; ; Driver for the Commander X16 Kernal's mouse driver. ; ; 2019-11-16, Greg King ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "mouse-kernel.inc" .include "cx16.inc" .include "cbm_kernal.inc" .macpack module ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table module_header _cx16_std_mou HEADER: ; Driver signature .byte $6d, $6f, $75 ; ASCII "mou" .byte MOUSE_API_VERSION ; Mouse driver API version number ; Library reference .addr $0000 ; Jump table .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr HIDE .addr SHOW .addr SETBOX .addr GETBOX .addr MOVE .addr BUTTONS .addr POS .addr INFO .addr IOCTL .addr IRQ ; Mouse driver flags .byte $00 ; Don't need interrupts ; Callback table, set by the mouse kernel before INSTALL is called CHIDE: jmp $0000 ; Hide the cursor CSHOW: jmp $0000 ; Show the cursor CPREP: jmp $0000 ; Prepare to move the cursor CDRAW: jmp $0000 ; Draw the cursor CMOVEX: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to X coord CMOVEY: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to Y coord ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Constants SCREEN_WIDTH = 640 - 1 ; (origin is zero) SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480 - 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Global variables. .bss XPos := MOUSEX ; Current mouse position, X YPos := MOUSEY ; Current mouse position, Y XMin := MOUSEL ; X1 value of bounding box XMax := MOUSER ; X2 value of bounding box YMin := MOUSET ; Y1 value of bounding box YMax := MOUSEB ; Y2 value of bounding box Box := XMin Buttons := MOUSEBT ; button status bits .rodata ; Default values for above variables ; (We use ".proc" because we want to define both a label and a scope.) .proc DefBox .word 0 ; XMin .word SCREEN_WIDTH ; XMax .word 0 ; YMin .word SCREEN_HEIGHT ; YMax .endproc ; These button masks are compatible with the CBM 1351 and the CMD SmartMouse. ButtMask: .byte %00000000 ; No buttons .byte %00010000 ; Left .byte %00000001 ; Right .byte %00010001 ; Left, right .byte %00000010 ; Middle .byte %00010010 ; Left, middle .byte %00000011 ; Middle, right .byte %00010011 ; Left, middle, right .code ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. ; If possible, check if the hardware is present. ; Must return a MOUSE_ERR_xx code in .XA . INSTALL: ; Initialize variables. Just copy the default stuff over. ldx #.sizeof(DefBox) - 1 @L1: lda DefBox,x sta Box,x dex bpl @L1 ldx #$00 ; Don't change sprite's scale lda #$01 ; Initiate and show sprite jsr MOUSE ; Be sure the mouse cursor is invisible, and at the default location. We ; need to do that here, because the mouse interrupt handler might not set ; the mouse position if it hasn't changed. sei jsr CHIDE lda XPos ldx XPos+1 jsr CMOVEX lda YPos ldx YPos+1 jsr CMOVEY cli ; Done, return zero ldx #>MOUSE_ERR_OK txa rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UNINSTALL routine -- is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; No return code required (the driver is removed from memory on return). UNINSTALL := HIDE ; Hide cursor on exit ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HIDE routine -- is called to hide the mouse pointer. The mouse kernel manages ; a counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is called only ; if the mouse currently is visible, and should get hidden. For most drivers, ; no special action is required besides disabling the mouse cursor. ; No return code required. HIDE: jmp CHIDE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SHOW routine -- is called to show the mouse pointer. The mouse kernel manages ; a counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is called only ; if the mouse currently is hidden, and should become visible. For most drivers, ; no special action is required besides enabling the mouse cursor. ; No return code required. SHOW: jmp CSHOW ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SETBOX: Set the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they come ; from the C program, that is, a pointer to a mouse_box struct in .XA . ; No checks are done if the mouse is currently inside the box, that is the job ; of the caller. It is not necessary to validate the parameters, trust the ; caller, and save some code here. No return code required. SETBOX: sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ; Save data pointer lda (ptr1) ldy #$01 sei sta XMin lda (ptr1),y sta YMin iny lda (ptr1),y sta XMax iny lda (ptr1),y sta YMax cli rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GETBOX: Return the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they ; come from the C program, that is, a pointer to a mouse_box struct in .XA . GETBOX: sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ; Save data pointer lda XMin sta (ptr1) ldy #$01 lda YMin sta (ptr1),y iny lda XMax sta (ptr1),y iny lda YMax sta (ptr1),y rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MOVE: Put the mouse at a new position. That position is passed as it comes ; from the C program, that is: X on the stack and Y in .XA . The C wrapper ; will remove the parameter from the stack, on return. ; No checks are done to see if the new position is valid (within ; the bounding box or the screen). No return code required. MOVE: sei ; No interrupts sta YPos stx YPos+1 ; New Y position jsr CMOVEY ; Set it ldy #$01 lda (sp),y sta XPos+1 tax dey lda (sp),y sta XPos ; New X position jsr CMOVEX ; Move the cursor cli ; Allow interrupts rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BUTTONS: Return the CBM 1351 button mask in .XA . BUTTONS: lda Buttons and #%00000111 tax lda ButtMask,x ldx #>$0000 rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POS: Return the mouse position in the MOUSE_POS struct pointed to by ptr1. ; No return code required. POS: ldy #MOUSE_POS::XCOORD ; Structure offset sei ; Disable interrupts lda XPos ; Transfer the position sta (ptr1),y lda XPos+1 iny sta (ptr1),y lda YPos iny sta (ptr1),y lda YPos+1 cli ; Enable interrupts iny sta (ptr1),y ; Store last byte rts ; Done ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INFO: Returns mouse position and current button mask in the MOUSE_INFO ; struct pointed to by ptr1. No return code required. ; ; We're cheating here to keep the code smaller: The first fields of the ; mouse_info struct are identical to the mouse_pos struct; so, we just will ; call mouse_pos to initialize the struct pointer, and fill the position ; fields. INFO: jsr POS ; Fill in the button state jsr BUTTONS ; Will not touch ptr1 ldy #MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS sta (ptr1),y rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IOCTL: Driver defined entry point. The wrapper will pass a pointer to ioctl ; specific data in ptr1, and the ioctl code in A. ; Must return an error code in .XA . ; IOCTL: lda #MOUSE_ERR_INV_IOCTL ; rts ; Fall through ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IRQ: Irq handler entry point. Called as a subroutine but in IRQ context ; (so be careful). The routine MUST return carry set if the interrupt has been ; 'handled' -- which means that the interrupt source is gone. Otherwise, it ; MUST return carry clear. IRQ: rts ; Kernal ROM does this routine's job