; ; 2020-10-13, Greg King ; ; void __fastcall__ cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c); ; void __fastcall__ cputc (char c); ; .export _cputcxy, _cputc, cputdirect, putchar .export newline, plot .import gotoxy, PLOT .include "cx16.inc" ; Move to a cursor position, then print a character. _cputcxy: pha ; Save C jsr gotoxy ; Set cursor, drop x and y pla ; Print a character -- also used as an internal function. _cputc: cmp #$0D ; X16 '\n'? beq newline cmp #$0A ; X16 '\r'? beq cr ; Printable char. of some sort. ; Convert it from PetSCII into a screen-code. convert: tay lsr a ; Divide by 256/8 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a tax ; .X = %00000xxx tya eor pet_to_screen,x cputdirect: jsr putchar ; Write character to screen, return .Y ; Advance the cursor position. iny cpy LLEN ; Reached end of line? bne L3 jsr newline ; Wrap around cr: ldy #$00 L3: sty CURS_X rts ; Move down. newline: inc SCREEN_PTR+1 inc CURS_Y rts ; Set the cursor's position, calculate RAM pointer. plot: ldy CURS_X ldx CURS_Y clc jmp PLOT ; Set the new cursor ; Write one screen-code and color to the video RAM without doing anything else. ; Return the x position in .Y . putchar: ora RVS ; Set revers bit tax stz VERA::CTRL ; Use port 0 lda CURS_Y sta VERA::ADDR+1 ; Set row number lda #VERA::INC1 ; Address increments by one sta VERA::ADDR+2 ldy CURS_X ; Get character column into .Y tya asl a ; Each character has two bytes sta VERA::ADDR stx VERA::DATA0 lda CHARCOLOR sta VERA::DATA0 rts .rodata pet_to_screen: .byte %10000000,%00000000,%01000000,%00100000 ; PetSCII -> screen-code .byte %01000000,%11000000,%10000000,%10000000