; ; Karri Kaksonen, 2011 ; ; This header is required for cart builds. ; .include "lynx.inc" .include "extzp.inc" .import __RAM_START__ .import __CODE_SIZE__,__DATA_SIZE__,__RODATA_SIZE__ .import __STARTUP_SIZE__,__INIT_SIZE__ .import __BLOCKSIZE__ .export __EXEHDR__: absolute = 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EXE header .segment "EXEHDR" .byte 'L','Y','N','X' ; magic .word __BLOCKSIZE__ ; bank 0 page size .word __BLOCKSIZE__ ; bank 1 page size .word 1 ; version number .asciiz "Cart name " ; 32 bytes cart name .asciiz "Manufacturer " ; 16 bytes manufacturer .byte 0 ; rotation 1=left ; rotation 2=right .byte 0,0,0,0,0 ; spare ;********************************** ; Here is the bootloader in plaintext ; The idea is to make the smalles possible encrypted loader as decryption ; is very slow. The minimum size is 49 bytes plus a zero byte. ;********************************** ; EXE = $f000 ; ; .org $0200 ; ; ; 1. force Mikey to be in memory ; stz MAPCTL ; ; ; 3. set ComLynx to open collector ; lda #4 ; a = 00000100 ; sta SERCTL ; set the ComLynx to open collector ; ; ; 4. make sure the ROM is powered on ; lda #8 ; a = 00001000 ; sta IODAT ; set the ROM power to on ; ; ; 5. read in secondary exe + 8 bytes from the cart and store it in $f000 ; ldx #0 ; x = 0 ; ldy #$AB ; y = secondary loader ;rloop1: lda RCART0 ; read a byte from the cart ; sta EXE,X ; EXE[X] = a ; inx ; x++ ; dey ; y-- ; bne rloop1 ; loops until y wraps ; ; ; 6. jump to secondary loader ; jmp EXE ; run the secondary loader ; ; .reloc ;********************************** ; After compilation, encryption and obfuscation it turns into this. ;********************************** __LOADER_SIZE__=52 .byte $ff, $dc, $e3, $bd, $bc, $7f, $f8, $94 .byte $b7, $dd, $68, $bb, $da, $5b, $50, $5c .byte $ea, $9f, $2b, $df, $96, $80, $3f, $7e .byte $ef, $15, $81, $ae, $ad, $e4, $6e, $b3 .byte $46, $d7, $72, $58, $f7, $76, $8a, $4a .byte $c7, $99, $bd, $ff, $02, $3e, $5b, $3f .byte $0c, $49, $1b, $22 ;********************************** ; Now we have the secondary loader ;********************************** __LOADER2_SIZE__=171 .org $f000 ; 1. Read in the 1st File-entry (main exe) in FileEntry ldx #$00 ldy #8 rloop: lda RCART0 ; read a byte from the cart sta _FileEntry,X ; EXE[X] = a inx dey bne rloop ; 2. Set the block hardware to the main exe start lda _FileStartBlock sta _FileCurrBlock jsr seclynxblock ; 3. Skip over the block offset lda _FileBlockOffset ldx _FileBlockOffset+1 phx ; The BLL kit uses negative offsets plx ; while the basic Lynx uses positive bmi @1 ; Make all offsets negative eor #$FF pha txa eor #$FF bra @2 @1: pha txa @2: tay plx jsr seclynxskip0 ; 4. Read in the main exe to RAM lda _FileDestAddr ldx _FileDestAddr+1 sta _FileDestPtr stx _FileDestPtr+1 lda _FileFileLen ldx _FileFileLen+1 phx ; The BLL kit uses negative counts plx ; while the basic Lynx uses positive bmi @3 ; make all counts negative eor #$FF pha txa eor #$FF bra @4 @3: pha txa @4: tay plx jsr seclynxread0 ; 5. Jump to start of the main exe code jmp (_FileDestAddr) ;********************************** ; Skip bytes on bank 0 ; X:Y count (EOR $FFFF) ;********************************** seclynxskip0: inx bne @0 iny beq exit @0: jsr secreadbyte0 bra seclynxskip0 ;********************************** ; Read bytes from bank 0 ; X:Y count (EOR $ffff) ;********************************** seclynxread0: inx bne @1 iny beq exit @1: jsr secreadbyte0 sta (_FileDestPtr) inc _FileDestPtr bne seclynxread0 inc _FileDestPtr+1 bra seclynxread0 ;********************************** ; Read one byte from cartridge ;********************************** secreadbyte0: lda RCART0 inc _FileBlockByte bne exit inc _FileBlockByte+1 bne exit ;********************************** ; Select a block ;********************************** seclynxblock: pha phx phy lda __iodat and #$fc tay ora #2 tax lda _FileCurrBlock inc _FileCurrBlock sec bra @2 @0: bcc @1 stx IODAT clc @1: inx stx SYSCTL1 dex @2: stx SYSCTL1 rol sty IODAT bne @0 lda __iodat sta IODAT stz _FileBlockByte lda #<($100-(>__BLOCKSIZE__)) sta _FileBlockByte+1 ply plx pla exit: rts .reloc __DIRECTORY_START__: ; Entry 0 - title sprite (mandatory) off0=__LOADER_SIZE__+__LOADER2_SIZE__+(__DIRECTORY_END__-__DIRECTORY_START__) blocka=off0/__BLOCKSIZE__ ; Entry 0 - first executable block0=off0/__BLOCKSIZE__ len0=__STARTUP_SIZE__+__INIT_SIZE__+__CODE_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__+__RODATA_SIZE__ .byte