; ; Startup code for cc65 (C128 version) ; ; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line ; .export _exit .import __hinit, initconio, doneconio, zerobss .import push0, doatexit, _main .include "c128.inc" .include "../cbm/cbm.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Define and export the ZP variables for the C64 runtime .exportzp sp, sreg, regsave .exportzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4 .exportzp tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 .exportzp regbank, zpspace .zeropage zpstart = * sp: .res 2 ; Stack pointer sreg: .res 2 ; Secondary register/high 16 bit for longs regsave: .res 2 ; slot to save/restore (E)AX into ptr1: .res 2 ptr2: .res 2 ptr3: .res 2 ptr4: .res 2 tmp1: .res 1 tmp2: .res 1 tmp3: .res 1 tmp4: .res 1 regbank: .res 6 ; 6 byte register bank zpspace = * - zpstart ; Zero page space allocated .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BASIC header with a SYS call .org $1BFF .word Head ; Load address Head: .word @Next .word 1000 ; Line number .byte $9E,"7181" ; SYS 7181 .byte $00 ; End of BASIC line @Next: .word 0 ; BASIC end marker .reloc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Actual code ldx #zpspace-1 L1: lda sp,x sta zpsave,x ; save the zero page locations we need dex bpl L1 ; Close open files jsr CLRCH ; Switch to second charset lda #14 jsr BSOUT ; Get the current MMU setting and save it. Set new memory config. lda MMU_CR ; Get current memory configuration... pha ; ...and save it for later lda #$0E ; Bank0 with kernal ROM sta MMU_CR ; Clear the BSS data jsr zerobss ; Save system stuff and setup the stack pla ; Get MMU setting sta mmusave tsx stx spsave ; save system stk ptr lda #<$C000 sta sp lda #>$C000 sta sp+1 ; Initialize the heap jsr __hinit ; Initialize conio stuff jsr initconio ; Pass an empty command line jsr push0 ; argc jsr push0 ; argv ldy #4 ; Argument size jsr _main ; call the users code ; fall thru to exit... _exit: jsr doatexit ; call exit functions ; Reset the conio stuff jsr doneconio ; Reset stack and the MMU ldx spsave ; Patched at runtime txs lda mmusave ; Patched at runtime sta MMU_CR ; Copy back the zero page stuff ldx #zpspace-1 L2: lda zpsave,x sta sp,x dex bpl L2 ; Done jmp RESTOR .data zpsave: .res zpspace .bss spsave: .res 1 mmusave:.res 1