cc65 A C Compiler for 6502 Systems (C) Copyright 1989 John R. Dunning (C) Copyright 1998-2000 Ullrich von Bassewitz ( Contents -------- 1. Overview 2. Usage 3. Input and output 4. Differences to the ISO standard 5. Extensions 6. Predefined macros 7. #pragmas 8. Bugs/Feedback 9. Copyright 1. Overview ----------- cc65 was originally a C compiler for the Atari 8-bit machines written by John R. Dunning. In prior releases I've described the compiler by listing up the changes made by me. I have made many more changes in the meantime (and rewritten major parts of the compiler), so I will no longer do that, since the list would be too large and of no use to anyone. Instead I will describe the compiler in respect to the ANSI/ISO C standard. In fact, I'm planning a complete rewrite (that is, a complete new compiler) for the next release, since there are too many limitations in the current code, and removing these limitations would mean a rewrite of many more parts of the compiler. There is a separate document named "library.txt" that covers the library available for the compiler. If you know C and are interested in doing actual programming, the library documentation is probably of much more use than this document. If you need some hints for getting the best code out of the compiler, you may have a look at "coding.txt" which covers some code generation issues. 2. Usage -------- The compiler translates C files into files containing assembler code that may be translated by the ca65 macroassembler (for more information about the assembler, have a look at ca65.txt). The compiler may be called as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: cc65 [options] file Short options: -d Debug mode -g Add debug info to object file -h Help (this text) -j Default characters are signed -o name Name the output file -t sys Set the target system -v Increase verbosity -A Strict ANSI mode -Cl Make local variables static -Dsym[=defn] Define a symbol -I dir Set an include directory search path -O Optimize code -Oi Optimize code, inline more code -Or Enable register variables -Os Inline some known functions -T Include source as comment -V Print the compiler version number -W Suppress warnings Long options: --ansi Strict ANSI mode --cpu type Set cpu type --debug Debug mode --debug-info Add debug info to object file --help Help (this text) --include-dir dir Set an include directory search path --signed-chars Default characters are signed --static-locals Make local variables static --target sys Set the target system --verbose Increase verbosity --version Print the compiler version number --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -A --ansi This option disables any compiler exensions. Have a look at section 5 for a discussion of compiler extensions. In addition, the macro __STRICT_ANSI__ is defined, when using one of these options. --cpu CPU A new, still experimental option. You may specify "6502" or "65C02" as the CPU. 6502 is the default, so this will not change anything. Specifying 65C02 will use a few 65C02 instructions when generating code. Don't expect too much from this option: It is still new (and may have bugs), and the additional instructions for the 65C02 are not that overwhelming. -d --debug Enables debug mode, something that should not be needed for mere mortals:-) -D sym[=definition] Define a macro on the command line. If no definition is given, the macro is defined to the value "1". -g --debug-info This will cause the compiler to insert a .DEBUGINFO command into the generated assembler code. This will cause the assembler to include all symbols in a special section in the object file. -h --help Print the short option summary shown above. -j --signed-chars Using this option, you can make the default characters signed. Since the 6502 has no provisions for sign extending characters (which is needed on almost any load operation), this will make the code larger and slower. A better way is to declare characters explicitly as "signed" if needed. You can also use "#pragma signedchars" for better control of this option (see section 7). -t target --target target This option is used to set the target system. The target system determines things like the character set that is used for strings and character constants. The following target systems are supported: none c64 c128 ace (no library support) plus4 cbm610 pet (all CBM PET systems except the 2001) nes (Nintendo Entertainment System) apple2 geos -v --verbose Using this option, the compiler will be somewhat more verbose if errors or warnings are encountered. -Cl --static-locals Use static storage for local variables instead of storage on the stack. Since the stack is emulated in software, this gives shorter and usually faster code, but the code is no longer reentrant. The difference between -Cl and declaring local variables as static yourself is, that initializer code is executed each time, the function is entered. So when using void f (void) { unsigned a = 1; ... } the variable a will always have the value 1 when entering the function and using -Cl, while in void f (void) { static unsigned a = 1; .... } the variable a will have the value 1 only the first time, the function is entered, and will keep the old value from one call of the function to the next. You may also use #pragma staticlocals to change this setting in your sources (see section 7). -I dir --include-dir dir Set a directory where the compiler searches for include files. You may use this option multiple times to add more than one directory to the search list. -o name Specify the name of the output file. If you don't specify a name, the name of the C input file is used, with the extension replaced by ".s". -O, -Oi, -Or, -Os Enable an optimizer run over the produced code. Using -Oi, the code generator will inline some code where otherwise a runtime functions would have been called, even if the generated code is larger. This will not only remove the overhead for a function call, but will make the code visible for the optimizer. -Or will make the compiler honor the "register" keyword. Local variables may be placed in registers (which are actually zero page locations). There is some overhead involved with register variables, since the old contents of the registers must be saved and restored. In addition, the current implementation does not make good use of register variables, so using -Or may make your program even slower and larger. Use with care! Using -Os will force the compiler to inline some known functions from the C library like strlen. Note: This has two consequences: * You may not use names of standard C functions in your own code. If you do that, your program is not standard compliant anyway, but using -Os will actually break things. * The inlined string and memory functions will not handle strings or memory areas larger than 255 bytes. Similar, the inlined is..() functions will not work with values outside char range. It is possible to concatenate the modifiers for -O. For example, to enable register variables and inlining of known functions, you may use -Ors. -T This include the source code as comments in the generated code. This is normally not needed. -V --version Print the version number of the compiler. When submitting a bug report, please include the operating system you're using, and the compiler version. -W This option will suppress any warnings generated by the compiler. Since any source file may be written in a manner that it will not produce compiler warnings, using this option is usually not a good idea. 3. Input and output ------------------- The compiler will accept one C file per invocation and create a file with the same base name, but with the extension replaced by ".s". The output file contains assembler code suitable for the use with the ca65 macro assembler. In addition to the paths named in the -I option on the command line, the directory named in the environment variable CC65_INC is added to the search path for include files on startup. 4. Differences to the ISO standard ---------------------------------- Here is a list of differences between the language, the compiler accepts, and the one defined by the ISO standard: * The compiler allows single line comments that start with //. This feature is disabled in strict ANSI mode. * The compiler allows unnamed parameters in parameter lists. The compiler will not issue warnings about unused parameters that don't have a name. This feature is disabled in strict ANSI mode. * The compiler has some additional keywords: asm, __asm__, fastcall, __fastcall__, __AX__, __EAX__, __func__, __attribute__ The keywords without the underlines are disabled in strict ANSI mode. * The "const" modifier is available, but has no effect. * The datatypes "float" and "double" are not available. * The compiler does not support bit fields. * Initialization of local variables is only possible for scalar data types (that is, not for arrays and structs). * Because of the "wrong" order of the parameters on the stack, there is an additional macro needed to access parameters in a variable parameter list in a C function. * Functions may not return structs. However, struct assignment *is* possible. * Part of the C library is available only with fastcall calling conventions (see below). This means, that you may not mix pointers to those functions with pointers to user written functions. There may be some more minor differences, I'm currently not aware off. The biggest problem is the missing float data type. With this limitation in mind, you should be able to write fairly portable code. 5. Extensions ------------- This cc65 version has some extensions to the ISO C standard. * The compiler allows // comments (like in C++ and in the proposed C9x standard). This feature is disabled by -A. * The compiler allows to insert assembler statements into the output file. The syntax is asm () ; or __asm__ () ; The first form is in the user namespace and is disabled if the -A switch is given. The given string is inserted literally into the output file, and a newline is appended. The statements in this string are not checked by the compiler, so be careful! The asm statement may be used inside a function and on global file level. * There is a special calling convention named "fastcall". This calling convention is currently only usable for functions written in assembler. The syntax for a function declaration using fastcall is fastcall () or __fastcall__ () An example would be void __fastcall__ f (unsigned char c) The first form of the fastcall keyword is in the user namespace and is therefore disabled in strict ANSI mode. For functions declared as fastcall, the rightmost parameter is not pushed on the stack but left in the primary register when the function is called. This will reduce the cost when calling assembler functions significantly, especially when the function itself is rather small. * There are two pseudo variables named __AX__ and __EAX__. Both refer to the primary register that is used by the compiler to evaluate expressions or return function results. __AX__ is of type unsigned int and __EAX__ of type long unsigned int respectively. The pseudo variables may be used as lvalue and rvalue as every other variable. They are most useful together with short sequences of assembler code. For example, the macro #define hi(x) (__AX__=(x),asm("\ttxa\n\tldx\t#$00",__AX__) will give the high byte of any unsigned value. * Inside a function, the identifier __func__ gives the name of the current function as a string. Outside of functions, __func__ is undefined. Example: #define PRINT_DEBUG(s) printf ("%s: %s\n", __func__, s); The macro will print the name of the current function plus a given string. 6. Predefined macros -------------------- The compiler defines several macros at startup: __CC65__ This macro is always defined. Its value is the version number of the compiler in hex. Version 2.0.1 of the compiler will have this macro defined as 0x0201. __CBM__ This macro is defined if the target system is one of the CBM targets. __C64__ This macro is defined if the target is the c64 (-t c64). __C128__ This macro is defined if the target is the c128 (-t c128). __PLUS4__ This macro is defined if the target is the plus/4 (-t plus4). __CBM610__ This macro is defined if the target is one of the CBM 600/700 family of computers (called B series in the US). __PET__ This macro is defined if the target is the PET family of computers (-t pet). __NES__ This macro is defined if the target is the Nintendo Entertainment System (-t nes). __ATARI__ This macro is defined if the target is one of the Atari computers (400/800/130XL/800XL). Note that there is no runtime and C library support for atari systems. __ACE__ This macro is defined if the target is Bruce Craigs ACE operating system. Note that there is no longer runtime and library support for ACE. __APPLE2__ This macro is defined if the target is the Apple ][ (-t apple2). __GEOS__ This macro is defined if you are compiling for the GEOS system (-t geos). __FILE__ This macro expands to a string containing the name of the C source file. __LINE__ This macro expands to the current line number. __STRICT_ANSI__ This macro is defined to 1 if the -A compiler option was given, and undefined otherwise. __OPT__ Is defined if the compiler was called with the -O command line option. __OPT_i__ Is defined if the compiler was called with the -Oi command line option. __OPT_r__ Is defined if the compiler was called with the -Or command line option. __OPT_s__ Is defined if the compiler was called with the -Os command line option. 7. #pragmas ----------- The compiler understands some pragmas that may be used to change code generation and other stuff. #pragma bssseg () This pragma changes the name used for the BSS segment (the BSS segment is used to store uninitialized data). The argument is a string enclosed in double quotes. Note: The default linker configuration file does only map the standard segments. If you use other segments, you have to create a new linker configuration file. Beware: The startup code will zero only the default BSS segment. If you use another BSS segment, you have to do that yourself, otherwise uninitialized variables do not have the value zero. Example: #pragma bssseg ("MyBSS") #pragma codeseg () This pragma changes the name used for the CODE segment (the CODE segment is used to store executable code). The argument is a string enclosed in double quotes. Note: The default linker configuration file does only map the standard segments. If you use other segments, you have to create a new linker configuration file. Example: #pragma bssseg ("MyCODE") #pragma dataseg () This pragma changes the name used for the DATA segment (the DATA segment is used to store initialized data). The argument is a string enclosed in double quotes. Note: The default linker configuration file does only map the standard segments. If you use other segments, you have to create a new linker configuration file. Example: #pragma bssseg ("MyDATA") #pragma rodataseg () This pragma changes the name used for the RODATA segment (the RODATA segment is used to store readonly data). The argument is a string enclosed in double quotes. Note: The default linker configuration file does only map the standard segments. If you use other segments, you have to create a new linker configuration file. Example: #pragma bssseg ("MyRODATA") #pragma regvaraddr () The compiler does not allow to take the address of register variables. The regvaraddr pragma changes this. Taking the address of a register variable is allowed after using this pragma, if the argument is not zero. Using an argument of zero changes back to the default behaviour. Beware: The C standard does not allow taking the address of a variable declared as register. So your programs become non-portable if you use this pragma. In addition, your program may not work. This is usually the case if a subroutine is called with the address of a register variable, and this subroutine (or a subroutine called from there) uses itself register variables. So be careful with this #pragma. Example: #pragma regvaraddr(1) /* Allow taking the address * of register variables */ #pragma signedchars () Changed the signedness of the default character type. If the argument is not zero, default characters are signed, otherwise characters are unsigned. The compiler default is to make characters unsigned since this creates a lot better code. #pragma staticlocals () Use variables in the bss segment instead of variables on the stack. This pragma changes the default set by the compiler option -Cl. If the argument is not zero, local variables are allocated in the BSS segment, leading to shorter and in most cases faster, but non-reentrant code. #pragma zpsym () Tell the compiler that the - previously as external declared - symbol with the given name is a zero page symbol (usually from an assembler file). The compiler will create a matching import declaration for the assembler. Example: extern int foo; #pragma zpsym ("foo"); /* foo is in the zeropage */ 8. Bugs/Feedback ---------------- If you have problems using the compiler, if you find any bugs, or if you're doing something interesting with the compiler, I would be glad to hear from you. Feel free to contact me by email ( 9. Copyright ------------ This is the original compiler copyright: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -*- Mode: Text -*- This is the copyright notice for RA65, LINK65, LIBR65, and other Atari 8-bit programs. Said programs are Copyright 1989, by John R. Dunning. All rights reserved, with the following exceptions: Anyone may copy or redistribute these programs, provided that: 1: You don't charge anything for the copy. It is permissable to charge a nominal fee for media, etc. 2: All source code and documentation for the programs is made available as part of the distribution. 3: This copyright notice is preserved verbatim, and included in the distribution. You are allowed to modify these programs, and redistribute the modified versions, provided that the modifications are clearly noted. There is NO WARRANTY with this software, it comes as is, and is distributed in the hope that it may be useful. This copyright notice applies to any program which contains this text, or the refers to this file. This copyright notice is based on the one published by the Free Software Foundation, sometimes known as the GNU project. The idea is the same as theirs, ie the software is free, and is intended to stay that way. Everybody has the right to copy, modify, and re- distribute this software. Nobody has the right to prevent anyone else from copying, modifying or redistributing it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In acknowledgment of this copyright, I will place my own changes to the compiler under the same copyright. Please note however, that the library and all binutils are covered by another copyright, and that I'm planning to do a complete rewrite of the compiler, after which the compiler copyright will also change. For the list of changes requested by this copyright see newvers.txt.