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; test .struct and .union features
; exit with 0
.export _main
lda #0
; test storage allocator sizes and offsets
.struct Storage
mb1 .byte
mb5 .byte 5
mr1 .res 1
mr5 .res 5
mdb1 .dbyt
mdb5 .dbyt 5
mw1 .word
mw5 .word 5
ma1 .addr
ma5 .addr 5
mf1 .faraddr
mf5 .faraddr 5
mdw1 .dword
mdw5 .dword 5
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mb1) = 1, error, ".struct .byte member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mb5) = 5, error, ".struct .byte 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mr1) = 1, error, ".struct .res 1 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mr5) = 5, error, ".struct .res 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mdb1) = 2, error, ".struct .dbyt member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mdb5) = 10, error, ".struct .dbyt 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mw1) = 2, error, ".struct .word member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mw5) = 10, error, ".struct .word 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::ma1) = 2, error, ".struct .addr member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::ma5) = 10, error, ".struct .addr 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mf1) = 3, error, ".struct .faraddr member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mf5) = 15, error, ".struct .faraddr 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mdw1) = 4, error, ".struct .dword member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Storage::mdw5) = 20, error, ".struct .dword 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert Storage::mb1 = 0, error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mb5 = Storage::mb1 + .sizeof(Storage::mb1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mr1 = Storage::mb5 + .sizeof(Storage::mb5), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mr5 = Storage::mr1 + .sizeof(Storage::mr1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mdb1 = Storage::mr5 + .sizeof(Storage::mr5), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mdb5 = Storage::mdb1 + .sizeof(Storage::mdb1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mw1 = Storage::mdb5 + .sizeof(Storage::mdb5), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mw5 = Storage::mw1 + .sizeof(Storage::mw1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::ma1 = Storage::mw5 + .sizeof(Storage::mw5), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::ma5 = Storage::ma1 + .sizeof(Storage::ma1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mf1 = Storage::ma5 + .sizeof(Storage::ma5), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mf5 = Storage::mf1 + .sizeof(Storage::mf1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mdw1 = Storage::mf5 + .sizeof(Storage::mf5), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert Storage::mdw5 = Storage::mdw1 + .sizeof(Storage::mdw1), error, ".struct storage offset is incorrect"
.assert .sizeof(Storage) = Storage::mdw5 + .sizeof(Storage::mdw5), error, ".struct has unexpected .sizeof"
; test union offset and size
.union UStorage
mb1 .byte
mb5 .byte 5
mr1 .res 1
mr5 .res 5
mdb1 .dbyt
mdb5 .dbyt 5
mw1 .word
mw5 .word 5
ma1 .addr
ma5 .addr 5
mf1 .faraddr
mf5 .faraddr 5
mdw1 .dword
mdw5 .dword 5
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mb1) = 1, error, ".union .byte member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mb5) = 5, error, ".union .byte 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mr1) = 1, error, ".union .res 1 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mr5) = 5, error, ".union .res 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mdb1) = 2, error, ".union .dbyt member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mdb5) = 10, error, ".union .dbyt 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mw1) = 2, error, ".union .word member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mw5) = 10, error, ".union .word 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::ma1) = 2, error, ".union .addr member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::ma5) = 10, error, ".union .addr 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mf1) = 3, error, ".union .faraddr member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mf5) = 15, error, ".union .faraddr 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mdw1) = 4, error, ".union .dword member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage::mdw5) = 20, error, ".union .dword 5 member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(UStorage) = 20, error, ".union has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert UStorage::mb1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mb5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mr1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mr5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mdb1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mdb5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mw1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mw5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::ma1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::ma5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mf1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mf5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mdw1 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
.assert UStorage::mdw5 = 0, error, ".union storage offset is incorrect"
; test tag
storage: .tag Storage
.assert (*-storage)=.sizeof(Storage), error, ".tag reserved size incorrect"
; test nested structures
.struct Point
xc .word
yc .word
.struct Nested
pad .res 13
tag .tag Point
ch .struct Child
ca .word ; offset = 0
gch .struct Grandchild
gca .word ; offset = 0
gcb .byte
cb .byte
anon .struct
aa .dword ; offset = Nested::anon (anonymous .struct)
ab .dword
chu .union Chunion
ua .byte ; offset = 0
ub .dword
chanon .union
uc .byte ; offset = Nested::chanon
ud .dword
last .byte
.assert Nested::pad = 0, error, "Nested .struct has unexpected starting offset"
.assert Nested::Child::ca = 0, error, "Nested .struct has unexpected starting offset"
.assert Nested::Child::Grandchild::gca = 0, error, "Nested .struct has unexpected starting offset"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::tag) = .sizeof(Point), error, ".tag in .struct has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::Child::Grandchild) = 2 + 1, error, "Nested .struct has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::Child) = 2 + 1 + .sizeof(Nested::Child::Grandchild), error, "Nested .struct has unpexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::ch) = .sizeof(Nested::Child), error, "Nested .struct has unexpected member .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::Child::gch) = .sizeof(Nested::Child::Grandchild), error, "Nested .struct has unexpected member .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::anon) = 8, error, "Nested anonymous member .struct has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::aa) = 4, error, "Nested anonymous .struct member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::ab) = 4, error, "Nested anonymous .struct member has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::Chunion) = 4, error, "Nested .union has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::chu) = .sizeof(Nested::Chunion), error, "Nested member .union has unexpected .sizeof"
.assert .sizeof(Nested::chanon) = 4, error, "Nested anonymous member .union as unexpected .sizeof"
.assert Nested::tag = Nested::pad + .sizeof(Nested::pad), error, ".tag within .struct has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::ch = Nested::tag + .sizeof(Nested::tag), error, "Nested .struct has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::anon = Nested::ch + .sizeof(Nested::ch), error, "Nested anonymous member .struct has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::aa = Nested::anon, error, "Nested anonymous .struct member has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::ab = Nested::aa + .sizeof(Nested::aa), error, "Nested anonymous .struct member has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::chu = Nested::ab + .sizeof(Nested::ab), error, "Nested member .union has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::chanon = Nested::chu + .sizeof(Nested::Chunion), error, "Nested anonymous member .union has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::uc = Nested::chanon, error, "Nested anonymous .union member has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::ud = Nested::chanon, error, "Nested anonymous .union member has unexpected offset"
.assert Nested::last = Nested::ud + .sizeof(Nested::ud), error, ".struct member has unexpected offset after anonymous nested .struct"
; test .org
.struct OrgStruct
ma .byte
mb .byte
.org $1234
mc .byte
md .byte
.struct Nested
me .byte
.org $5678
mf .byte
mg .byte
mh .byte
.assert start <> (OrgStruct::mh+1), error, "Fatal test error: accidental code position conflict, move OrgStruct .org to another arbitrary address."
.assert * = start, error, ".org within .struct does not return to previous location at .endstruct"
.assert OrgStruct::ma = 0, error, ".struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::mb = 1, error, ".struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::mc = $1234, error, ".struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::md = $1235, error, ".struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::Nested::me = 0, error, "Nested .struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::Nested::mf = $5678, error, "Nested .struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::Nested::mg = $5679, error, "Nested .struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgStruct::mh = $1239, error, ".struct with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert .sizeof(OrgStruct) = 8, error, ".struct with .org has unexpected .sizeof"
.union OrgUnion
ma .byte
mb .word
.org $1234
mc .byte
md .word
.assert start <> OrgUnion::md, error, "Fatal test error: accidental code position conflict, move OrgUnion .org to another arbitrary address."
.assert * = start, error, ".org within .union does not return to previous location at .endunion"
.assert OrgUnion::ma = 0, error, ".union with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgUnion::mb = 0, error, ".union with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgUnion::mc = $1234, error, ".union with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert OrgUnion::md = $1234, error, ".union with .org has unexpected offset"
.assert .sizeof(OrgUnion) = 2, error, ".union with .org has unexpected .sizeof"