; ; Oliver Schmidt, 10.03.2004 ; ; void _textframexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, ; unsigned char width, unsigned char height, ; unsigned char style); ; void _textframe (unsigned char width, unsigned char height); ; unsigned char style); ; .export __textframexy, __textframe .import popa, pusha, _gotoxy .import chlinedirect, cvlinedirect .importzp tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, ptr1 .include "../apple2/apple2.inc" WIDTH = tmp2 HEIGHT = tmp3 XORIGIN = tmp4 YORIGIN = ptr1 __textframexy: sec bra textframe __textframe: clc textframe: ldx INVFLG phx ; Save character display mode ldx #$FF stx INVFLG ; Set normal character display mode pha ; Save index jsr popa ; Get height sta HEIGHT jsr popa ; Get width sta WIDTH lda CH ldx CV bcc noxy jsr popa ; Get y tax jsr popa ; Get x noxy: sta XORIGIN stx YORIGIN plx ; Restore index loop: lda XOFFS,x clc bpl :+ ; Relative to left edge? adc WIDTH : adc XORIGIN jsr pusha lda YOFFS,x clc bpl :+ ; Relative to top? adc HEIGHT : adc YORIGIN jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params txa tay lsr ; Get bit 0 (vline) into carry lda LENGTH,x phx ; Save index ldx CHAR,y bcc hline clc adc HEIGHT jsr cvlinedirect bra next hline: adc WIDTH jsr chlinedirect next: plx ; Restore index inx txa and #$03 ; Mask style bne loop pla sta INVFLG ; Restore character display mode rts .rodata ; 2 styles with 4 lines each make up 8 entries per table ; - even entry numbers mean horizontal lines ; - odd entry numbers mean vertical lines ; x offset for the line starting point ; - a positive value means relative to the frame left edge ; - a negative value menas relative to the frame right edge XOFFS: .byte 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 0, 1, -2 ; y offset for the line starting point ; - a positive value means relative to the frame top ; - a negative value menas relative to the frame bottom YOFFS: .byte 0, 1, -2, 1, 0, 0, -2, 0 ; length of the line relative to the frame size ; - a negative value for hlines means shorter than the width ; - a negative value for vlines menas shorter than the height LENGTH: .byte 0, -2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -2, 0 ; character to use for drawing the line ; - hibit set means normal printable character ; - hibit clear means MouseText character CHAR: .byte '_'|$80, '_', 'L', 'Z', 'L', 'Z', '_'|$80, '_'