; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 02.04.1999 ; ; unsigned char getcpu (void); ; .export _getcpu ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine to detect an 816. Returns ; ; - carry clear and 0 in A for a NMOS 6502 CPU ; - carry set and 1 in A for a 65C02 ; - carry set and 2 in A for a 65816 ; - carry set and 3 in A for a 4510 ; - carry set and 4 in A for a 65SC02 ; - carry set and 5 in A for a 65CE02 ; - carry set and 6 in A for a HuC6280 ; - carry clear and 7 in A for a 2a03/2a07 ; - carry set and 8 in A for a 45GS02 ; ; This function uses a $1A opcode which is a INA on the 816 and ignored ; (interpreted as a NOP) on a NMOS 6502. There are several CMOS versions ; of the 6502, but all of them interpret unknown opcodes as NOP so this is ; just what we want. .p816 ; Enable 65816 instructions _getcpu: lda #0 inc a ; .byte $1A ; nop on nmos, inc on every cmos cmp #1 bcc @IsNMOS ; This is at least a 65C02, check for a 65CE02/4510 .byte $42,$EA ; neg on 65CE02/4510, nop #$EA on 65C02, wdm $EA on 65816 cmp #1 beq @HasINCA ; This is at least a 65CE02, check for 4510 lda #5 ; CPU_65CE02 constant ldx #0 ; to make sure MAP doesn't do anything, the upper nybl of X and Z must be clear .byte $5C ; map on 4510, aug on 65CE02 (acts like 4 byte nop) lda #3 ; CPU_4510 constant nop cmp #5 beq @LoadXAndReturn ; It is either a 4510 (C65) or a 45GS02 (MEGA65) ; 45GS02 supports 32-bit ZP indirect, so use that to check CPU type ; without requiring a functioning MEGA65 hypervisor. ; We setup a read of $200FF, then store a different value in $00FF ; and then re-read $200FF to see if it is unchanged. ; Save the 32-bit ZP pointer and data byte ldx #4 @L10: lda $fb,x sta @GetCPUTemp,x dex bpl @L10 ; Setup 32-bit pointer to $000200FF lda #$ff sta $fb lda #$00 sta $fc sta $fe lda #$02 sta $fd ; Prefixing LDA ($nn),Z with a NOP uses 32-bit ZP pointer on 45GS02, ; but normal 16-bit ZP pointer on 4510 ; (We assume Z=$00, which will be the normal case) nop ; prefix to tell next instruction to be 32-bit ZP .byte $b2,$fb ; LDA ($nn),Z eor #$ff ; change the value sta $ff ; store in $FF ; now try again to load it: If the same, then 45GS02, as $200FF is unchanged nop ; prefix to tell next instruction to be 32-bit ZP .byte $b2,$fb ; LDA ($nn),Z cmp $ff ; does the loaded value match what is in $FF? beq @Is4510 ; matches, so must be a 4510 = C65 bne @Is45GS02 ; $200FF and $FF have different values, so must be a MEGA65 45GS02 @Is4510: jsr @RestoreGetCPUTemp lda #3 ; CPU_4510 constant ldx #0 ; load high byte of word rts @Is45GS02: jsr @RestoreGetCPUTemp lda #8 ; CPU_45GS02 constant ldx #0 ; load high byte of word rts @RestoreGetCPUTemp: ; Save the 32-bit ZP pointer and data byte ldx #4 @L11: lda @GetCPUTemp,x sta $fb,x dex bpl @L11 rts ; Temporary storage for the ZP locations we modify above @GetCPUTemp: .byte 0,0,0,0,0 ; 6502 type of cpu, check for a 2a03/2a07 @IsNMOS: sed ; set decimal mode, no decimal mode on the 2a03/2a07 lda #9 clc adc #1 ; $01+$09 = $10 on 6502, $01+$09 = $0A on 2a03/2a07 cld cmp #$0a beq @Is2a03 lda #0 ; CPU_6502 constant beq @LoadXAndReturn @Is2a03: lda #7 ; CPU_2A0x constant bne @LoadXAndReturn ; 65C02 cpu type, check for HuC6280 @CheckHuC6280: ldx #6 ; CPU_HUC6280 constant .byte $22,$EA ; sax nop on HuC6280 (A=$06, X=$01), nop #$EA on 65C02 (A=$01, X=$06) bne @LoadXAndReturn ; Check for 65816/65802 @HasINCA: xba ; .byte $EB, put $01 in B accu (nop on 65C02/65SC02) dec a ; .byte $3A, A=$00 xba ; .byte $EB, A=$01 if 65816/65802 and A=$00 if 65C02/65SC02 inc a ; .byte $1A, A=$02 if 65816/65802 and A=$01 if 65C02/65SC02 cmp #2 beq @LoadXAndReturn ; check for 65SC02 ldy $F7 ldx #0 stx $F7 .byte $F7,$F7 ; nop nop on 65SC02, smb7 $F7 on 65C02 ldx $F7 sty $F7 cpx #$00 bne @CheckHuC6280 lda #4 ; CPU_65SC02 constant @LoadXAndReturn: ldx #0 rts