; ; Startup code for cc65 (ATARI version) ; ; Contributing authors: ; Mark Keates ; Freddy Offenga ; Christian Groessler ; ; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line ; RESERVE_MOUSE_MEMORY = 1 ; for P/M .ifdef RESERVE_MOUSE_MEMORY .export mouse_pm0 .endif .export _exit .import getargs, argc, argv .import initlib, donelib .import initconio, zerobss, pushax .import _main,__filetab,getfd .import __CODE_LOAD__, __BSS_LOAD__ .import __graphmode_used .include "atari.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Define and export the ZP variables for the runtime .exportzp sp, sreg, regsave .exportzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4 .exportzp tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 .exportzp fntemp, regbank, zpspace .zeropage zpstart = * sp: .res 2 ; Stack pointer sreg: .res 2 ; Secondary register/high 16 bit for longs regsave: .res 2 ; slot to save/restore (E)AX into ptr1: .res 2 ptr2: .res 2 ptr3: .res 2 ptr4: .res 2 tmp1: .res 1 tmp2: .res 1 tmp3: .res 1 tmp4: .res 1 fntemp: .res 2 ; Pointer to file name regbank: .res 6 ; 6 byte register bank zpspace = * - zpstart ; Zero page space allocated .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EXE header .segment "EXEHDR" .word $FFFF .word __CODE_LOAD__ .word __BSS_LOAD__ - 1 .code .reloc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Actual code rts ; fix for SpartaDOS / OS/A+ ; they first call the entry point from AUTOSTRT and ; then the load addess (this rts here). ; We point AUTOSTRT directly after the rts. ; Real entry point: ; Save the zero page locations we need ldx #zpspace-1 L1: lda sp,x sta zpsave,x dex bpl L1 ; Clear the BSS data jsr zerobss ; setup the stack tsx stx spsave ; report memory usage and initialize stack pointer lda APPMHI sta appmsav lda APPMHI+1 sta appmsav+1 jsr getmemtop ; adjust for graphics mode to use sta sp sta APPMHI stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr stx APPMHI+1 ; set left margin to 0 lda LMARGN sta old_lmargin lda #0 sta LMARGN ; set keyb to upper/lowercase mode ldx SHFLOK stx old_shflok sta SHFLOK ; Call module constructors jsr initlib ; Initialize conio stuff jsr initconio lda #$FF sta CH ; set stdio stream handles lda #0 jsr getfd sta __filetab ; setup stdin lda #0 jsr getfd sta __filetab + 2 ; setup stdout lda #0 jsr getfd sta __filetab + 4 ; setup stderr ; Pass command line if present jsr getargs lda argc ldx argc+1 jsr pushax ; argc lda #argv jsr pushax ; argv ldy #4 ; Argument size jsr _main ; call the users code ; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry. _exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors ; Restore system stuff ldx spsave txs ; Restore stack pointer ; restore left margin lda old_lmargin sta LMARGN ; restore kb mode lda old_shflok sta SHFLOK ; restore APPMHI lda appmsav sta APPMHI lda appmsav+1 sta APPMHI+1 ; Copy back the zero page stuff ldx #zpspace-1 L2: lda zpsave,x sta sp,x dex bpl L2 ; Back to DOS rts ; *** end of main startup code ; calc. upper memory limit to use .proc getmemtop ldy __graphmode_used beq ignore ; mode 0 doesn't need adjustment cpy #32 bcs ignore ; invalid value tya asl a tay lda MEMTOP sec sbc grmemusage,y pha lda MEMTOP+1 sbc grmemusage+1,y tax pla .ifdef RESERVE_MOUSE_MEMORY adj_mouse: txa ; get upper byte of address and #%11111000 ; make 2k aligned sec sbc #%00001000 ; reserve 2k tax adc #3 ; add 4 (C = 1) sta mouse_pm0 lda #0 .endif rts ignore: lda MEMTOP ldx MEMTOP+1 .ifdef RESERVE_MOUSE_MEMORY bne adj_mouse .else rts .endif .endproc .data zpsave: .res zpspace .rodata ; memory usage of the different graphics modes (0-31) ; values < 0 of "bytes needed" are mappped to 0 ; bytes needed ; mode ; val. of MEMTOP grmemusage: .word 0 ; 0 ; 39967 .word 0 ;-318 ; 1 ; 40285 .word 0 ;-568 ; 2 ; 40535 .word 0 ;-558 ; 3 ; 40525 .word 0 ;-298 ; 4 ; 40265 .word 182 ; 5 ; 39785 .word 1182 ; 6 ; 38785 .word 3198 ; 7 ; 36769 .word 7120 ; 8 ; 32847 .word 7146 ; 9 ; 32821 .word 7146 ; 10 ; 32821 .word 7146 ; 11 ; 32821 .word 162 ; 12 ; 39805 .word 0 ;-328 ; 13 ; 40295 .word 3278 ; 14 ; 36689 .word 7120 ; 15 ; 32847 .word 0 ; 16 ; 39967 .word 0 ;-320 ; 17 ; 40287 .word 0 ;-572 ; 18 ; 40539 .word 0 ;-560 ; 19 ; 40527 .word 0 ;-296 ; 20 ; 40263 .word 184 ; 21 ; 39783 .word 1192 ; 22 ; 38775 .word 3208 ; 23 ; 36759 .word 7146 ; 24 ; 32821 .word 7146 ; 25 ; 32821 .word 7146 ; 26 ; 32821 .word 7146 ; 27 ; 32821 .word 160 ; 28 ; 39807 .word 0 ;-332 ; 29 ; 40299 .word 3304 ; 30 ; 36663 .word 7146 ; 31 ; 32821 ; the program used to get these values (Atari BASIC): ; 100 FILE=0 ; 110 IF FILE=1 THEN OPEN #1,8,0,"D:FREEMEM.OUT" ; 120 IF FILE<>1 THEN OPEN #1,8,0,"E:" ; 200 DIM G(32) ; 210 FOR I=0 TO 32:GRAPHICS I:GOSUB 1000:G(I)=VAL:NEXT I ; 220 GRAPHICS 0 ; 230 FOR I=0 TO 31:PRINT #1;I;":",G(I);" - ";G(0)-G(I):NEXT I ; 240 CLOSE #1 ; 999 END ; 1000 VAL=PEEK(741)+256*PEEK(742) ; 1010 RETURN .bss spsave: .res 1 appmsav: .res 1 old_shflok: .res 1 old_lmargin: .res 1 .ifdef RESERVE_MOUSE_MEMORY mouse_pm0: .res 1 .endif .segment "AUTOSTRT" .word $02E0 .word $02E1 .word __CODE_LOAD__ + 1