; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 11.06.1998 ; Christian Krueger: 05-Aug-2013, optimization ; ; size_t strcspn (const char* s1, const char* s2); ; .export _strcspn .import popptr1, _strlen .importzp ptr1, ptr4, tmp1, tmp2 _strcspn: jsr _strlen ; get length in a/x and transfer s2 to ptr4 ; Note: It does not make sense to ; have more than 255 test chars, so ; we don't support a high byte here! (ptr4+1 is ; also unchanged in strlen then (important!)) ; -> the original implementation also ; ignored this case sta tmp1 ; tmp1 = strlen of test chars jsr popptr1 ; get and save s1 to ptr1 ldx #0 ; low counter byte stx tmp2 ; high counter byte loadChar: ldy #0 lda (ptr1),y ; get next char from s1 beq leave ; handly byte of s1 advance: inc ptr1 ; advance string position to test bne check inc ptr1+1 dey ; correct next iny (faster/shorter than bne...) checkNext: iny check: cpy tmp1 ; compare with length of test character string beq endOfTestChars cmp (ptr4),y ; found matching char? bne checkNext leave: txa ; restore position of finding ldx tmp2 ; and return rts endOfTestChars: inx bne loadChar inc tmp2 bne loadChar ; like bra...