; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002 ; ; FILE* __fastcall__ _fopen (const char* name, const char* mode, FILE* f); ; /* Open the specified file and fill the descriptor values into f */ ; .export __fopen .import _open .import pushax, incsp4, return0 .importzp sp, ptr1 .include "errno.inc" .include "fcntl.inc" .include "_file.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Code .proc __fopen sta file stx file+1 ; Save f ; Get a pointer to the mode string ldy #1 lda (sp),y sta ptr1+1 dey lda (sp),y sta ptr1 ; Look at the first character in mode ldx #$00 ; Mode will be in X lda (ptr1),y ; Get first char from mode cmp #'w' bne @L1 ldx #(O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) bne @L3 @L1: cmp #'r' bne @L2 ldx #O_RDONLY bne @L3 @L2: cmp #'a' bne invmode ldx #(O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND) ; Look at more chars from the mode string @L3: iny ; Next char beq invmode lda (ptr1),y beq modeok ; End of mode string reached cmp #'+' bne @L4 txa ora #O_RDWR ; Always do r/w in addition to anything else tax bne @L3 @L4: cmp #'b' beq @L3 ; Binary mode is ignored ; Invalid mode invmode: lda #EINVAL jsr ___seterrno ; Set __errno, returns zero in A tax ; a/x = 0 jmp incsp4 ; Mode string successfully parsed. Store the binary mode onto the stack in ; the same place where the mode string pointer was before. Then call open() modeok: ldy #$00 txa ; Mode -> A sta (sp),y tya iny sta (sp),y ldy #4 ; Size of arguments in bytes jsr _open ; Will cleanup the stack ; Check the result of the open() call cpx #$FF bne openok cmp #$FF bne openok jmp return0 ; Failure, errno/__oserror already set ; Open call succeeded openok: ldy file sty ptr1 ldy file+1 sty ptr1+1 ldy #_FILE::f_fd sta (ptr1),y ; file->f_fd = fd; ldy #_FILE::f_flags lda #_FOPEN sta (ptr1),y ; file->f_flags = _FOPEN; ; Return the pointer to the file structure lda ptr1 ldx ptr1+1 rts .endproc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data .bss file: .res 2