; ; Driver for the AppleMouse II Card. ; ; Oliver Schmidt, 03.09.2005 ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "mouse-kernel.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SETMOUSE = $12 ; Sets mouse mode SERVEMOUSE = $13 ; Services mouse interrupt READMOUSE = $14 ; Reads mouse position CLEARMOUSE = $15 ; Clears mouse position to 0 (for delta mode) POSMOUSE = $16 ; Sets mouse position to a user-defined pos CLAMPMOUSE = $17 ; Sets mouse bounds in a window HOMEMOUSE = $18 ; Sets mouse to upper-left corner of clamp win INITMOUSE = $19 ; Resets mouse clamps to default values and ; sets mouse position to 0,0 pos1_lo := $0478 pos1_hi := $0578 pos2_lo := $04F8 pos2_hi := $05F8 status := $0778 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .segment "JUMPTABLE" ; Driver signature .byte $6D, $6F, $75 ; "mou" .byte MOUSE_API_VERSION ; Mouse driver API version number ; Jump table. .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr HIDE .addr SHOW .addr BOX .addr MOVE .addr BUTTONS .addr POS .addr INFO .addr IOCTL .addr IRQ ; Callback table, set by the kernel before INSTALL is called CHIDE: jmp $0000 ; Hide the cursor CSHOW: jmp $0000 ; Show the cursor CMOVEX: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to X coord CMOVEY: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to Y coord ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .bss slot: .res 1 visible:.res 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .rodata offsets:.byte $05 ; Pascal 1.0 ID byte .byte $07 ; Pascal 1.0 ID byte .byte $0B ; Pascal 1.1 generic signature byte .byte $0C ; Device signature byte values: .byte $38 ; Fixed .byte $18 ; Fixed .byte $01 ; Fixed .byte $20 ; X-Y pointing device type 0 size = * - values ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .data info: .word 279 / 2 ; MOUSE_INFO::MOUSE_POS::XCOORD .word 191 / 2 ; MOUSE_INFO::MOUSE_POS::YCOORD .byte %00000000 ; MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS firmware: ; Lookup and patch firmware address lobyte lookup: ldy $FF00,x ; Patched at runtime sty jump+1 ; Modify code below ; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse: ; "Enter all mouse routines (...) with the X register set to $Cn ; and Y register set to $n0, where n = the slot number." xparam: ldx #$FF ; Patched at runtime yparam: ldy #$FF ; Patched at runtime jump: jmp $FFFF ; Patched at runtime ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .code ; INSTALL: Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If possible, ; check if the hardware is present. Must return an MOUSE_ERR_xx code in A/X. INSTALL: lda #<$C000 sta ptr1 lda #>$C000 sta ptr1+1 ; Search for AppleMouse II firmware in slots 1 - 7 next: inc ptr1+1 lda ptr1+1 cmp #>$C800 bcc :+ ; Mouse firmware not found lda #MOUSE_ERR_NO_DEVICE rts ; Check Pascal 1.1 Firmware Protocol ID bytes : ldx #size - 1 : ldy offsets,x lda values,x cmp (ptr1),y bne next dex bpl :- ; Get and patch firmware address hibyte lda ptr1+1 sta lookup+2 sta xparam+1 sta jump+2 ; Convert to and save slot number and #$0F sta slot ; Convert to and patch I/O register index asl asl asl asl sta yparam+1 ; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse: ; "Disable interrupts when calling any mouse routine." sei ; Reset mouse hardware ldx #INITMOUSE jsr firmware ; Turn mouse on lda #%00000001 ldx #SETMOUSE jsr firmware ; Set initial mouse clamps lda #<279 ldx #>279 sta pos2_lo stx pos2_hi lda #$00 ; Set x clamps sta pos1_lo sta pos1_hi ldx #CLAMPMOUSE jsr firmware lda #<191 ldx #>191 sta pos2_lo stx pos2_hi lda #$01 ; Set y clamps ldx #CLAMPMOUSE jsr firmware ; Set initial mouse position ldx slot lda #<(279 / 2) sta pos1_lo,x lda #>(279 / 2) sta pos1_hi,x lda #<(191 / 2) sta pos2_lo,x lda #>(191 / 2) sta pos2_hi,x ldx #POSMOUSE jsr firmware ; Turn VBL interrupt on lda #%00001001 ldx #SETMOUSE common: jsr firmware ; Enable interrupts and return success cli lda #MOUSE_ERR_OK rts ; UNINSTALL: Is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; No return code required (the driver is removed from memory on return). UNINSTALL: ; Hide cursor sei jsr CHIDE ; Turn mouse off lda #%00000000 ldx #SETMOUSE bne common ; Branch always ; HIDE: Is called to hide the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a ; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called ; if the mouse is currently visible and should get hidden. For most drivers, ; no special action is required besides hiding the mouse cursor. ; No return code required. HIDE: dec visible sei jsr CHIDE cli rts ; SHOW: Is called to show the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a ; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called ; if the mouse is currently hidden and should become visible. For most drivers, ; no special action is required besides enabling the mouse cursor. ; No return code required. SHOW: inc visible rts ; BOX: Set the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they come from ; the C program, that is, maxy in A/X and the other parameters on the stack. ; The C wrapper will remove the parameters from the stack when the driver ; routine returns. ; No checks are done if the mouse is currently inside the box, this is the job ; of the caller. It is not necessary to validate the parameters, trust the ; caller and save some code here. No return code required. BOX: ; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse: ; "Disable interrupts before placing position information in the screen holes." sei ; Set high clamp sta pos2_lo txa ldx #$01 ; Set y clamps ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack jsr :+ ldx #$00 ; Set x clamps ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack ; Set high clamp lda (sp),y iny sei sta pos2_lo lda (sp),y iny : sta pos2_hi ; Skip one parameter iny iny ; Set low clamp lda (sp),y iny sta pos1_lo lda (sp),y sta pos1_hi txa ldx #CLAMPMOUSE bne common ; Branch always ; MOVE: Move the mouse to a new position. The position is passed as it comes ; from the C program, that is: x on the stack and y in A/X. The C wrapper will ; remove the parameter from the stack on return. ; No checks are done if the new position is valid (within the bounding box or ; the screen). No return code required. MOVE: ldy slot sei ; Set y sta pos2_lo,y txa sta pos2_hi,y tya tax ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack ; Set x lda (sp),y iny sta pos1_lo,x lda (sp),y sta pos1_hi,x ; Update cursor jsr update ldx #POSMOUSE bne common ; Branch always ; BUTTONS: Return the button mask in A/X. BUTTONS: lda info + MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS ldx #$00 rts ; POS: Return the mouse position in the MOUSE_POS struct pointed to by ptr1. ; No return code required. POS: ldx #.sizeof(MOUSE_POS)-1 bne copy ; Branch always ; INFO: Returns mouse position and current button mask in the MOUSE_INFO ; struct pointed to by ptr1. No return code required. INFO: ldx #.sizeof(MOUSE_INFO)-1 copy: txa tay sei : lda info,x sta (ptr1),y dex dey bpl :- cli rts ; IOCTL: Driver defined entry point. The wrapper will pass a pointer to ioctl ; specific data in ptr1, and the ioctl code in A. ; Must return an MOUSE_ERR_xx code in A/X. IOCTL: lda #MOUSE_ERR_INV_IOCTL rts ; IRQ: Called from the builtin runtime IRQ handler as a subroutine. All ; registers are already saved, no parameters are passed, but the carry flag ; is clear on entry. The routine must return with carry set if the interrupt ; was handled, otherwise with carry clear. IRQ: ; Check for mouse interrupt ldx #SERVEMOUSE jsr firmware bcc :+ clc ; Interrupt not handled rts : ldx #READMOUSE jsr firmware ; Get status ldy slot lda status,y tax ; Save status ; Extract button down values asl ; C = Button 0 is currently down and #%00100000 ; !Z = Button 1 is currently down ; Set button mask beq :+ lda #MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT : bcc :+ ora #MOUSE_BTN_LEFT : sta info + MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS ; Check for mouse movement txa ; Restore status and #%00100000 ; X or Y changed since last READMOUSE beq :+ ; Remove the cursor at the old position update: jsr CHIDE ; Get and set the new X position ldy slot lda pos1_lo,y ldx pos1_hi,y sta info + MOUSE_POS::XCOORD stx info + MOUSE_POS::XCOORD+1 jsr CMOVEX ; Get and set the new Y position ldy slot lda pos2_lo,y ldx pos2_hi,y sta info + MOUSE_POS::YCOORD stx info + MOUSE_POS::YCOORD+1 jsr CMOVEY ; Check for visibility : lda visible beq :+ ; Draw the cursor at the new position jsr CSHOW : sec ; Interrupt handled rts