; ; Standard joystick driver for the Creativision. ; ; 2017-03-08, Christian Groessler ; 2021-06-01, Greg King ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "joy-kernel.inc" .include "joy-error.inc" .include "creativision.inc" .macpack module buttons := tmp2 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table module_header _creativisionstd_joy ; Driver signature .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; "joy" .byte JOY_API_VERSION ; Driver API version number ; Library reference .addr $0000 ; Jump table. .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr COUNT .addr READJOY ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Constants JOY_COUNT = 2 ; Number of joysticks we support ; Symbolic names for joystick masks (similar names to the macros in joystick.h, ; with the same values as the masks in creativision.h) JOY_UP = $10 JOY_DOWN = $04 JOY_LEFT = $20 JOY_RIGHT = $08 .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If ; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of ; memory available. ; Must return an JOY_ERR_xx code in a/x. ; INSTALL: lda #JOY_ERR_OK ldx #>$0000 ; rts ; Fall through ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything. ; UNINSTALL: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x. ; COUNT: lda #JOY_COUNT rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A. ; READJOY: lsr a ; Get joystick number bcs READJOY_1 ; Read right joystick ; Read left joystick ldx ZP_JOY0_DIR lda ZP_JOY0_BUTTONS bcc convert ; Convert joystick state to cc65 values ; Read right joystick READJOY_1: ldx ZP_JOY1_DIR lda ZP_JOY1_BUTTONS lsr a lsr a ;jmp convert ; Convert joystick state to cc65 values ; Fall thru... ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; convert: make runtime lib-compatible values ; inputs: ; A - buttons ; X - direction ; convert: ; ------ ; buttons: ; Port values are for the left-hand joystick (right-hand joystick ; values were shifted to the right to be identical). ; Why are there two bits indicating a pressed trigger? ; According to the "Second book of programs for the Dick Smith Wizard" ; (pg. 88ff), the left-hand button gives the value of ; %00010001 and the right-hand button gives %00100010 ; Why two bits? Can there be cases that just one of those bits is set? ; Until those questions have been answered, we only use the lower two ; bits, and ignore the upper ones. and #%00000011 ; Button status came in A, strip high bits sta buttons ; ------ ; direction: ; CV has a 16-direction joystick. ; ; Port values: (compass points) ; N - $49 - %01001001 ; NNE - $48 - %01001000 ; NE - $47 - %01000111 ; ENE - $46 - %01000110 ; E - $45 - %01000101 ; ESE - $44 - %01000100 ; SE - $43 - %01000011 ; SSE - $42 - %01000010 ; S - $41 - %01000001 ; SSW - $40 - %01000000 ; SW - $4F - %01001111 ; WSW - $4E - %01001110 ; W - $4D - %01001101 ; WNW - $4C - %01001100 ; NW - $4B - %01001011 ; NNW - $4A - %01001010 ; center - $00 - %00000000 ; ; Mapping to cc65 definitions (4-direction joystick with 8 possible directions thru combinations): ; N, E, S, W -> JOY_UP, JOY_RIGHT, JOY_DOWN, JOY_LEFT ; NE, SE, SW, NW -> (JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT), (JOY_DOWN | JOY_RIGHT), (JOY_DOWN | JOY_LEFT), (JOY_UP | JOY_LEFT) ; NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW, NNW: ; toggle between the straight and diagonal directions for each call, e.g., ; NNE: ; call to READJOY: return JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT ; call to READJOY: return JOY_UP ; call to READJOY: return JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT ; call to READJOY: return JOY_UP ; call to READJOY: return JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT ; etc. txa ; Move direction status into A beq done ; Center position (no bits are set), nothing to do and #$0F ; Get rid of the "$40" bit lsr a ; Is it "three-letter" direction (NNE, ENE, etc.)? tax ; Create index into table bcc special ; Yes (bit #0 was zero) lda dirtable,x done: ora buttons ; Include button bits ldx #>$0000 rts ; NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW, NNW special: lda toggle ; Toggle the flag eor #$01 sta toggle bne spec_1 ; Flag is 1, use spectable_1 entry lda spectable_0,x bne done ; Jump always spec_1: lda spectable_1,x bne done ; Jump always ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; .rodata ; A mapping table of "port values" to "cc65 values" ; Port value had been shifted one bit to the right (range 0..7) dirtable: .byte JOY_DOWN ; S .byte JOY_DOWN | JOY_RIGHT ; SE .byte JOY_RIGHT ; E .byte JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT ; NE .byte JOY_UP ; N .byte JOY_UP | JOY_LEFT ; NW .byte JOY_LEFT ; W .byte JOY_DOWN | JOY_LEFT ; SW ; Two "special" mapping tables for three-letter directions (NNE, etc.) spectable_0: .byte JOY_DOWN ; SSW .byte JOY_DOWN ; SSE .byte JOY_RIGHT ; ESE .byte JOY_RIGHT ; ENE .byte JOY_UP ; NNE .byte JOY_UP ; NNW .byte JOY_LEFT ; WNW .byte JOY_LEFT ; WSW spectable_1: .byte JOY_DOWN | JOY_LEFT ; SSW .byte JOY_DOWN | JOY_RIGHT ; SSE .byte JOY_DOWN | JOY_RIGHT ; ESE .byte JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT ; ENE .byte JOY_UP | JOY_RIGHT ; NNE .byte JOY_UP | JOY_LEFT ; NNW .byte JOY_UP | JOY_LEFT ; WNW .byte JOY_DOWN | JOY_LEFT ; WSW ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; .bss toggle: .res 1 .end