; ; 2017-11-07, Piotr Fusik ; ; unsigned __fastcall__ inflatemem (unsigned char* dest, ; const unsigned char* source); ; ; NOTE: Be extremely careful with modifications, because this code is heavily ; optimized for size (for example assumes certain register and flag values ; when its internal routines return). Test with the gunzip65 sample. ; .export _inflatemem .import incsp2 .importzp sp, sreg, ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Constants ; ; Argument values for getBits. GET_1_BIT = $81 GET_2_BITS = $82 GET_3_BITS = $84 GET_4_BITS = $88 GET_5_BITS = $90 GET_6_BITS = $a0 GET_7_BITS = $c0 ; Huffman trees. TREE_SIZE = 16 PRIMARY_TREE = 0 DISTANCE_TREE = TREE_SIZE ; Alphabet. LENGTH_SYMBOLS = 1+29+2 ; EOF, 29 length symbols, two unused symbols DISTANCE_SYMBOLS = 30 CONTROL_SYMBOLS = LENGTH_SYMBOLS+DISTANCE_SYMBOLS ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Page zero ; ; Pointer to the compressed data. inputPointer := ptr1 ; 2 bytes ; Pointer to the uncompressed data. outputPointer := ptr2 ; 2 bytes ; Local variables. ; As far as there is no conflict, same memory locations are used ; for different variables. inflateStored_pageCounter := ptr3 ; 1 byte inflateDynamic_symbol := ptr3 ; 1 byte inflateDynamic_lastLength := ptr3+1 ; 1 byte .assert ptr4 = ptr3 + 2, error, "Need three bytes for inflateDynamic_tempCodes" inflateDynamic_tempCodes := ptr3+1 ; 3 bytes inflateDynamic_allCodes := inflateDynamic_tempCodes+1 ; 1 byte inflateDynamic_primaryCodes := inflateDynamic_tempCodes+2 ; 1 byte inflateCodes_sourcePointer := ptr3 ; 2 bytes inflateCodes_lengthMinus2 := ptr4 ; 1 byte getBits_base := sreg ; 1 byte getBit_buffer := sreg+1 ; 1 byte ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Code ; _inflatemem: ; inputPointer = source sta inputPointer stx inputPointer+1 ; outputPointer = dest ldy #1 lda (sp),y sta outputPointer+1 dey lda (sp),y sta outputPointer ; ldy #0 sty getBit_buffer inflate_blockLoop: ; Get a bit of EOF and two bits of block type ; ldy #0 sty getBits_base lda #GET_3_BITS jsr getBits lsr a ; A and Z contain block type, C contains EOF flag ; Save EOF flag php bne inflateCompressed ; Decompress a 'stored' data block. ; ldy #0 sty getBit_buffer ; ignore bits until byte boundary jsr getWord ; skip the length we don't need jsr getWord ; get the one's complement length sta inflateStored_pageCounter bcs inflateStored_firstByte ; jmp inflateStored_copyByte: jsr getByte ; sec inflateStoreByte: jsr storeByte bcc inflateCodes_loop inflateStored_firstByte: inx bne inflateStored_copyByte inc inflateStored_pageCounter bne inflateStored_copyByte ; Block decompressed. inflate_nextBlock: plp bcc inflate_blockLoop ; Decompression complete. ; return outputPointer - dest lda outputPointer ; ldy #0 ; sec sbc (sp),y iny pha lda outputPointer+1 sbc (sp),y tax pla ; pop dest jmp incsp2 inflateCompressed: ; Decompress a Huffman-coded data block ; A=1: fixed block, initialize with fixed codes ; A=2: dynamic block, start by clearing all code lengths ; A=3: invalid compressed data, not handled in this routine eor #2 ; ldy #0 inflateCompressed_setCodeLengths: tax beq inflateCompressed_setLiteralCodeLength ; fixed Huffman literal codes: ; 144 8-bit codes ; 112 9-bit codes lda #4 cpy #144 rol a inflateCompressed_setLiteralCodeLength: sta literalSymbolCodeLength,y beq inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength ; fixed Huffman control codes: ; 24 7-bit codes ; 6 8-bit codes ; 2 meaningless 8-bit codes ; 30 5-bit distance codes lda #5+DISTANCE_TREE cpy #LENGTH_SYMBOLS bcs inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength cpy #24 adc #$100+2-DISTANCE_TREE inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength: cpy #CONTROL_SYMBOLS bcs inflateCompressed_noControlSymbol sta controlSymbolCodeLength,y inflateCompressed_noControlSymbol: iny bne inflateCompressed_setCodeLengths tax beq inflateDynamic ; Decompress a block inflateCodes: jsr buildHuffmanTree inflateCodes_loop: jsr fetchPrimaryCode bcc inflateStoreByte beq inflate_nextBlock ; Copy sequence from look-behind buffer ; ldy #0 sty getBits_base cmp #9 bcc inflateCodes_setSequenceLength tya ; lda #0 cpx #1+28 bcs inflateCodes_setSequenceLength dex txa lsr a ror getBits_base inc getBits_base lsr a rol getBits_base jsr getAMinus1BitsMax8 ; sec adc #0 inflateCodes_setSequenceLength: sta inflateCodes_lengthMinus2 ldx #DISTANCE_TREE jsr fetchCode cmp #4 bcc inflateCodes_setOffsetLowByte inc getBits_base lsr a jsr getAMinus1BitsMax8 inflateCodes_setOffsetLowByte: eor #$ff sta inflateCodes_sourcePointer lda getBits_base cpx #10 bcc inflateCodes_setOffsetHighByte lda getNPlus1Bits_mask-10,x jsr getBits clc inflateCodes_setOffsetHighByte: eor #$ff ; clc adc outputPointer+1 sta inflateCodes_sourcePointer+1 jsr copyByte jsr copyByte inflateCodes_copyByte: jsr copyByte dec inflateCodes_lengthMinus2 bne inflateCodes_copyByte beq inflateCodes_loop ; jmp inflateDynamic: ; Decompress a block reading Huffman trees first ; ldy #0 ; numberOfPrimaryCodes = 257 + getBits(5) ; numberOfDistanceCodes = 1 + getBits(5) ; numberOfTemporaryCodes = 4 + getBits(4) ldx #3 inflateDynamic_getHeader: lda inflateDynamic_headerBits-1,x jsr getBits ; sec adc inflateDynamic_headerBase-1,x sta inflateDynamic_tempCodes-1,x dex bne inflateDynamic_getHeader ; Get lengths of temporary codes in the order stored in inflateDynamic_tempSymbols ; ldx #0 inflateDynamic_getTempCodeLengths: lda #GET_3_BITS jsr getBits ldy inflateDynamic_tempSymbols,x sta literalSymbolCodeLength,y ldy #0 inx cpx inflateDynamic_tempCodes bcc inflateDynamic_getTempCodeLengths ; Build the tree for temporary codes jsr buildHuffmanTree ; Use temporary codes to get lengths of literal/length and distance codes ; ldx #0 ; sec inflateDynamic_decodeLength: ; C=1: literal codes ; C=0: control codes stx inflateDynamic_symbol php ; Fetch a temporary code jsr fetchPrimaryCode ; Temporary code 0..15: put this length bpl inflateDynamic_storeLengths ; Temporary code 16: repeat last length 3 + getBits(2) times ; Temporary code 17: put zero length 3 + getBits(3) times ; Temporary code 18: put zero length 11 + getBits(7) times tax jsr getBits cpx #GET_3_BITS bcc inflateDynamic_code16 beq inflateDynamic_code17 ; sec adc #7 inflateDynamic_code17: ; ldy #0 sty inflateDynamic_lastLength inflateDynamic_code16: tay lda inflateDynamic_lastLength iny iny inflateDynamic_storeLengths: iny plp ldx inflateDynamic_symbol inflateDynamic_storeLength: bcc inflateDynamic_controlSymbolCodeLength sta literalSymbolCodeLength,x inx cpx #1 inflateDynamic_storeNext: dey bne inflateDynamic_storeLength sta inflateDynamic_lastLength beq inflateDynamic_decodeLength ; jmp inflateDynamic_controlSymbolCodeLength: cpx inflateDynamic_primaryCodes bcc inflateDynamic_storeControl ; the code lengths we skip here were zero-initialized ; in inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength bne inflateDynamic_noStartDistanceTree ldx #LENGTH_SYMBOLS inflateDynamic_noStartDistanceTree: ora #DISTANCE_TREE inflateDynamic_storeControl: sta controlSymbolCodeLength,x inx cpx inflateDynamic_allCodes bcc inflateDynamic_storeNext dey ; ldy #0 jmp inflateCodes ; Build Huffman trees basing on code lengths (in bits) ; stored in the *SymbolCodeLength arrays buildHuffmanTree: ; Clear nBitCode_literalCount, nBitCode_controlCount tya ; lda #0 buildHuffmanTree_clear: sta nBitCode_clearFrom,y iny bne buildHuffmanTree_clear ; Count number of codes of each length ; ldy #0 buildHuffmanTree_countCodeLengths: ldx literalSymbolCodeLength,y inc nBitCode_literalCount,x bne buildHuffmanTree_notAllLiterals stx allLiteralsCodeLength buildHuffmanTree_notAllLiterals: cpy #CONTROL_SYMBOLS bcs buildHuffmanTree_noControlSymbol ldx controlSymbolCodeLength,y inc nBitCode_controlCount,x buildHuffmanTree_noControlSymbol: iny bne buildHuffmanTree_countCodeLengths ; Calculate offsets of symbols sorted by code length ; lda #0 ldx #$100-4*TREE_SIZE buildHuffmanTree_calculateOffsets: sta nBitCode_literalOffset+4*TREE_SIZE-$100,x clc adc nBitCode_literalCount+4*TREE_SIZE-$100,x inx bne buildHuffmanTree_calculateOffsets ; Put symbols in their place in the sorted array ; ldy #0 buildHuffmanTree_assignCode: tya ldx literalSymbolCodeLength,y ldy nBitCode_literalOffset,x inc nBitCode_literalOffset,x sta codeToLiteralSymbol,y tay cpy #CONTROL_SYMBOLS bcs buildHuffmanTree_noControlSymbol2 ldx controlSymbolCodeLength,y ldy nBitCode_controlOffset,x inc nBitCode_controlOffset,x sta codeToControlSymbol,y tay buildHuffmanTree_noControlSymbol2: iny bne buildHuffmanTree_assignCode rts ; Read Huffman code using the primary tree fetchPrimaryCode: ldx #PRIMARY_TREE ; Read a code from input using the tree specified in X. ; Return low byte of this code in A. ; Return C flag reset for literal code, set for length code. fetchCode: ; ldy #0 tya fetchCode_nextBit: jsr getBit rol a inx bcs fetchCode_ge256 ; are all 256 literal codes of this length? cpx allLiteralsCodeLength beq fetchCode_allLiterals ; is it literal code of length X? sec sbc nBitCode_literalCount,x bcs fetchCode_notLiteral ; literal code ; clc adc nBitCode_literalOffset,x tax lda codeToLiteralSymbol,x fetchCode_allLiterals: clc rts ; code >= 256, must be control fetchCode_ge256: ; sec sbc nBitCode_literalCount,x sec ; is it control code of length X? fetchCode_notLiteral: ; sec sbc nBitCode_controlCount,x bcs fetchCode_nextBit ; control code ; clc adc nBitCode_controlOffset,x tax lda codeToControlSymbol,x and #$1f ; make distance symbols zero-based tax ; sec rts ; Read A minus 1 bits, but no more than 8 getAMinus1BitsMax8: rol getBits_base tax cmp #9 bcs getByte lda getNPlus1Bits_mask-2,x getBits: jsr getBits_loop getBits_normalizeLoop: lsr getBits_base ror a bcc getBits_normalizeLoop rts ; Read 16 bits getWord: jsr getByte tax ; Read 8 bits getByte: lda #$80 getBits_loop: jsr getBit ror a bcc getBits_loop rts ; Read one bit, return in the C flag getBit: lsr getBit_buffer bne getBit_return pha ; ldy #0 lda (inputPointer),y inc inputPointer bne getBit_samePage inc inputPointer+1 getBit_samePage: sec ror a sta getBit_buffer pla getBit_return: rts ; Copy a previously written byte copyByte: ldy outputPointer lda (inflateCodes_sourcePointer),y ldy #0 ; Write a byte storeByte: ; ldy #0 sta (outputPointer),y inc outputPointer bne storeByte_return inc outputPointer+1 inc inflateCodes_sourcePointer+1 storeByte_return: rts ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Constant data ; .rodata getNPlus1Bits_mask: .byte GET_1_BIT,GET_2_BITS,GET_3_BITS,GET_4_BITS,GET_5_BITS,GET_6_BITS,GET_7_BITS inflateDynamic_tempSymbols: .byte GET_2_BITS,GET_3_BITS,GET_7_BITS,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15 inflateDynamic_headerBits: .byte GET_4_BITS,GET_5_BITS,GET_5_BITS inflateDynamic_headerBase: .byte 3,LENGTH_SYMBOLS,0 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Uninitialised data ; .bss ; Data for building trees. literalSymbolCodeLength: .res 256 controlSymbolCodeLength: .res CONTROL_SYMBOLS ; Huffman trees. nBitCode_clearFrom: nBitCode_literalCount: .res 2*TREE_SIZE nBitCode_controlCount: .res 2*TREE_SIZE nBitCode_literalOffset: .res 2*TREE_SIZE nBitCode_controlOffset: .res 2*TREE_SIZE allLiteralsCodeLength: .res 1 codeToLiteralSymbol: .res 256 codeToControlSymbol: .res CONTROL_SYMBOLS