; ; void clrscr (void); ; .export _clrscr .import plot .importzp CURS_X, CURS_Y .include "c1p.inc" ; Adapted from the Challenger Character Graphics ; Reference Manual, "2.3.3 MACHINE LANGUAGE SCREEN CLEAR" ; This is self-modifying code! BANKS = VIDEORAMSIZE / $100 _clrscr: lda #$20 ;' ' ldy #BANKS ldx #$00 staloc: sta SCRNBASE,X inx bne staloc inc staloc+2 dey bne staloc lda #>(SCRNBASE); load high byte sta staloc+2 ; restore base address lda #$00 ; cursor in upper left corner sta CURS_X sta CURS_Y jmp plot ; Set the cursor position