** gunzip65 - a gunzip utility for 6502-based machines.
** Piotr Fusik <fox@scene.pl>
** This should be considered as a test of my zlib-compatible library
** rather than a real application.
** It's not user-friendly, fault-tolerant, whatever.
** However, it really works for real GZIP files, provided they are small
** enough to fit in buffer[] (after decompression!).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zlib.h>

#ifndef __CC65__
** Emulate inflatemem() if using original zlib.
** As you can see, this program is quite portable.
unsigned inflatemem(char* dest, const char* source)
        z_stream stream;

        stream.next_in = (Bytef*) source;
        stream.avail_in = 65535;

        stream.next_out = dest;
        stream.avail_out = 65535;

        stream.zalloc = (alloc_func) 0;
        stream.zfree = (free_func) 0;

        inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS);
        inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);

        return stream.total_out;
#endif /* __CC65__ */

** Structure of a GZIP file:
** 1. GZIP header:
**    Offset 0: Signature (2 bytes: 0x1f, 0x8b)
**    Offset 2: Compression method (1 byte: 8 == "deflate")
**    Offset 3: Flags (1 byte: see below)
**    Offset 4: File date and time (4 bytes)
**    Offset 8: Extra flags (1 byte)
**    Offset 9: Target OS (1 byte: DOS, Amiga, Unix, etc.)
**    if (flags & FEXTRA) { 2 bytes of length, then length bytes }
**    if (flags & FNAME) { ASCIIZ filename }
**    if (flags & FCOMMENT) { ASCIIZ comment }
**    if (flags & FHCRC) { 2 bytes of CRC }
** 2. Deflate compressed data.
** 3. GZIP trailer:
**    Offset 0: CRC-32 (4 bytes)
**    Offset 4: uncompressed file length (4 bytes)

/* Flags in the GZIP header. */
#define FTEXT     1     /* Extra text */
#define FHCRC     2     /* Header CRC */
#define FEXTRA    4     /* Extra field */
#define FNAME     8     /* File name */
#define FCOMMENT 16     /* File comment */

** We read whole GZIP file into this buffer.
** Then we use this buffer for the decompressed data.
static unsigned char buffer[26000];

** Get a 16-bit little-endian unsigned number, using unsigned char* p.
** On many machines this could be (*(unsigned short*) p),
** but I really like portability. :-)
#define GET_WORD(p) (*(p) + ((unsigned) (p)[1] << 8))

/* Likewise, for a 32-bit number. */
#define GET_LONG(p) (GET_WORD(p) + ((unsigned long) GET_WORD(p + 2) << 16))

** Uncompress a GZIP file.
** On entry, buffer[] should contain the whole GZIP file contents,
** and the argument complen should be equal to the length of the GZIP file.
** On return, buffer[] contains the uncompressed data, and the returned
** value is the length of the uncompressed data.
unsigned uncompress_buffer(unsigned complen)
        unsigned char* ptr;
        unsigned long crc;
        unsigned long unclen;
        void* ptr2;
        unsigned unclen2;

        /* check GZIP signature */
        if (buffer[0] != 0x1f || buffer[1] != 0x8b) {
                puts("Not GZIP format");
                return 0;

        /* check compression method (it is always (?) "deflate") */
        if (buffer[2] != 8) {
                puts("Unsupported compression method");
                return 0;

        /* get CRC from GZIP trailer */
        crc = GET_LONG(buffer + complen - 8);

        /* get uncompressed length from GZIP trailer */
        unclen = GET_LONG(buffer + complen - 4);
        if (unclen > sizeof(buffer)) {
                puts("Uncompressed size too big");
                return 0;

        /* skip extra field, file name, comment and crc */
        ptr = buffer + 10;
        if (buffer[3] & FEXTRA)
                ptr = buffer + 12 + GET_WORD(buffer + 10);
        if (buffer[3] & FNAME)
                while (*ptr++ != 0);
        if (buffer[3] & FCOMMENT)
                while (*ptr++ != 0);
        if (buffer[3] & FHCRC)
                ptr += 2;

        ** calculate length of raw "deflate" data
        ** (without the GZIP header and 8-byte trailer)
        complen -= (ptr - buffer) + 8;

        ** We will move the compressed data to the end of buffer[].
        ** Thus the compressed data and the decompressed data (written from
        ** the beginning of buffer[]) may overlap, as long as the decompressed
        ** data doesn't go further than unread compressed data.
        ** ptr2 points to the beginning of compressed data at the end
        ** of buffer[].
        ptr2 = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - complen;
        /* move the compressed data to end of buffer[] */
        memmove(ptr2, ptr, complen);

        /* uncompress */
        unclen2 = inflatemem(buffer, ptr2);

        /* verify uncompressed length */
        if (unclen2 != (unsigned) unclen) {
                puts("Uncompressed size does not match");
                return 0;

        /* verify CRC */
        puts("Calculating CRC...");
        if (crc32(crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0), buffer, unclen2) != crc) {
                puts("CRC mismatch");
                return 0;

        /* return number of uncompressed bytes */
        return unclen2;

** Get a filename from standard input.
char* get_fname(void)
        static char filename[100];
        unsigned len;
        fgets(filename, sizeof(filename), stdin);
        len = strlen(filename);
        if (len >= 1 && filename[len - 1] == '\n')
                filename[len - 1] = '\0';
        return filename;

int main(void)
        FILE* fp;
        unsigned length;

        /* read GZIP file */
        puts("GZIP file name:");
        fp = fopen(get_fname(), "rb");
        if (!fp) {
                puts("Can't open GZIP file");
                return 1;
        length = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp);
        if (length == sizeof(buffer)) {
                puts("File is too long");
                return 1;

        /* decompress */
        length = uncompress_buffer(length);
        if (length == 0)
                return 1;

        /* write uncompressed file */
        puts("Uncompressed file name:");
        fp = fopen(get_fname(), "wb");
        if (!fp) {
                puts("Can't create output file");
                return 1;
        if (fwrite(buffer, 1, length, fp) != length) {
                puts("Error while writing output file");
                return 1;

        return 0;