; Freddy Offenga, Stefan Haubenthal, Christian Groessler, March 2007
; detect the DOS version we're running on

	.include	"atari.inc"
	.constructor	detect,26
	.export		__dos_type

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DOS type detection

.segment	"INIT"

detect:	lda	DOS
	cmp	#'S'		; SpartaDOS
	beq	spdos
	cmp	#'M'		; MyDOS
	beq	mydos
	cmp	#'X'		; XDOS
	beq	xdos

	lda	#$4C		; probably default
	ldy	#COMTAB
	cmp	(DOSVEC),y
	bne	done
	cmp	(DOSVEC),y
	bne	done

	ldy	#6		; OS/A+ has a jmp here
	cmp	(DOSVEC),y
	beq	done
	lda	#OSADOS
	.byte	$2C		; BIT <abs>

spdos:	lda	#SPARTADOS
	.byte	$2C		; BIT <abs>

mydos:	lda	#MYDOS
	.byte	$2C		; BIT <abs>

xdos:	lda	#XDOS
	sta	__dos_type
done:	rts

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data


__dos_type:	.res	1	; default to ATARIDOS