; setup alternative CONIO screen (20x12, Antic mode 7, BASIC mode 2) ; ; 02-Apr-2019, Christian Groessler .include "atari5200.inc" SCREEN_BUF_SIZE = 20 * 12 SCREEN_BUF = $4000 - SCREEN_BUF_SIZE .export initconio .export screen_width, screen_height .export conio_color screen_width = 20 screen_height = 12 .segment "ONCE" ; initialize color registers, display list, and screen memory initconio: ; initialize SAVMSC lda #SCREEN_BUF sta SAVMSC+1 ; initialize cursor position lda #0 sta COLCRS_5200 sta ROWCRS_5200 ; clear screen buffer ldy #<(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1) ldx #>(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1) clrscr: sta (SAVMSC),y dey cpy #$FF bne clrscr dex cpx #$FF bne clrscr ; set default colors lda #GTIA_COLOR_WHITE sta COLOR0 lda #GTIA_COLOR_LIGHTRED sta COLOR1 lda #GTIA_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN sta COLOR2 lda #GTIA_COLOR_BLACK sta COLOR3 sta COLOR4 ; background ; set display list lda #dlist sta SDLSTH rts .bss conio_color: .res 1 .segment "DLIST" ; display list for 20x12 text mode dlist: .repeat 3 .byte DL_BLK8 .endrepeat .byte DL_CHR20x16x2 | DL_LMS .word SCREEN_BUF .repeat 11 .byte DL_CHR20x16x2 .endrepeat .byte DL_JVB .word dlist ; end of display list .assert ((* >> 10) = (dlist >> 10)), error, "Display list crosses 1K boundary" .end