; ; Implementation of screen-layout related functions for Challenger 1P in 48x12 mode. ; .include "../osiscreen.inc" C1P_SCR_BASE := $D000 ; Base of C1P video RAM C1P_VRAM_SIZE = $0400 ; Size of C1P video RAM (1 kB) C1P_SCR_WIDTH = $30 ; Screen width C1P_SCR_HEIGHT = $0C ; Screen height C1P_SCR_FIRSTCHAR = $8B ; Offset of cursor position (0, 0) from base ; of video RAM C1P_SCROLL_DIST = $40 ; Memory distance for scrolling by one line osi_screen_funcs C1P_SCR_BASE, C1P_VRAM_SIZE, C1P_SCR_FIRSTCHAR, \ C1P_SCR_WIDTH, C1P_SCR_HEIGHT, C1P_SCROLL_DIST