; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.06.2002
; void __fastcall__ tgi_textstyle (unsigned char magx, unsigned char magy,
;                                  unsigned char dir);
; /* Set the style for text output. */

        .include        "tgi-kernel.inc"

        .import         popax, incsp2

.proc   _tgi_textstyle

        jsr     popax                   ; Get magx/magy in one call

; A = textdir, X = textmagx, Y = textmagy

        cmp     #TGI_TEXT_HORIZONTAL
        beq     DirOk
        cmp     #TGI_TEXT_VERTICAL
        beq     DirOk
Fail:   jmp     tgi_inv_arg             ; Invalid argument
DirOk:  cpy     #$00
        beq     Fail                    ; Cannot have magnification of zero
        cpx     #$00
        beq     Fail                    ; Cannot have magnification of zero

; Parameter check ok, store them

        stx     _tgi_textmagx
        sty     _tgi_textmagy
        sta     _tgi_textdir

; Call the driver, parameters are passed in registers

        jmp     tgi_textstyle
