200xl## 1-byte cartridge interlock CHLINK = $03FB ;##1200xl## 2-byte loaded handler chain link CASBUF = $03FD ;CASSETTE BUFFER ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page Four/Five Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; USER AREA STARTS HERE AND GOES TO END OF PAGE FIVE USAREA = $0480 ;128 bytes reserved for application LBPR1 = $057E ;LBUFF PREFIX 1 LBPR2 = $057F ;LBUFF PREFIX 2 LBUFF = $0580 ;128-byte line buffer PLYARG = $05E0 ;6-byte floating point polynomial argument FPSCR = $05E6 ;6-byte floating point temporary FPSCR1 = $05EC ;6-byte floating point temporary ;LBFEND = $05FF ;##old## END OF LBUFF DOS = $0700 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Cartridge Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARTCS = $BFFA ;##rev2## 2-byte cartridge coldstart address CART = $BFFC ;##rev2## 1-byte cartridge present indicator CARTFG = $BFFD ;##rev2## 1-byte cartridge flags CARTAD = $BFFE ;##rev2## 2-byte cartridge start vector ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CTIA/GTIA Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- GTIA = $D000 ;CTIA/GTIA area ; Read/Write Addresses CONSOL = $D01F ;console switches and speaker control ; Read Addresses M0PF = $D000 ;missile 0 and playfield collision M1PF = $D001 ;missile 1 and playfield collision M2PF = $D002 ;missile 2 and playfield collision M3PF = $D003 ;missile 3 and playfield collision P0PF = $D004 ;player 0 and playfield collision P1PF = $D005 ;player 1 and playfield collision P2PF = $D006 ;player 2 and playfield collision P3PF = $D007 ;player 3 and playfield collision M0PL = $D008 ;missile 0 and player collision M1PL = $D009 ;missile 1 and player collision M2PL = $D00A ;missile 2 and player collision M3PL = $D00B ;missile 3 and player collision P0PL = $D00C ;player 0 and player collision P1PL = $D00D ;player 1 and player collision P2PL = $D00E ;player 2 and player collision P3PL = $D00F ;player 3 and player collision TRIG0 = $D010 ;joystick trigger 0 TRIG1 = $D011 ;joystick trigger 1 TRIG2 = $D012 ;cartridge interlock TRIG3 = $D013 ;ACMI module interlock PAL = $D014 ;##rev2## PAL/NTSC indicator ; Write Addresses HPOSP0 = $D000 ;player 0 horizontal position HPOSP1 = $D001 ;player 1 horizontal position HPOSP2 = $D002 ;player 2 horizontal position HPOSP3 = $D003 ;player 3 horizontal position HPOSM0 = $D004 ;missile 0 horizontal position HPOSM1 = $D005 ;missile 1 horizontal position HPOSM2 = $D006 ;missile 2 horizontal position HPOSM3 = $D007 ;missile 3 horizontal position SIZEP0 = $D008 ;player 0 size SIZEP1 = $D009 ;player 1 size SIZEP2 = $D00A ;player 2 size SIZEP3 = $D00B ;player 3 size SIZEM = $D00C ;missile sizes GRAFP0 = $D00D ;player 0 graphics GRAFP1 = $D00E ;player 1 graphics GRAFP2 = $D00F ;player 2 graphics GRAFP3 = $D010 ;player 3 graphics GRAFM = $D011 ;missile graphics COLPM0 = $D012 ;player-missile 0 color/luminance COLPM1 = $D013 ;player-missile 1 color/luminance COLPM2 = $D014 ;player-missile 2 color/luminance COLPM3 = $D015 ;player-missile 3 color/luminance COLPF0 = $D016 ;playfield 0 color/luminance COLPF1 = $D017 ;playfield 1 color/luminance COLPF2 = $D018 ;playfield 2 color/luminance COLPF3 = $D019 ;playfield 3 color/luminance COLBK = $D01A ;background color/luminance PRIOR = $D01B ;priority select VDELAY = $D01C ;vertical delay GRACTL = $D01D ;graphic control HITCLR = $D01E ;collision clear ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PBI Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- PBI = $D100 ;##rev2## parallel bus interface area ; Read Addresses PDVI = $D1FF ;##rev2## parallel device IRQ status ; Write Addresses PDVS = $D1FF ;##rev2## parallel device select ; PBI RAM Address Equates PBIRAM = $D600 ;##rev2## parallel bus interface RAM area ; Parallel Device Address Equates PDID1 = $D803 ;##rev2## parallel device ID 1 PDIDV = $D805 ;##rev2## parallel device I/O vector PDIRQV = $D808 ;##rev2## parallel device IRQ vector PDID2 = $D80B ;##rev2## parallel device ID 2 PDVV = $D80D ;##rev2## parallel device vector table ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POKEY Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEY = $D200 ;POKEY area ; Read Addresses POT0 = $D200 ;potentiometer 0 POT1 = $D201 ;potentiometer 1 POT2 = $D202 ;potentiometer 2 POT3 = $D203 ;potentiometer 3 POT4 = $D204 ;potentiometer 4 POT5 = $D205 ;potentiometer 5 POT6 = $D206 ;potentiometer 6 POT7 = $D207 ;potentiometer 7 ALLPOT = $D208 ;potentiometer port status KBCODE = $D209 ;keyboard code RANDOM = $D20A ;random number generator SERIN = $D20D ;serial port input IRQST = $D20E ;IRQ interrupt status SKSTAT = $D20F ;serial port and keyboard status ; Write Addresses AUDF1 = $D200 ;channel 1 audio frequency AUDC1 = $D201 ;channel 1 audio control AUDF2 = $D202 ;channel 2 audio frequency AUDC2 = $D203 ;channel 2 audio control AUDF3 = $D204 ;channel 3 audio frequency AUDC3 = $D205 ;channel 3 audio control AUDF4 = $D206 ;channel 4 audio frequency AUDC4 = $D207 ;channel 4 audio control AUDCTL = $D208 ;audio control STIMER = $D209 ;start timers SKRES = $D20A ;reset SKSTAT status POTGO = $D20B ;start potentiometer scan sequence SEROUT = $D20D ;serial port output IRQEN = $D20E ;IRQ interrupt enable SKCTL = $D20F ;serial port and keyboard control ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PIA Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIA = $D300 ;PIA area PORTA = $D300 ;port A direction register or jacks one/two PORTB = $D301 ;port B direction register or memory management PACTL = $D302 ;port A control PBCTL = $D303 ;port B control ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ANTIC Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTIC = $D400 ;ANTIC area ; Read Addresses VCOUNT = $D40B ;vertical line counter PENH = $D40C ;light pen horizontal position PENV = $D40D ;light pen vertical position NMIST = $D40F ;NMI interrupt status ; Write Addresses DMACTL = $D400 ;DMA control CHACTL = $D401 ;character control DLISTL = $D402 ;low display list address DLISTH = $D403 ;high display list address HSCROL = $D404 ;horizontal scroll VSCROL = $D405 ;vertical scroll PMBASE = $D407 ;player-missile base address CHBASE = $D409 ;character base address WSYNC = $D40A ;wait for HBLANK synchronization NMIEN = $D40E ;NMI enable NMIRES = $D40F ;NMI interrupt reset ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Floating Point Package Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFP = $D800 ;convert ASCII to floating point FASC = $D8E6 ;convert floating point to ASCII IFP = $D9AA ;convert integer to floating point FPI = $D9D2 ;convert floating point to integer ZFR0 = $DA44 ;zero FR0 ZF1 = $DA46 ;zero floating point number FSUB = $DA60 ;subtract floating point numbers FADD = $DA66 ;add floating point numbers FMUL = $DADB ;multiply floating point numbers FDIV = $DB28 ;divide floating point numbers PLYEVL = $DD40 ;evaluate floating point polynomial FLD0R = $DD89 ;load floating point number FLD0P = $DD8D ;load floating point number FLD1R = $DD98 ;load floating point number PLD1P = $DD9C ;load floating point number FST0R = $DDA7 ;store floating point number FST0P = $DDAB ;store floating point number FMOVE = $DDB6 ;move floating point number LOG = $DECD ;calculate floating point logarithm LOG10 = $DED1 ;calculate floating point base 10 logarithm EXP = $DDC0 ;calculate floating point exponential EXP10 = $DDCC ;calculate floating point base 10 exponential ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device Handler Vector Table Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITRV = $E400 ;editor handler vector table SCRENV = $E410 ;screen handler vector table KEYBDV = $E420 ;keyboard handler vector table PRINTV = $E430 ;printer handler vector table CASETV = $E440 ;cassette handler vector table ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Jump Vector Address Equates ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISKIV = $E450 ;vector to initialize DIO DSKINV = $E453 ;vector to DIO .if .defined(__ATARIXL__) CIOV = $C0 SIOV = $C3 CIOV_org = $E456 ;vector to CIO SIOV_org = $E459 ;vector to SIO .else CIOV = $E456 ;vector to CIO SIOV = $E459 ;vector to SIO .endif SETVBV = $E45C ;vector to set VBLANK parameters SYSVBV = $E45F ;vector to process immediate VBLANK XITVBV = $E462 ;vector to process deferred VBLANK SIOINV = $E465 ;vector to initialize SIO SENDEV = $E468 ;vector to enable SEND INTINV = $E46B ;vector to initialize interrupt handler CIOINV = $E46E ;vector to initialize CIO BLKBDV = $E471 ;vector to power-up display WARMSV = $E474 ;vector to warmstart COLDSV = $E477 ;vector to coldstart RBLOKV = $E47A ;vector to read cassette block CSOPIV = $E47D ;vector to open cassette for input VCTABL = $E480 ;RAM vector initial value table PUPDIV = $E480 ;##rev2## vector to power-up display SLFTSV = $E483 ;##rev2## vector to self-test PHENTV = $E486 ;##rev2## vector to enter peripheral handler PHUNLV = $E489 ;##rev2## vector to unlink peripheral handler PHINIV = $E48C ;##rev2## vector to initialize peripheral handler GPDVV = $E48F ;##rev2## generic parallel device handler vector ; NOTE: OS rom self-test labels are not included in this file ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Some misc. stuff from the 400/800 rev.B source ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; THE FOLLOWING ARE IN BASIC CARTRIDGE: SIN = $BD81 ;FR0 <- SIN (FR0) DEGFLG (0=RAD,6=DEG) CARRY COS = $BD73 ;FR0 <- COS (FR0) CARRY ATAN = $BE43 ;FR0 <- ATAN(FR0) CARRY SQR = $BEB1 ;FR0 <- ROOT(FR0) CARRY RADON = 0 ;INDICATES RADIANS DEGON = 6 ;INDICATES DEGREES ASCZER = '0' ;ASCII ZERO COLON = $3A ;ASCII COLON CR = $9B ;SYSTEM EOL (CARRIAGE RETURN) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 6502 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- NMIVEC = $FFFA RESVEC = $FFFC IRQVEC = $FFFE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BASIC ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOMEM = $80 ;2-byte low memory pointer VNTP = $82 ;2-byte variable name table address VNTD = $84 ;2-byte variable name table end + 1 VVTP = $86 ;2-byte variable value table STMTAB = $88 ;2-byte statement table address STMCUR = $8A ;2-byte current statement pointer STARP = $8C ;2-byte string and array table pointer RUNSTK = $8E ;2-byte runtime stack address BMEMTOP = $90 ;2-byte top of memory pointer STOPLN = $BA ;2-byte stopped line number ERRSAVE = $C3 ;1-byte error code PTABW = $C9 ;1-byte tab width ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ATASCII CHARACTER DEFS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATCLR = $7D ;CLEAR SCREEN CHARACTER ATRUB = $7E ;BACK SPACE (RUBOUT) ATTAB = $7F ;TAB ATEOL = $9B ;END-OF-LINE ATDELL = $9C ;delete line ATINSL = $9D ;insert line ATCTAB = $9E ;clear TAB ATSTAB = $9F ;set TAB ATBEL = $FD ;CONSOLE BELL ATDEL = $FE ;delete char. ATINS = $FF ;insert char. ATURW = $1C ;UP-ARROW ATDRW = $1D ;DOWN-ARROW ATLRW = $1E ;LEFT-ARROW ATRRW = $1F ;RIGHT-ARROW ATESC = $1B ;ESCAPE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OFFSETS INTO SECTSIZETAB (DIO functions) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- sst_flag = 0 ; length 1 sst_sectsize = 1 ; 2 sst_driveno = 3 ; 1 (drive #) sst_size = 4 ; size of one entry ; if changed, adapt diopncls.s ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OFFSETS INTO dio_phys_pos ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- diopp_head = 0 ; head diopp_track = 1 ; track / cylinder diopp_sector = 3 ; sector diopp_size = 5 ; size of structure ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VALUES for dos_type ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATARIDOS = 0 SPARTADOS = 1 OSADOS = 2 ; OS/A+ MYDOS = 3 XDOS = 4 NODOS = 255 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Antic opcodes ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; usage example: ; ; ScreenDL: ; .byte DL_BLK8 ; .byte DL_BLK8 ; .byte DL_CHR40x8x1 + DL_LMS + DL_DLI ; .word ScreenAlignment ; .byte DL_BLK1 + DL_DLI ; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 + DL_LMS ; .word Screen ; ; .repeat 99 ; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 ; .endrepeat ; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 + DL_LMS ; .word Screen + 40 * 100 ; 100 lines a 40 byte, 'Screen' has to be aligned correctly! ; .repeat 92 ; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 ; .endrepeat ; ; .byte DL_JVB ; absolute instructions (non mode lines) DL_JMP = 1 DL_JVB = 65 DL_BLK1 = 0 DL_BLK2 = 16 DL_BLK3 = 32 DL_BLK4 = 48 DL_BLK5 = 64 DL_BLK6 = 80 DL_BLK7 = 96 DL_BLK8 = 112 ; absolute instructions (mode lines) DL_CHR40x8x1 = 2 ; monochrome, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 0) DL_CHR40x10x1 = 3 ; monochrome, 40 character & 10 scanlines per mode line DL_CHR40x8x4 = 4 ; colour, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 12) DL_CHR40x16x4 = 5 ; colour, 40 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 13) DL_CHR20x8x2 = 6 ; colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 1) DL_CHR20x16x2 = 7 ; colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 2) DL_MAP40x8x4 = 8 ; colour, 40 pixel & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 3) DL_MAP80x4x2 = 9 ; 'duochrome', 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.4) DL_MAP80x4x4 = 10 ; colour, 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.5) DL_MAP160x2x2 = 11 ; 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.6) DL_MAP160x1x2 = 12 ; 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.14) DL_MAP160x2x4 = 13 ; 4 colours, 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.7) DL_MAP160x1x4 = 14 ; 4 colours, 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.15) DL_MAP320x1x1 = 15 ; monochrome, 320 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.8) ; modifiers on mode lines... DL_HSCROL = 16 DL_VSCROL = 32 DL_LMS = 64 ; general modifier... DL_DLI = 128 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of atari.inc ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------