/* ** Test program for mouse drivers. ** Supportsthe C64/C128/CBM510/Atari/Apple2. ** ** 2001-09-13, Ullrich von Bassewitz ** 2013-09-05, Greg King ** ** Compile with "-DSTATIC_MOUSE" to statically link all available drivers. ** Compile with "-DMOUSE_DRIVER=" to statically link the given driver. ** E.g., -DMOUSE_DRIVER=atrsts_mou to just link with the Atari ST mouse driver. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) extern int getsp(void); #define NO_DEBUG #define NO_JAIL #ifdef __ATARI__ extern const struct mouse_callbacks mouse_pm_callbacks; extern const struct mouse_callbacks mouse_txt_callbacks; //#define MOUSE_CALLBACK mouse_def_callbacks #define MOUSE_CALLBACK mouse_pm_callbacks //#define MOUSE_CALLBACK mouse_txt_callbacks #else #define MOUSE_CALLBACK mouse_def_callbacks #endif #if defined(MOUSE_DRIVER) || defined(STATIC_MOUSE) /* A statically linked driver was named on the compiler's command line. ** Make sure that it is used instead of a dynamic one. */ # undef DYN_DRV # define DYN_DRV 0 #else /* Use a dynamically loaded driver, by default. */ # ifndef DYN_DRV # define DYN_DRV 1 # endif #endif #ifdef __CBM__ /* Set dark-on-light colors. */ const unsigned char mouse_def_pointercolor = COLOR_BLACK; #endif static void __fastcall__ CheckError (const char* S, unsigned char Error) { if (Error != MOUSE_ERR_OK) { cprintf ("\n%s: %s(%u)\r\n", S, mouse_geterrormsg (Error), Error); /* Wait for a key-press, so that some platforms can show the error ** message before they remove the current screen. */ if (doesclrscrafterexit ()) { cgetc (); } exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } #if DYN_DRV /* Points to the dynamic driver's name. */ static const char *mouse_name; static void DoWarning (void) /* Warn the user that a driver is needed for this program. */ { cprintf ("Warning: This program needs\r\n" "the driver with the name\r\n" " %s\r\n" "on a disk! Press 'y' if you have it;\r\n" "or, any other key to exit.\r\n", mouse_stddrv); if (tolower (cgetc ()) != 'y') { exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } cprintf ("OK. Please wait patiently...\r\n"); } #else unsigned char *mouse_drv_use; #endif #ifdef __ATARI__ #ifdef __ATARIXL__ #define MSENAME_EXT "X" #define MSESTAT_0 atrxjoy_mou #define MSESTAT_1 atrxst_mou #define MSESTAT_2 atrxami_mou #define MSESTAT_3 atrxtrk_mou #define MSESTAT_4 atrxtt_mou #else #define MSENAME_EXT "" #define MSESTAT_0 atrjoy_mou #define MSESTAT_1 atrst_mou #define MSESTAT_2 atrami_mou #define MSESTAT_3 atrtrk_mou #define MSESTAT_4 atrtt_mou #endif #define MSENAME_0 "ATR" MSENAME_EXT "JOY.MOU" #define MSENAME_1 "ATR" MSENAME_EXT "ST.MOU" #define MSENAME_2 "ATR" MSENAME_EXT "AMI.MOU" #define MSENAME_3 "ATR" MSENAME_EXT "TRK.MOU" #define MSENAME_4 "ATR" MSENAME_EXT "TT.MOU" #elif defined(__C64__) || defined(__C128__) #ifdef __C64__ #define MSENAME_EXT "c64-" #define MSESTAT_0 c64_joy_mou #define MSESTAT_1 c64_1351_mou #define MSESTAT_2 c64_inkwell_mou #define MSESTAT_3 c64_pot_mou #else #define MSENAME_EXT "c128-" #define MSESTAT_0 c128_joy_mou #define MSESTAT_1 c128_1351_mou #define MSESTAT_2 c128_inkwell_mou #define MSESTAT_3 c128_pot_mou #endif #define MSENAME_0 MSENAME_EXT "joy.mou" #define MSENAME_1 MSENAME_EXT "1351.mou" #define MSENAME_2 MSENAME_EXT "inkwell.mou" #define MSENAME_3 MSENAME_EXT "pot.mou" #endif static void __fastcall__ ShowState (unsigned char Jailed, unsigned char Invisible) /* Display jail and cursor states. */ { cclearxy (0, 7, 32); gotoxy (0, 7); cprintf ("Pointer is %svisible%s.", Invisible? "in" : "", Jailed? " and jailed" : ""); } #ifdef __ATARIXL__ extern char _HIDDEN_RAM_SIZE__, _HIDDEN_RAM_LAST__, _HIDDEN_RAM_START__; #endif #if DYN_DRV int main (int argc, char *argv[]) #else int main (void) #endif { struct mouse_info info; struct mouse_box full_box, small_box; unsigned char width, height; char C; bool Invisible = true, Done = false, Jailed = false; #ifdef __ATARIXL__ cprintf ("adding heap: $%04X bytes at $%04X\r\n", &_HIDDEN_RAM_SIZE__ - (&_HIDDEN_RAM_LAST__ - &_HIDDEN_RAM_START__), &_HIDDEN_RAM_LAST__); _heapadd (&_HIDDEN_RAM_LAST__, (size_t)(&_HIDDEN_RAM_SIZE__ - (&_HIDDEN_RAM_LAST__ - &_HIDDEN_RAM_START__))); cgetc (); #endif #ifndef NO_DEBUG /* Initialize the debugger */ DbgInit (0); #endif /* Set dark-on-light colors. Clear the screen. */ #ifdef __CBM__ (void) bordercolor (COLOR_GRAY2); (void) bgcolor (COLOR_WHITE); (void) textcolor (COLOR_GRAY1); #else (void) bordercolor (COLOR_BLUE); (void) bgcolor (COLOR_WHITE); (void) textcolor (COLOR_BLACK); #endif cursor (0); clrscr (); /* If a lightpen driver is installed, then it can get a calibration value ** from this file (if it exists). Or, the user can adjust the pen; and, ** the value will be put into this file, for the next time. ** (Other drivers will ignore this.) */ #if defined(__C64__) || defined(__C128__) || defined(__CBM510__) pen_adjust ("pen.dat"); #endif #if DYN_DRV /* If a dynamically loadable driver is named on the command line, ** then use that driver instead of the standard one. */ if (argc > 1) { mouse_name = argv[1]; } else { #if defined(__ATARI__) || defined(__C64__) || defined(__C128__) char selection, flag = 0; cprintf ("Select mouse driver:\r\n" " 0 - Joystick\r\n" #ifdef __ATARI__ " 1 - ST Mouse\r\n" " 2 - Amiga Mouse\r\n" " 3 - Atari Trakball\r\n" " 4 - Atari TouchPad\r\n" #else " 1 - 1351 Mouse\r\n" " 2 - Inkwell Mouse\r\n" " 3 - Paddle\r\n" #endif "Enter selection: "); while (1) { switch (selection = cgetc ()) { case '0': mouse_name = MSENAME_0; flag = 1; break; case '1': mouse_name = MSENAME_1; flag = 1; break; case '2': mouse_name = MSENAME_2; flag = 1; break; case '3': mouse_name = MSENAME_3; flag = 1; break; #ifdef __ATARI__ case '4': mouse_name = MSENAME_4; flag = 1; break; #endif } if (flag) break; } cprintf ("%c\r\nOK, loading \"%s\",\r\nplease wait patiently...\r\n", selection, mouse_name); #else /* Output a warning about the standard driver that is needed. */ DoWarning (); mouse_name = mouse_stddrv; #endif } /* Load and install the driver. */ CheckError ("mouse_load_driver", mouse_load_driver (&MOUSE_CALLBACK, mouse_name)); #else /* not DYN_DRV */ #if !defined(MOUSE_DRIVER) && (defined(__ATARI__) || defined(__C64__) || defined(__C128__)) { char selection, flag = 0; cprintf ("Select mouse driver:\r\n" " 0 - Joystick\r\n" #ifdef __ATARI__ " 1 - ST Mouse\r\n" " 2 - Amiga Mouse\r\n" " 3 - Atari Trakball\r\n" " 4 - Atari TouchPad\r\n" #else " 1 - 1351 Mouse\r\n" " 2 - Inkwell Mouse\r\n" " 3 - Paddle\r\n" #endif "Enter selection: "); while (1) { switch (selection = cgetc ()) { case '0': mouse_drv_use = MSESTAT_0; flag = 1; break; case '1': mouse_drv_use = MSESTAT_1; flag = 1; break; case '2': mouse_drv_use = MSESTAT_2; flag = 1; break; case '3': mouse_drv_use = MSESTAT_3; flag = 1; break; #ifdef __ATARI__ case '4': mouse_drv_use = MSESTAT_4; flag = 1; break; #endif } if (flag) break; } } #else mouse_drv_use = mouse_static_stddrv; #endif /* Install the driver. */ CheckError ("mouse_install", mouse_install (&MOUSE_CALLBACK, # ifdef MOUSE_DRIVER MOUSE_DRIVER # else #if defined(__ATARI__) || defined(__C64__) || defined(__C128__) mouse_drv_use #else mouse_static_stddrv #endif # endif )); #endif #ifndef NO_JAIL /* Get the initial bounding box. */ mouse_getbox (&full_box); #endif screensize (&width, &height); top: clrscr (); /* Print a help line */ cputs (" d)ebug h)ide q)uit s)how j)ail"); gotoxy (1, 20); cprintf ("SP: $%04X", getsp()); /* Put a cross at the center of the screen. */ gotoxy (width / 2 - 3, height / 2 - 1); #if defined(__CBM__) cprintf ("%3u,%3u\r\n%*s\xDB", width / 2 * 8 + 4, height / 2 * 8 + 4, width / 2, ""); #else cprintf ("%3u,%3u\r\n%*s+", width / 2 * 8 + 4, height / 2 * 8 + 4, width / 2, ""); #endif /* Test loop */ ShowState (Jailed, Invisible); do { /* Get the current co-ordinates and button states; and, print them. */ mouse_info (&info); gotoxy (0, 2); cprintf (" X = %3d\r\n", info.pos.x); cprintf (" Y = %3d\r\n", info.pos.y); cprintf (" B1 = %c\r\n", (info.buttons & MOUSE_BTN_LEFT) ? #ifdef __CBM__ 0x5F #else 'v' #endif : '^'); cprintf (" B2 = %c", (info.buttons & MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT) ? #ifdef __CBM__ 0x5F #else 'v' #endif : '^'); /* Handle user input */ if (kbhit ()) { cclearxy (1, 9, 23); switch (tolower (C = cgetc ())) { #ifndef NO_DEBUG case 'd': BREAK(); /* The debugger might have changed the colors. ** Restore them. */ #ifdef __CBM__ (void) bordercolor (COLOR_GRAY2); (void) bgcolor (COLOR_WHITE); (void) textcolor (COLOR_GRAY1); #else (void) bordercolor (COLOR_BLUE); (void) bgcolor (COLOR_WHITE); (void) textcolor (COLOR_BLACK); #endif /* The debugger changed the screen; restore it. */ goto top; #endif case 'h': mouse_hide (); ShowState (Jailed, ++Invisible); break; #ifndef NO_JAIL case 'j': if (Jailed) { mouse_setbox (&full_box); Jailed = false; } else { small_box.minx = max (info.pos.x - 10, full_box.minx); small_box.miny = max (info.pos.y - 10, full_box.miny); small_box.maxx = min (info.pos.x + 10, full_box.maxx); small_box.maxy = min (info.pos.y + 10, full_box.maxy); mouse_setbox (&small_box); Jailed = true; } ShowState (Jailed, Invisible); break; #endif case 's': mouse_show (); if (Invisible) { ShowState (Jailed, --Invisible); } break; case 'q': Done = true; break; default: gotoxy (1, 9); cprintf ("Spurious character: $%02X", C); } } } while (!Done); #if DYN_DRV /* Uninstall and unload the driver. */ CheckError ("mouse_unload", mouse_unload ()); #else /* Uninstall the static driver. */ CheckError ("mouse_uninstall", mouse_uninstall ()); #endif /* Say goodbye */ cputsxy (0, height / 2 + 3, "Goodbye!"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }