; ctype.inc ; ; This file is part of ; cc65 - a freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems ; ; https://cc65.github.io ; ; See "LICENSE" file for legal information. ; ; Definitions for the character type tables ; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.09.2001 ; ; Define bitmapped constants for the table entries CT_NONE = $00 ; Nothing special CT_LOWER = $01 ; 0 - Lower case char CT_UPPER = $02 ; 1 - Upper case char CT_DIGIT = $04 ; 2 - Numeric digit CT_XDIGIT = $08 ; 3 - Hex digit (both, lower and upper) CT_CTRL = $10 ; 4 - Control character CT_SPACE = $20 ; 5 - The space character itself CT_OTHER_WS = $40 ; 6 - Other whitespace ('\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' and '\v') CT_SPACE_TAB = $80 ; 7 - Space or tab character ; Combined stuff CT_ALNUM = (CT_LOWER | CT_UPPER | CT_DIGIT) CT_ALPHA = (CT_LOWER | CT_UPPER) CT_CTRL_SPACE = (CT_CTRL | CT_SPACE) CT_NOT_PUNCT = (CT_SPACE | CT_CTRL | CT_DIGIT | CT_UPPER | CT_LOWER)