; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-08-20
; Performance increase (about 20%) by
; Christian Krueger, 2009-09-13
; void* __fastcall__ memcpy (void* dest, const void* src, size_t n);
; NOTE: This function contains entry points for memmove, which will ressort
; to memcpy for an upwards copy. Don't change this module without looking
; at memmove!

       	.export	    	_memcpy, memcpy_upwards, memcpy_getparams
       	.import	    	popax
       	.importzp      	sp, ptr1, ptr2, ptr3

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        jsr     memcpy_getparams

memcpy_upwards:			; assert Y = 0
	ldx	ptr3+1 		; Get high byte of n
       	beq    	L2		; Jump if zero

L1:	.repeat 2		; Unroll this a bit to make it faster...
	lda	(ptr1),Y	; copy a byte
	sta	(ptr2),Y
	bne	L1
	inc	ptr1+1
	inc	ptr2+1
	dex			; Next 256 byte block
	bne	L1		; Repeat if any

	; the following section could be 10% faster if we were able to copy
	; back to front - unfortunately we are forced to copy strict from
	; low to high since this function is also used for
	; memmove and blocks could be overlapping!
	; {
L2:				; assert Y = 0
	ldx	ptr3		; Get the low byte of n
	beq	done		; something to copy

L3:	lda	(ptr1),Y	; copy a byte
	sta	(ptr2),Y
	bne	L3

	; }

done:	jmp	popax		; Pop ptr and return as result

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get the parameters from stack as follows:
;       size      	--> ptr3
;       src             --> ptr1
;       dest            --> ptr2
;	First argument (dest) will remain on stack and is returned in a/x!

memcpy_getparams:		; IMPORTANT! Function has to leave with Y=0!
	sta     ptr3
        stx     ptr3+1          ; save n to ptr3

	jsr	popax
	sta	ptr1
	stx	ptr1+1		; save src to ptr1

				; save dest to ptr2
       	ldy     #1     	       	; (direct stack access is three cycles faster
                                ; (total cycle count with return))
        lda     (sp),y
        stx	ptr2+1		; save high byte of ptr2
        dey			; Y = 0
        lda     (sp),y          ; Get ptr2 low
 	sta	ptr2