; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 13.09.2001
; Keyboard polling stuff for the 510.

 	.export	      	scnkey
	.importzp     	tpi2, ktab1, ktab2, ktab3, ktab4
        .importzp       keyidx, keybuf, keyscanbuf, keysave, modkey, norkey
        .importzp       graphmode, lastidx, rptdelay, rptcount

	.include      	"cbm510.inc"

.proc	scnkey

        lda     #$FF
        sta     modkey
        sta     norkey
        lda	#$00
	sta	keyscanbuf
	ldy	#TPI::PRB
	sta	(tpi2),y
	ldy	#TPI::PRA
	sta	(tpi2),y
        jsr     Poll
        and     #$3F
        eor     #$3F
        bne     L1
        jmp     NoKey

L1:	lda     #$FF
	ldy	#TPI::PRA
	sta	(tpi2),y
        asl     a
	ldy	#TPI::PRB
	sta	(tpi2),y
        jsr     Poll
        sta     modkey
        ora     #$30
        bne     L3		; Branch always

L2:	jsr     Poll
L3:	ldx     #$05
	ldy	#$00
L4:	lsr     a
        bcc     L5
        inc	keyscanbuf
        bpl     L4
	ldy	#TPI::PRB
  	lda	(tpi2),y
  	rol   	a
  	sta	(tpi2),y
       	ldy	#TPI::PRA
  	lda	(tpi2),y
  	rol	a
  	sta	(tpi2),y
        bcs     L2
        bcc     NoKey 	  	; Branch always

L5:	ldy	keyscanbuf
	sty     norkey
        asl     a
        asl     a
        asl     a
        bcc     L6
        bmi     L7
        lda     (ktab2),y		; Shifted normal key
        ldx     graphmode
        beq     L8
        lda     (ktab3),y		; Shifted key in graph mode
        bne     L8

L6:	lda     (ktab4),y		; Key with ctrl pressed
	bne	L8
L7:	lda	(ktab1),y		; Normal key
L8:	tax
	cpx     #$FF  	 		; Valid key?
        beq     Done
        cpy     lastidx
        beq     Repeat
        ldx     #$13
        stx     rptdelay
        ldx     keyidx
        cpx     #$09
        beq     NoKey
        cpy     #$59
        bne     PutKey
        cpx     #$08
        beq     NoKey
        sta     keybuf,x
        bne     PutKey

NoKey:	ldy     #$FF
Done:  	sty     lastidx
End:	lda	#$7F
	ldy	#TPI::PRA
	sta	(tpi2),y
	ldy	#TPI::PRB
	lda	#$FF
	sta   	(tpi2),y

Repeat:	dec     rptdelay
        bpl     End
        inc     rptdelay
        dec     rptcount
        bpl     End
        inc     rptcount
        ldx     keyidx
        bne     End

PutKey:	sta     keybuf,x
        stx     keyidx
        ldx     #$03
        stx     rptcount
        bne     Done


; Poll the keyboard port until it's stable

.proc	Poll
	ldy	#TPI::PRC
L1:	lda	(tpi2),y
	sta	keysave
	lda   	(tpi2),y
	cmp	keysave
	bne	L1