; ; Startup code for cc65 (PET version) ; .export _exit .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup .import initlib, donelib .import zerobss, push0 .import callmain .import CLRCH, BSOUT .importzp ST .include "zeropage.inc" .include "pet.inc" .include "../cbm/cbm.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Startup code .segment "STARTUP" Start: ; Save the zero-page locations that we need. ldx #zpspace-1 L1: lda sp,x sta zpsave,x dex bpl L1 ; Switch to the second charset. The routine that is called by BSOUT to switch the ; character set will use FNLEN as temporary storage -- YUCK! Since the ; initmainargs routine, which parses the command line for arguments, needs that ; information, we need to save and restore it here. ; Thanks to Stefan Haubenthal for this information! lda FNLEN pha ; Save FNLEN lda #14 ; sta $E84C ; See PET FAQ jsr BSOUT pla sta FNLEN ; Restore FNLEN ; Clear the BSS data. jsr zerobss ; Save some system stuff; and, set up the stack. tsx stx spsave ; Save the system stack ptr lda MEMSIZE sta sp lda MEMSIZE+1 sta sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr ; Call the module constructors. jsr initlib ; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main(). jsr callmain ; Call the module destructors. This is also the exit() entry. _exit: pha ; Save the return code on stack jsr donelib ; Copy back the zero-page stuff. ldx #zpspace-1 L2: lda zpsave,x sta sp,x dex bpl L2 ; Store the program return code into BASIC's status variable. pla sta ST ; Restore the stack pointer. ldx spsave txs ; Restore stack pointer ; Back to BASIC. rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .segment "ZPSAVE" zpsave: .res zpspace ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .bss spsave: .res 1 mmusave:.res 1