; 2022-04-03, Karri Kaksonen
; setcursor (unsigned char on);
; The Atari 7800 does not have a hw cursor.
; This module emulates a cursor to be used with the conio
; implementation.
; The actual cursor display is included in the conio dll
; but every scanline has the element silenced by default
; at the end of every zone.
; The way the cursor works is to silence it before the cursor
; position changes and enable it afterwards.
; In order to get some performance we have a pointer to the
; cursor header structure. This structure is always at the
; end of the zone. So the pointer changes when CURS_Y changes.
; There is so many dependencies that it makes sense to
; deal with all CURS_X, CURS_Y stuff in this file and
; definitely not allow direct access to the variables.

        .export         mono_gotoxy, _mono_gotoxy, mono_gotox, mono_gotoy
        .constructor    mono_init_cursor
        .interruptor    mono_blink_cursor

        .importzp       sp
        .import         _zonecounter
        .import         _mono_zones
        .import         cursor
        .import         pusha, incsp1, pusha0, pushax, popa
        .include        "atari7800.inc"
        .include        "extzp.inc"

        .macpack        generic

; The variables used by cursor functions

        .byte   200


; 8x16 routine

        ldy     #8                 ; Number of bits
        lda     #0
        lsr     ptr7800            ; Get first bit into carry
@L0:    bcc     @L1

        adc     ptrtmp
        lda     ptrtmp+1           ; hi byte of left op
        adc     ptr7800+1
        sta     ptr7800+1

@L1:    ror     ptr7800+1
        ror     a
        ror     ptr7800
        bne     @L0
        lda     ptr7800            ; Load the result

; Calculate cursorzone address
; You also need to set the cursorzone to point to the correct cursor Header
; at the end of line CURS_Y.
; Offset to cursor zone 5. To next line offset 11
; cursorzone points to _mono_zones + CURS_Y * 16 + 10
; A = CURS_Y
        .proc   calccursorzone

        sta     ptr7800
        lda     #16
        sta     ptrtmp
        lda     #0
        sta     ptr7800+1
        sta     ptrtmp+1
        jsr     umula0
        adc     #10
        bcc     @L1
@L1:    clc
        adc     #<_mono_zones
        sta     cursorzone      ; calculate new cursorzone
        adc     #>_mono_zones
        sta     cursorzone+1


; Set cursor to Y position.
; You also need to set the cursorzone to point to the correct cursor Header
; at the end of line CURS_Y.
; Offset to cursor zone 5. To next line offset 11
; cursorzone points to _mono_zones + CURS_Y * 11 + 5
; cursorzone[1] = 0 when not CURS_Y, 31 if CURS_Y
; Disable cursor
; cursorzone[1] = 0
; Enable cursor
; if showcursor cursorzone[1] = 31
        .proc   mono_gotoy

        lda     CURS_Y
        jsr     calccursorzone
        ldy     #1
        lda     #0
        sta     (cursorzone),y  ; disable cursor
        sta     CURS_Y
        jsr     calccursorzone
        lda     cursor
        beq     @L1
        lda     #31             ; enable cursor
@L1:    ldy     #1
        sta     (cursorzone),y


; Set cursor to X position.
; You also need to set the hpos offset to the correct value on this line
; cursorzone[3] = 4 * CURS_X?
        .proc   mono_gotox

        sta     CURS_X
        ldy     #3
        sta     (cursorzone),y


; Set cursor to desired position (X,Y)
        .proc   _mono_gotoxy

        jsr     mono_gotoy
        jsr     popa
        jmp     mono_gotox


        .proc   mono_gotoxy
        jsr     popa
        jmp     _mono_gotoxy

; Initialize cursorzone at startup
; Offset to cursor zone 5.
        .proc   mono_blink_cursor
        lda     _zonecounter
        and     #01
        beq     @L3
        inc     blink_time
        bne     @L3
        lda     #200
        sta     blink_time
        ldy     #0
        lda     (cursorzone),y
        cmp     #32
        bne     @L1
        lda     #95
        bne     @L2
@L1:    lda     #32
@L2:    sta     (cursorzone),y
@L3:    rts

; Initialize cursorzone at startup
; Offset to cursor zone 5.
        .segment        "ONCE"
        lda     #0
        jsr     calccursorzone
        lda     #0
        sta     blink_time

; force the init constructor to be imported

                .import mono_initconio
conio_init      = mono_initconio