; ; Oliver Schmidt, 15.09.2009 ; ; ProDOS 8 I/O buffer management for memory between ; location $0800 and the cc65 program start address ; .constructor initiobuf .export iobuf_alloc, iobuf_free .import __STARTUP_RUN__ .import incsp2, popptr1 .include "zeropage.inc" .include "errno.inc" .include "../filedes.inc" .segment "ONCE" initiobuf: ; Convert end address highbyte to table index lda #>__STARTUP_RUN__ sec sbc #>$0800 lsr lsr ; Mark all remaining table entries as used tax lda #$FF : cpx #MAX_FDS bcc :+ rts : sta table,x inx bne :-- ; Branch always ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .code iobuf_alloc: ; Get and save "memptr" jsr incsp2 jsr popptr1 ; Search table for free entry ldx #$00 : lda table,x beq :+ inx cpx #MAX_FDS bcc :- lda #ENOMEM rts ; Mark table entry as used : lda #$FF sta table,x ; Convert table index to address hibyte txa asl asl clc adc #>$0800 ; Store address in "memptr" ldy #$01 sta (ptr1),y dey tya sta (ptr1),y rts iobuf_free: ; Convert address hibyte to table index txa sec sbc #>$0800 lsr lsr ; Mark table entry as free tax lda #$00 sta table,x rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .data table: .res MAX_FDS