; ; Oric TELEMON definition ; TELEMON 2.4 & TELEMON 3.x ; For TELEMON 3.x check http://orix.oric.org ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Constants SCREEN_XSIZE = 40 ; Screen columns SCREEN_YSIZE = 28 ; Screen rows FUNCTKEY = $A5 FNAME_LEN = 11 ; Maximum length of file-name ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I/O Identifier ; Theses identifers are used for channel management ; XKBD = $80 ; Keyboard XRSE = $83 ; RS232 in XSCR = $88 ; Screen XRSS = $90 ; RS232 out ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Zero page ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page 00 RES := $00 RESB := $02 TR0 := $0C TR1 := $0D TR2 := $0E TR3 := $0F TR4 := $10 TR5 := $11 TR6 := $12 TR7 := $13 PTR_READ_DEST := $2C ; Used for XFREAD and XWRITE only in TELEMON 3.x HRSX := $46 HRSY := $47 HRS1 := $4D HRS2 := $4F HRS3 := $51 HRS4 := $53 HRS5 := $55 HRSFB := $57 ; RS232T ; b0-b3 : speed ; 1111 => 19200 bps (please note that telestrat can't handle this speed without stopping all IRQ except ACIA's one) ; 1100 => 9600 bps (default from TELEMON) ; 1110 => 4800 bps ; 1010 => 2400 bps ; 1000 => 1200 bps ; 0111 => 600 bps ; 0110 => 300 bps ; 0101 => 150 bps ; 0010 => 75 bps ; b4 : 0 external clock, 1 internal clock ; b6-b5 : 00 8 bits ; 01 7 bits ; 10 6 bits ; 11 5 bits ; b7 : 0 a stop RS232T := $59 ; RS232C ; b0-b3 : 0 ; b4 : 1 if echo ; b5 : 1 if parity ; b7-b6 : 00 in/out parity odd ; : 01 on/out parity even ; : 10 parity sent, answer not tested ; : 11 SPACE SENT, reception not tested RS232C := $5A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Low memory IRQVec := $02FB ; "fast" interrupt vector ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I/O locations ; 6522 .struct VIA ; Versatile Interface Adapter .res $0300 PRB .byte ; Port Register B PRA .byte ; Port Register A DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A T1 .word ; Timer 1 T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch T2 .word ; Timer 2 SR .byte ; Shift Register ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking .endstruct .struct VIA2 ; Versatile Interface Adapter .res $0320 PRB .byte ; Port Register B PRA .byte ; Port Register A DDRB .byte ; Data Direction Register B DDRA .byte ; Data Direction Register A T1 .word ; Timer 1 T1L .word ; Timer 1 Latch T2 .word ; Timer 2 SR .byte ; Shift Register ACR .byte ; Auxiliary Control Register PCR .byte ; Peripheral Control Register IFR .byte ; Interrupt Flags Register IER .byte ; Interrupt Enable Register PRA2 .byte ; Port Register A without handshaking .endstruct ; 6551 .struct ACIA ; Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter .res $031C DATA .byte STATUS .byte CMD .byte ; Command register CTRL .byte ; Control register .endstruct SCREEN := $BB80 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROM entries ; TELEMON primitives (2.4 & 3.x) ; all values are used to call bank 7 of telestrat cardridge. It works with 'brk value' XRD0 = $08 XRDW0 = $0C XWR0 = $10 XWSTR0 = $14 ; Write a string in text mode XTEXT = $19 XHIRES = $1A XFILLM = $1C XMINMA = $1F XVARS = $24 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x, in TELEMON 2.4, it's XNOMFI ($24) XCRLF = $25 ; Jump a line and return to the beginning of the line XFREAD = $27 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix) XOPEN = $30 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix) XCOSCR = $34 ; Switch off cursor XCSSCR = $35 ; Switch on cursor XCLOSE = $3A ; Only in TELEMON 3.x close file (bank 7 of Orix) XFWRITE = $3B ; Only in TELEMON 3.x write file (bank 7 of Orix) XSONPS = $40 XOUPS = $42 ; Send Oups sound into PSG XPLAY = $43 XSOUND = $44 XMUSIC = $45 XZAP = $46 XSHOOT = $47 XMKDIR = $4B ; Create a folder. Only available in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix) XRM = $4D ; Remove a folder or a file. Only available in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix) XMALLOC = $5B ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix) XFREE = $62 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix) XSOUT = $67 ; Send accumulator value (A) to RS232, available in TELEMON 2.4 & 3.x : if RS232 buffer is full, the Oric Telestrat freezes XHRSSE = $8C ; Set hires position cursor XDRAWA = $8D ; Draw a line XDRAWR = $8E ; Draw a line XCIRCL = $8F XCURSE = $90 XCURMO = $91 XPAPER = $92 XINK = $93 XBOX = $94 XABOX = $95 XFILL = $96 XCHAR = $97 XSCHAR = $98 ; Draw a string in hires XEXPLO = $9C XPING = $9D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROM entries variables PWD_PTR = $00 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page $200 SCRX := $220 SCRY := $224 ADSCRL := $218 ADSCRH := $21C HRSPAT := $2AA ; Hires pattern : it's used to draw pattern for a line or a circle IRQVECTOR := $2FA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page $500 BUFNOM := $517 BUFEDT := $590 MAX_BUFEDT_LENGTH=110 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Hardware CH376_DATA := $340 CH376_COMMAND := $341 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MACRO .macro BRK_TELEMON value .byte $00,value .endmacro