; Graphics driver for the 160x192x2 (CIO mode 14, ANTIC mode C) on the Atari.
; Fatih Aygun (2009)

	.include	"atari.inc"
	.include 	"zeropage.inc"

	.include 	"tgi-kernel.inc"
	.include        "tgi-error.inc"

	.macpack        generic

; ******************************************************************************

	; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Constants and tables
	; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

; Graphics mode
	grmode = 14
; X resolution
	x_res = 160
; Y resolution
	y_res = 192
; Number of colors
	colors = 2
; Pixels per byte
	ppb = 8
; Screen memory size in bytes
	scrsize = x_res * y_res / ppb
; Pixel aspect ratio
	aspect = $0198				; based on 4/3 display
; Free memory needed
	mem_needed = 3305
; Number of screen pages
	pages = 1

	mask_table:				; Mask table to set pixels
		.byte	%10000000, %01000000, %00100000, %00010000, %00001000, %00000100, %00000010, %00000001
	masks:					; Color masks
		.byte	%00000000, %11111111
	bar_table:				; Mask table for BAR
		.byte	%11111111, %01111111, %00111111, %00011111, %00001111, %00000111, %00000011, %00000001, %00000000
		.byte	$00, $0E


; ******************************************************************************


	; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	; SETPALETTE: Set the palette (in ptr1)
	; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	; Copy the palette
	ldy     #colors - 1
loop:	lda     (ptr1),y
	sta     palette,y
	bpl     loop

	; Get the color entries from the palette
	lda	palette
	sta	COLOR4
	lda	palette + 1
	sta	COLOR0

	; Done, reset the error code
        lda     #TGI_ERR_OK
        sta     error

.include "atari_tgi_common.inc"