; ; Standard joystick driver for the Atari. May be used multiple times when linked ; to the statically application. ; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2002-12-21 ; Using the readjoy code from Christian Groessler ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "joy-kernel.inc" .include "joy-error.inc" .include "atari.inc" .macpack generic .macpack module ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table .ifdef __ATARIXL__ module_header _atrxstd_joy .else module_header _atrstd_joy .endif ; Driver signature .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; "joy" .byte JOY_API_VERSION ; Driver API version number ; Library reference .addr $0000 ; Jump table. .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr COUNT .addr READJOY .addr 0 ; IRQ entry not used ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Constants JOY_COUNT = 4 ; Number of joysticks we support ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data. .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If ; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of ; memory available. ; Must return an JOY_ERR_xx code in a/x. ; INSTALL: lda #JOY_ERR_OK ldx #0 ; rts ; Run into UNINSTALL instead ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything. ; UNINSTALL: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x. ; COUNT: lda #JOY_COUNT ldx $fcd8 cpx #$a2 beq _400800 lsr a ; XL and newer machines only have 2 ports _400800: ldx #0 rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A. ; READJOY: and #3 ; fix joystick number tax ; Joystick number (0-3) into X ; Read joystick lda STRIG0,x ; get button asl a asl a asl a asl a ora STICK0,x ; add position information eor #$1F ldx #0 ; fix X rts