; int printf (const char* Format, ...);
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 1.12.2000

	.export	      	_printf
	.import		_stdout, pushax, addysp, _vfprintf
	.importzp	sp, ptr1

	.macpack	generic

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data


ParamSize: 	.res  	1		; Number of parameter bytes

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Code


  	sty	ParamSize		; Number of param bytes passed in Y

; We are using a (hopefully) clever trick here to reduce code size. On entry,
; the stack pointer points to the last pushed parameter	of the variable
; parameter list. Adding the number of parameter bytes, would result in a
; pointer that points *after* the Format parameter.
; Since we have to push stdout anyway, we will do that here, so
;   * we will save the subtraction of 2 (__fixargs__) later
;   * we will have the address of the Format parameter which needs to
;     be pushed next.

	lda	_stdout
	ldx	_stdout+1
	jsr	pushax

; Now calculate the va_list pointer, which does points to Format

	lda	sp
	ldx	sp+1
	add	ParamSize
	bcc	@L1
@L1:	sta	ptr1
	stx	ptr1+1

; Push Format

	ldy	#1
	lda	(ptr1),y
	lda	(ptr1),y
	jsr	pushax

; Load va_list (last and __fastcall__ parameter to vfprintf)

	lda    	ptr1
	ldx    	ptr1+1

; Call vfprintf

	jsr	_vfprintf

; Cleanup the stack. We will return what we got from vfprintf

	ldy	ParamSize
	jmp	addysp