/* !!DESCRIPTION!! C-Manual Chapter 6.1: characters and integers !!ORIGIN!! LCC 4.1 Testsuite !!LICENCE!! own, freely distributeable for non-profit. read CPYRIGHT.LCC */ struct defs { int cbits; /* No. of bits per char */ int ibits; /* int */ int sbits; /* short */ int lbits; /* long */ int ubits; /* unsigned */ int fbits; /* float */ int dbits; /* double */ #ifndef NO_FLOATS float fprec; /* Smallest number that can be */ float dprec; /* significantly added to 1. */ #endif int flgs; /* Print return codes, by section */ int flgm; /* Announce machine dependencies */ int flgd; /* give explicit diagnostics */ int flgl; /* Report local return codes. */ int rrc; /* recent return code */ int crc; /* Cumulative return code */ char rfs[8]; /* Return from section */ }; int lbits; /* long */ int ubits; /* unsigned */ int fbits; /* float */ int dbits; /* double */ #ifndef NO_FLOATS float fprec; /* Smallest number that can be */ float dprec; /* significantly added to 1. */ #endif int flgs; /* Print return codes, by section */ int flgm; /* Announce machine dependencies */ int flgd; /* give explicit diagnostics */ int flgl; /* Report local return codes. */ int rrc; /* recent return code */ int crc; /* Cumulative return code */ char rfs[8]; /* Return from section */ /*#include "cq26.c"*/ /* hardware check */ int extvar; #ifndef NO_OLD_FUNC_DECL s61(pd0) /* Characters and integers */ struct defs *pd0; { #else int s61(struct defs *pd0){ #endif static char s61er[] = "s61,er%d\n"; static char s61ok[] = "s61,ok%d\n"; static char qs61[8] = "s61 "; short from, shortint; long int to, longint; int rc, lrc; int j; char fromc, charint; char *wd, *pc[6]; static char upper_alpha[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; static char lower_alpha[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static char numbers[] = "0123456789"; static char special_characters[] = "~!\"#%&()_=-^|{}[]+;*:<>,.?/"; static char extra_special_characters[] = "\n\t\b\r\f\\\'"; static char blank_and_NUL[] = " \0"; char *ps, *pt; ps = qs61; pt = pd0->rfs; rc = 0; printf(s61ok,0); while (*pt++ = *ps++); /* A character or a short integer may be used wherever an integer may be used. In all cases, the value is converted to integer. This principle is extensively used throughout this program, and will not be explicitly tested here. */ /* Conversion of a shorter integer to a longer always involves sign extension. */ from = -19; to = from; if(to != -19){ rc = rc+1; if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s61er,1); } else if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s61ok,1); /* It is guaranteed that a member of the standard char- acter set is nonnegative. */ pc[0] = upper_alpha; pc[1] = lower_alpha; pc[2] = numbers; pc[3] = special_characters; pc[4] = extra_special_characters; pc[5] = blank_and_NUL; lrc = 0; for (j=0; j<6; j++) while(*pc[j]) if(*pc[j]++ < 0) lrc =1; if(lrc != 0){ rc=rc+2; if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s61er,2); } else if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s61ok,2); /* When a longer integer is converted to a shorter or to a char, it is truncated on the left; excess bits are simply discarded. */ longint = 1048579; /* =2**20+3 */ shortint = longint; charint = longint; if((shortint != longint && shortint != 3) || (charint != longint && charint != 3)) { rc = rc+8; if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s61er,8); } else if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s61ok,8); return rc; } /********************************************************************************************* the main loop that launches the sections *********************************************************************************************/ #ifndef NO_TYPELESS_STRUCT_PTR int section(int j,struct* pd0){ #else int section(int j,void* pd0){ #endif switch(j){ /*case 0: return s26(pd0);*/ case 0: return s61(pd0); } } #define cq_sections 1 /* C REFERENCE MANUAL (main) */ #ifndef NO_OLD_FUNC_DECL main(n,args) int n; char **args; { #else int main(int n,char **args) { #endif int j; static struct defs d0, *pd0; d0.flgs = 1; /* These flags dictate */ d0.flgm = 1; /* the verbosity of */ d0.flgd = 1; /* the program. */ d0.flgl = 1; pd0 = &d0; for (j=0; j