; ; Christian Groessler, October 2000 ; ; this file provides the _dio_chs_to_snum function ; ; on the Atari this function is a dummy, it ignores ; cylinder and head 0 and returns as sector number the ; sector number it got ; ; _sectnum_t __fastcall__ _dio_chs_to_snum(_dhandle_t handle, ; unsigned int cyl, ; unsigned int head, ; unsigned int sector); ; _dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr) ; _sectnum_t - 16bit ; .export __dio_chs_to_snum .import addsp4,popax .importzp ptr1 .include "atari.inc" .proc __dio_chs_to_snum pha ; save sector value txa pha jsr addsp4 ; ignore other parameters jsr popax sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ldy #sst_flag lda (ptr1),y and #128 beq _inv_hand ; handle not open or invalid pla tay pla rts _inv_hand: pla pla ldx #255 txa rts .endproc