; ; Stefan Haubenthal, 2009-07-27 ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2009-09-24 ; Oliver Schmidt, 2018-08-14 ; ; int clock_gettime (clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp); ; .include "time.inc" .include "cbm610.inc" .include "extzp.inc" .import pushax, pusheax, tosmul0ax, steaxspidx, incsp1 .import sys_bank, restore_bank .importzp sreg, tmp1, tmp2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .code .proc _clock_gettime jsr sys_bank jsr pushax jsr pushax ldy #CIA::TODHR lda (cia),y bpl AM and #%01111111 sed clc adc #$12 cld AM: jsr BCD2dec sta TM + tm::tm_hour ldy #CIA::TODMIN lda (cia),y jsr BCD2dec sta TM + tm::tm_min ldy #CIA::TODSEC lda (cia),y jsr BCD2dec sta TM + tm::tm_sec lda #TM jsr _mktime ldy #timespec::tv_sec jsr steaxspidx ; Pops address pushed by 2. pushax lda #<(100 * 1000 * 1000 / $10000) ldx #>(100 * 1000 * 1000 / $10000) sta sreg stx sreg+1 lda #<(100 * 1000 * 1000) ldx #>(100 * 1000 * 1000) jsr pusheax ldy #CIA::TOD10 lda (cia),y ldx #>$0000 jsr tosmul0ax ldy #timespec::tv_nsec jsr steaxspidx ; Pops address pushed by 1. pushax jsr incsp1 lda #0 tax jmp restore_bank .endproc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; dec = (((BCD>>4)*10) + (BCD&0xf)) .proc BCD2dec tax and #%00001111 sta tmp1 txa and #%11110000 ; *16 lsr ; *8 sta tmp2 lsr lsr ; *2 adc tmp2 ; = *10 adc tmp1 rts .endproc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TM struct with date set to 1970-01-01 .data TM: .word 0 ; tm_sec .word 0 ; tm_min .word 0 ; tm_hour .word 1 ; tm_mday .word 0 ; tm_mon .word 70 ; tm_year .word 0 ; tm_wday .word 0 ; tm_yday .word 0 ; tm_isdst