/*                                                                           */
/*                                _antic.h                                   */
/*                                                                           */
/*                  Internal include file, do not use directly               */
/*                                                                           */
/*                                                                           */
/* "ANTIC, Alphanumeric Television Interface Controller, is responsible for  */
/* the generation of playfield graphics which is delivered as a datastream   */
/* to the related CTIA/GTIA chip. The CTIA/GTIA provides the coloring of the */
/* playfield graphics, and is responsible for adding overlaid sprite         */
/* (referred to as "Player/Missile graphics" by Atari).  Atari advertised it */
/* as a true microprocessor, in that it has an instruction set to run        */
/* programs (called display lists) to process data.  ANTIC has no capacity   */
/* for writing back computed values to memory, it merely reads data from     */
/* memory and processes it for output to the screen, therefore it is not     */
/* Turing complete." - Wikipedia article on "ANTIC" (with edits)             */
/*                                                                           */
/* (C) 2000 Freddy Offenga <taf_offenga@yahoo.com>                           */
/* 24-Jan-2011: Christian Krueger: Added defines for Antic instruction set   */
/* 2019-01-16: Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>: More defines for registers     */
/*                                                                           */
/*                                                                           */
/* This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied       */
/* warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages    */
/* arising from the use of this software.                                    */
/*                                                                           */
/* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,     */
/* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it    */
/* freely, subject to the following restrictions:                            */
/*                                                                           */
/* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not   */
/*    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software   */
/*    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be  */
/*    appreciated but is not required.                                       */
/* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not   */
/*    be misrepresented as being the original software.                      */
/* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source              */
/*    distribution.                                                          */
/*                                                                           */

#ifndef __ANTIC_H
#define __ANTIC_H

/* Define a structure with the ANTIC coprocessor's register offsets          */

struct __antic {
    unsigned char   dmactl; /* (W) direct memory access control */
    unsigned char   chactl; /* (W) character mode control */
    unsigned char   dlistl; /* display list pointer low-byte */
    unsigned char   dlisth; /* display list pointer high-byte */
    unsigned char   hscrol; /* (W) horizontal scroll enable */
    unsigned char   vscrol; /* (W) vertical scroll enable */
    unsigned char   unuse0; /* unused */
    unsigned char   pmbase; /* (W) msb of p/m base address (for when DMACTL has player and/or missile DMA enabled) */
    unsigned char   unuse1; /* unused */
    unsigned char   chbase; /* (W) msb of character set base address */
    unsigned char   wsync;  /* (W) wait for horizontal synchronization */
    unsigned char   vcount; /* (R) vertical line counter */
    unsigned char   penh;   /* (R) light pen horizontal position */
    unsigned char   penv;   /* (R) light pen vertical position */
    unsigned char   nmien;  /* (W) non-maskable interrupt enable */
    union {
        /* (W) ("NMIRES") nmi reset -- clears the interrupt request register;
        ** resets all of the NMI status together
        unsigned char   nmires;

        /* (R) ("NMIST") nmi status -- holds cause for the NMI interrupt */
        unsigned char   nmist;

/* DMACTL register options                                                   */

/* Initialized to 0x22: DMA fetch, normal playfield, no PMG DMA, double-line PMGs */

/* Playfield modes: */
#define DMACTL_PLAYFIELD_NONE     0x00
#define DMACTL_PLAYFIELD_NARROW   0x01 /* e.g., 32 bytes per scanline with thick borders */
#define DMACTL_PLAYFIELD_NORMAL   0x02 /* e.g., 40 bytes per scanline with normal borders */
#define DMACTL_PLAYFIELD_WIDE     0x03 /* e.g., 48 bytes per scanline with no borders (overscan) */

/* Other options: */

/* If not set, GTIA's GRAFP0 thru GRAFP3, and/or GRAFM registers are used for
** player & missile shapes, respectively.  (Modify the registers during the horizontal blank
** (Display List Interrupt), a la "racing the beam" on an Atari VCS/2600, )
** if set, ANTIC's PMBASE will be used to fetch shapes from memory via DMA.
#define DMACTL_DMA_MISSILES    0x04
#define DMACTL_DMA_PLAYERS     0x08

/* Unless set, PMGs (as fetched via DMA) will be double-scanline resolution */

/* Unless set, ANTIC operation is disabled, since it cannot fetch
** Display List instructions
#define DMACTL_DMA_FETCH       0x20

/* CHACTL register options                                                   */


/* Inverted (upside-down) characters */
#define CHACTL_CHAR_NORMAL    0x00

/* Inverse (reverse-video) characters */
#define CHACTL_INV_TRANS      0x00 /* chars with high-bit shown */
#define CHACTL_INV_OPAQUE     0x01 /* chars with high-bit appear as space */
#define CHACTL_INV_PRESENT    0x02 /* chars with high-bit are reverse-video */

/* Values for NMIEN (enabling interrupts) & NMIST (cause for the interrupt)  */

/* Display List Interrupts
** Called on a modeline when "DL_DLI" bit is set the ANTIC instruction,
** and jumps through VDSLST vector.
#define NMIEN_DLI   0x80

/* Vertical Blank Interrupt
** Called during every vertical blank; see SYSVBV, VVBLKI, CRITIC, and VVBLKD,
** as well as the SETVBV routine.
#define NMIEN_VBI   0x40 

/* [Reset] key pressed */
#define NMIEN_RESET 0x20

/* ANTIC instruction set                                                     */

/* Absolute instructions (non mode lines) */
#define DL_JMP  ((unsigned char) 1)
#define DL_JVB  ((unsigned char) 65)

#define DL_BLK1 ((unsigned char) 0)   /* 1 blank scanline */
#define DL_BLK2 ((unsigned char) 16)  /* 2 blank scanlines */
#define DL_BLK3 ((unsigned char) 32)  /* ...etc. */
#define DL_BLK4 ((unsigned char) 48)
#define DL_BLK5 ((unsigned char) 64)
#define DL_BLK6 ((unsigned char) 80)
#define DL_BLK7 ((unsigned char) 96)
#define DL_BLK8 ((unsigned char) 112)

/* Absolute instructions (mode lines) */

/* Note: Actual width varies (e.g., 40 vs 32 vs 48) depending on
** normal vs narrow vs wide (overscan) playfield setting; see DMACTL

/* Character modes (text, tile graphics, etc.) */

/* monochrome, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (aka Atari BASIC GRAPHICS 0 via OS's CIO routines) */
#define DL_CHR40x8x1    ((unsigned char) 2)

/* monochrome, 40 character & 10 scanlines per mode line (like GR. 0, with descenders) */
#define DL_CHR40x10x1   ((unsigned char) 3)

/* colour, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 12) */
#define DL_CHR40x8x4    ((unsigned char) 4)

/* colour, 40 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 13) */
#define DL_CHR40x16x4   ((unsigned char) 5)

/* colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 1) */
#define DL_CHR20x8x2    ((unsigned char) 6)

/* colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 2) */
#define DL_CHR20x16x2   ((unsigned char) 7)

/* Bitmap modes */

/* colour, 40 pixel & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 3) */
#define DL_MAP40x8x4    ((unsigned char) 8)

/* 'duochrome', 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.4) */
#define DL_MAP80x4x2    ((unsigned char) 9)

/* colour, 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.5) */
#define DL_MAP80x4x4    ((unsigned char) 10)

/* 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.6) */
#define DL_MAP160x2x2   ((unsigned char) 11)

/* 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.14) */
#define DL_MAP160x1x2   ((unsigned char) 12)

/* 4 colours, 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.7) */
#define DL_MAP160x2x4   ((unsigned char) 13)

/* 4 colours, 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.15) */
#define DL_MAP160x1x4   ((unsigned char) 14)

/* monochrome, 320 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.8) */
#define DL_MAP320x1x1   ((unsigned char) 15)

/* Equivalents, for people familiar with Atari 8-bit OS */

#define DL_GRAPHICS0    DL_CHR40x8x1
#define DL_GRAPHICS1    DL_CHR20x8x2
#define DL_GRAPHICS2    DL_CHR20x16x2
#define DL_GRAPHICS3    DL_MAP40x8x4
#define DL_GRAPHICS4    DL_MAP80x4x2
#define DL_GRAPHICS5    DL_MAP80x4x4
#define DL_GRAPHICS6    DL_MAP160x2x2
#define DL_GRAPHICS7    DL_MAP160x2x4
#define DL_GRAPHICS8    DL_MAP320x1x1
#define DL_GRAPHICS9    DL_MAP320x1x1  /* N.B.: GRAPHICS 9, 10, and 11 also involve GTIA's PRIOR register */
#define DL_GRAPHICS10   DL_MAP320x1x1
#define DL_GRAPHICS11   DL_MAP320x1x1
#define DL_GRAPHICS12   DL_CHR40x8x4   /* N.B.: Atari 400/800 OS didn't have GRAPHICS 12 or 13 */
#define DL_GRAPHICS13   DL_CHR40x16x4
#define DL_GRAPHICS14   DL_MAP160x1x2
#define DL_GRAPHICS15   DL_MAP160x1x4

/* Atari 400/800 OS didn't have GRAPHICS 14 or 15, so they were known by "6+" and "7+" */

/* Neither Atari 400/800 nor XL OS supported 10-scanline (descenders) text mode via CIO */

/* Modifiers to mode lines */
#define DL_HSCROL(x)    ((unsigned char)((x) | 16)) /* enable smooth horizontal scrolling on this line; see HSCROL */
#define DL_VSCROL(x)    ((unsigned char)((x) | 32)) /* enable smooth vertical scrolling on this line; see VSCROL */
#define DL_LMS(x)       ((unsigned char)((x) | 64)) /* Load Memory Scan (next two bytes must be the LSB/MSB of the data to load) */

/* General modifier */
#define DL_DLI(x)       ((unsigned char)((x) | 128)) /* enable Display List Interrupt on this mode line */

/* End of _antic.h */
#endif /* #ifndef __ANTIC_H */