; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2002-11-29 ; ; Common functions of the extended memory API. ; .export _em_install, _em_deinstall .import return0 .importzp ptr1 .include "em-kernel.inc" .include "em-error.inc" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Variables .bss _em_drv: .res 2 ; Pointer to driver ; Jump table for the driver functions. .data emd_vectors: emd_install: jmp $0000 emd_deinstall: jmp $0000 emd_pagecount: jmp $0000 emd_map: jmp $0000 emd_mapclean: jmp $0000 emd_copyfrom: jmp $0000 emd_copyto: jmp $0000 ; Driver header signature .rodata emd_sig: .byte $65, $6d, $64, $00 ; "emd", version emd_sig_len = * - emd_sig ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; unsigned char __fastcall__ em_install (void* driver); ; /* Install the driver once it is loaded */ _em_install: sta _em_drv sta ptr1 stx _em_drv+1 stx ptr1+1 ; Check the driver signature ldy #emd_sig_len-1 @L0: lda (ptr1),y cmp emd_sig,y bne inv_drv dey bpl @L0 ; Copy the jump vectors ldy #EMD_HDR_JUMPTAB ldx #0 @L1: inx ; Skip the JMP opcode jsr copy ; Copy one byte jsr copy ; Copy one byte cpx #(EMD_HDR_JUMPCOUNT*3) bne @L1 jmp emd_install ; Call driver install routine ; Driver signature invalid inv_drv: lda #EM_ERR_INV_DRIVER ldx #0 rts ; Copy one byte from the jump vectors copy: lda (ptr1),y iny set: sta emd_vectors,x inx rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; void __fastcall__ em_deinstall (void); ; /* Deinstall the driver before unloading it */ _em_deinstall: jsr emd_deinstall ; Call driver routine ; Point all jump vectors to return0 ldx #0 @L1: inx ; Skip JMP opcode lda #return0 jsr set cpx #(EMD_HDR_JUMPCOUNT*3) bne @L1 rts