; ; Standard joystick driver for the Plus/4 and C16. ; May be used multiple times when linked statically to an application. ; ; 2002-12-21, Ullrich von Bassewitz ; 2016-06-18, Greg King ; .include "joy-kernel.inc" .include "joy-error.inc" .include "plus4.inc" .macpack module ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table .if .xmatch ("MODULE_LABEL", .string(MODULE_LABEL)) module_header _plus4_stdjoy_joy .else module_header MODULE_LABEL .endif ; Driver signature .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; ASCII "joy" .byte JOY_API_VERSION ; Driver API version number ; Library reference .addr $0000 ; Jump table. .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr COUNT .addr READ .addr 0 ; IRQ entry unused ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Constants JOY_COUNT = 2 ; Number of joysticks we support ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data. .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If ; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of ; memory available. ; Must return an JOY_ERR_xx code in a/x. ; INSTALL: lda #JOY_ERR_OK ; rts ; Run into UNINSTALL instead ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything. ; UNINSTALL: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x. ; COUNT: lda #JOY_COUNT rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A. ; READ: ldy #%11111011 ; Load index for joystick #1 tax ; Test joystick number beq @L1 ldy #%11111101 ; Load index for joystick #2 ldx #>$0000 ; (Return unsigned int) @L1: sei sty TED_KBD ; Read a joystick ... lda TED_KBD ; ... and some keys -- it's unavoidable cli eor #%11111111 ; The push buttons are in bits 6 and 7. Both of them cannot be %1 together. ; Therefore, bit 6 can be merged with bit 7. clc adc #%01000000 rts