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cuz 7e65f64c6a Debug the rs232 routines. This involved using two new segments, STARTUP
and NMI to make sure the NMI handler is loaded into the low 16K of memory
which are active when the control is passed from the ROM NMI stub to the
user handler.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.cc65.org/cc65/trunk@1086 b7a2c559-68d2-44c3-8de9-860c34a00d81
2001-10-25 19:13:36 +00:00

688 lines
16 KiB

; SwiftLink/Turbo-232 v0.90 device driver, by Craig Bruce, 14-Apr-1998.
; This software is Public Domain. It is in Buddy assembler format.
; This device driver uses the SwiftLink RS-232 Serial Cartridge, available from
; Creative Micro Designs, Inc, and also supports the extensions of the Turbo232
; Serial Cartridge. Both devices are based on the 6551 ACIA chip. It also
; supports the "hacked" SwiftLink with a 1.8432 MHz crystal.
; The code assumes that the kernal + I/O are in context. On the C128, call
; it from Bank 15. On the C64, don't flip out the Kernal unless a suitable
; NMI catcher is put into the RAM under then Kernal. For the SuperCPU, the
; interrupt handling assumes that the 65816 is in 6502-emulation mode.
; Adapted for the use with the cc65 runtime library by
; Ullrich von Bassewitz (uz@musoftware.de) 02-May-1999.
; All external functions are C callable, the return value is an error code.
.importzp ptr1, ptr2, tmp1, tmp2
.import popa, popax
.export _rs232_init, _rs232_params, _rs232_done, _rs232_get
.export _rs232_put, _rs232_pause, _rs232_unpause, _rs232_status
.include "c128.inc"
NmiExit = $ff33 ;exit address for nmi
ACIA = $DE00
; Global variables
DropCnt: .res 4 ; Number of bytes lost from rx buffer full
Initialized: .res 1 ; Flag indicating driver is initialized
Stopped: .res 1 ; Flow-stopped flag
RtsOff: .res 1 ;
Errors: .res 1 ; Number of bytes received in error, low byte
Turbo232: .res 1 ; Flag indicating turbo-232
HackedFlag: .res 1 ; Flag indicating hacked-crystal swiftlink
CpuSpeed: .res 1 ; In MHz
RecvHead: .res 1 ; Head of receive buffer
RecvTail: .res 1 ; Tail of receive buffer
RecvFreeCnt: .res 1 ; Number of bytes in receive buffer
SendHead: .res 1 ; Head of send buffer
SendTail: .res 1 ; Tail of send buffer
SendFreeCnt: .res 1 ; Number of bytes free in send buffer
BaudCode: .res 1 ; Current baud in effect
; Send and receive buffers: 256 bytes each
RecvBuf: .res 256
SendBuf: .res 256
NmiContinue: .byte $4c ; JMP instruction for NMI save -- continue
NmiSave: .res 2 ; normal NMI handler
; Switftlink register offsets
RegData = 0 ; Data register
RegStatus = 1 ; Status register
RegCommand = 2 ; Command register
RegControl = 3 ; Control register
RegClock = 7 ; Turbo232 external baud-rate generator
; Error codes. Beware: The codes must match the codes in the C header file
ErrNotInitialized = $01
ErrBaudTooFast = $02
ErrBaudNotAvail = $03
ErrNoData = $04
ErrOverflow = $05
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_init (char hacked);
; /* Initialize the serial port, install the interrupt handler. The parameter
; * must be true (non zero) for a hacked swiftlink and false (zero) otherwise.
; */
bit Initialized ;** shut down if started
bpl @L1
jsr _rs232_done
;** set hacked-crystal
@L1: sta HackedFlag
;** check for turbo-232
lda #$00
sta ACIA+RegControl
lda ACIA+RegClock
beq @L3
@L3: stx Turbo232
;** get C128 cpu speed
lda $d030
and #$01
adc #1
sta CpuSpeed
;** check for super-cpu at 20 MHz
bit SCPU_Detect
bmi @L4
bit $d0b8
bvs @L4
lda #20
sta CpuSpeed
;** initialize buffers & control
@L4: lda #0
sta RecvHead
sta SendHead
sta RecvTail
sta SendTail
sta Errors
sta Stopped
lda #255
sta RecvFreeCnt
sta SendFreeCnt
;** set up nmi's
lda NMIVec
ldy NMIVec+1
sta NmiSave+0
sty NmiSave+1
lda #<NmiHandler
ldy #>NmiHandler
sta NMIVec
sty NMIVec+1
;** set default to 2400-8N1, enable interrupts
lda ACIA+RegData
lda ACIA+RegStatus
lda #$18
bit HackedFlag
bpl @L5
lda #$1a
@L5: sta ACIA+RegControl
lda #$01
sta RtsOff
ora #$08
sta ACIA+RegCommand
lda #$06
sta BaudCode
;** return
lda #$ff
sta Initialized
lda #$00
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_params (unsigned char params, unsigned char parity);
; /* Set the port parameters. Use a combination of the #defined values above. */
; Set communication parameters.
; baud rates stops word | parity
; --------------------- ----- ----- | ---------
; $00=50 $08=9600 $00=1 $00=8 | $00=none
; $01=110 $09=19200 $80=2 $20=7 | $20=odd
; $02=134.5 $0a=38400 $40=6 | $60=even
; $03=300 $0b=57600 $60=5 | $A0=mark
; $04=600 $0c=115200 | $E0=space
; $05=1200 $0d=230400
; $06=2400 $0e=future
; $07=4800 $0f=future
jsr CheckInitialized ;** check initialized
bcc @L1
; Save new parity
@L1: and #%11100000
ora #%00000001
sta tmp2
; Check cpu speed against baud rate
jsr popa
sta tmp1
and #$0f
cmp #$0c
bcc @L3
ldx CpuSpeed
cpx #1+1
bcc @L2
cmp #$0c
beq @L3
cpx #4
bcs @L3
@L2: lda #ErrBaudTooFast
bne @L9
; Set baud/parameters
@L3: lda tmp1
and #$0f
lda NormBauds,x
bit HackedFlag
bpl @L4
lda HackBauds,x
@L4: cmp #$ff
bne @L5
lda #ErrBaudNotAvail
bne @L9
@L5: tax
and #$30
beq @L6
bit Turbo232
bmi @L6
lda #ErrBaudNotAvail
bne @L9
@L6: lda tmp1
and #$0f
sta BaudCode
lda tmp1
and #%11100000
ora #%00010000
sta tmp1
and #$0f
ora tmp1
sta ACIA+RegControl
and #%00110000
beq @L7
eor #%00000011
sta ACIA+RegClock
; Set new parity
@L7: lda tmp2
sta RtsOff
ora #%00001000
sta ACIA+RegCommand
lda #0
@L9: ldx #0
.byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$05,$06,$07,$08,$0a,$0c,$0e,$0f,$10,$20,$30,$ff,$ff
.byte $01,$03,$04,$06,$07,$08,$0a,$0c,$0e,$0f,$ff,$ff,$00,$ff,$ff,$ff
;in: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
;baud50 110 134 3 6 12 24 48 96 19 38 57 115 230 exp exp
;out masks: $0F=Baud, val$FF=err
; $30=t232ExtBaud: $00=none, $10=57.6, $20=115.2, $30=230.4
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_done (void);
; /* Close the port, deinstall the interrupt hander. You MUST call this function
; * before terminating the program, otherwise the machine may crash later. If
; * in doubt, install an exit handler using atexit(). The function will do
; * nothing, if it was already called.
; */
bit Initialized ;** check initialized
bpl @L9
; Stop interrupts, drop DTR
lda RtsOff
and #%11100010
ora #%00000010
sta ACIA+RegCommand
; Restore NMI vector
lda NmiSave+0
ldy NmiSave+1
sta NMIVec
sty NMIVec+1
; Flag uninitialized
@L9: lda #$00
sta Initialized
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_get (char* B);
; /* Get a character from the serial port. If no characters are available, the
; * function will return RS_ERR_NO_DATA, so this is not a fatal error.
; */
jsr CheckInitialized ; Check if initialized
bcc @L1
; Check for bytes to send
@L1: sta ptr1
stx ptr1+1 ; Store pointer to received char
ldx SendFreeCnt
cpx #$ff
beq @L2
lda #$00
jsr TryToSend
; Check for buffer empty
@L2: lda RecvFreeCnt
cmp #$ff
bne @L3
lda #ErrNoData
ldx #0
; Check for flow stopped & enough free: release flow control
@L3: ldx Stopped
beq @L4
cmp #63
bcc @L4
lda #$00
sta Stopped
lda RtsOff
ora #%00001000
sta ACIA+RegCommand
; Get byte from buffer
@L4: ldx RecvHead
lda RecvBuf,x
inc RecvHead
inc RecvFreeCnt
ldx #$00
sta (ptr1,x)
txa ; Return code = 0
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_put (char B);
; /* Send a character via the serial port. There is a transmit buffer, but
; * transmitting is not done via interrupt. The function returns
; * RS_ERR_OVERFLOW if there is no space left in the transmit buffer.
; */
jsr CheckInitialized ; Check initialized
bcc @L1
; Try to send
@L1: ldx SendFreeCnt
cpx #$ff
beq @L2
lda #$00
jsr TryToSend
; Put byte into send buffer & send
@L2: ldx SendFreeCnt
bne @L3
lda #ErrOverflow
ldx #$00
@L3: ldx SendTail
sta SendBuf,x
inc SendTail
dec SendFreeCnt
lda #$ff
jsr TryToSend
lda #$00
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_pause (void);
; /* Assert flow control and disable interrupts. */
; Check initialized
jsr CheckInitialized
bcc @L1
; Assert flow control
@L1: lda RtsOff
sta Stopped
sta ACIA+RegCommand
; Delay for flow stop to be received
ldx BaudCode
lda PauseTimes,x
jsr DelayMs
; Stop rx interrupts
lda RtsOff
ora #$02
sta ACIA+RegCommand
lda #0
; Delay times: 32 byte-receive times in milliseconds, or 100 max.
; Formula = 320,000 / baud
.byte 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,067,034,017,009,006,003,002,001,001
;in: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
;baud50 110 134 3 6 12 24 48 96 19 38 57 115 230 exp exp
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_unpause (void);
; /* Re-enable interrupts and release flow control */
; Check initialized
jsr CheckInitialized
bcc @L1
; Re-enable rx interrupts & release flow control
@L1: lda #$00
sta Stopped
lda RtsOff
ora #%00001000
sta ACIA+RegCommand
; Poll for stalled char & exit
jsr PollReceive
lda #0
; unsigned char __fastcall__ rs232_status (unsigned char* status,
; unsigned char* errors);
; /* Return the serial port status. */
sta ptr2
stx ptr2+1
jsr popax
sta ptr1
stx ptr1+1
jsr CheckInitialized
bcs @L9
; Get status
lda ACIA+RegStatus
ldy #0
sta (ptr1),y
jsr PollReceive ; bug-recovery hack
lda Errors
sta (ptr2),y
@L9: rts
; NMI handler
; C128 NMI overhead=76 cycles: int=7, maxLatency=6, ROMenter=33, ROMexit=30
; C64 NMI overhead=76 cycles: int=7, maxLatency=6, ROMenter=34, ROMexit=29
; timing: normal=76+43+9=128 cycles, assertFlow=76+52+9=137 cycles
; C128 @ 115.2k: 177 cycles avail (fast)
; C64 @ 57.6k: 177 cycles avail, worstAvail=177-43? = 134
; SCPU @ 230.4k: 868 cycles avail: for a joke!
; Because of the C128 banking, the NMI handler must go into the non banked
; memory, since the ROM NMI entry point will switch to a configuration where
; only the lowest 16K of RAM are visible. We will place the NMI handler into
; it's own segment and map this segment into the lower 16K in the linker
; config.
.segment "NMI"
lda #CC65_MMU_CFG ;(2)
sta MMU_CR ;(4)
lda ACIA+RegStatus ;(4) ;status ;check for byte received
and #$08 ;(2)
beq @L9 ;(2*)
lda ACIA+RegStatus ;(4) opt ;status ;check for receive errors
and #$07 ;(2) opt
beq @L1 ;(3*)opt
inc Errors ;(5^)opt
@L1: lda ACIA+RegData ;(4) ;data ;get byte and put into receive buffer
ldy RecvTail ;(4)
ldx RecvFreeCnt ;(4)
beq @L3 ;(2*)
sta RecvBuf,y ;(5)
inc RecvTail ;(6)
dec RecvFreeCnt ;(6)
cpx #33 ;(2) ;check for buffer space low
bcc @L2 ;(2*)
jmp NmiExit ;(3)
; Assert flow control
@L2: lda RtsOff ;(3) ;assert flow control if buffer space too low
sta ACIA+RegCommand ;(4) ;command
sta Stopped ;(3)
jmp NmiExit ;(3)
; Drop this char
@L3: inc DropCnt+0 ;not time-critical
bne @L4
inc DropCnt+1
bne @L4
inc DropCnt+2
bne @L4
inc DropCnt+3
@L4: jmp NmiExit
@L9: jmp NmiContinue
; CheckInitialized - internal check if initialized
; Set carry and an error code if not initialized, clear carry and do not
; change any registers if initialized.
bit Initialized
bmi @L1
lda #ErrNotInitialized
ldx #0
@L1: clc
; Try to send a byte. Internal routine. A = TryHard
sta tmp1 ; Remember tryHard flag
@L0: lda SendFreeCnt
cmp #$ff
beq @L3 ; Bail out
; Check for flow stopped
@L1: lda Stopped
bne @L3 ; Bail out
;** check that swiftlink is ready to send
@L2: lda ACIA+RegStatus
and #$10
bne @L4
bit tmp1 ;keep trying if must try hard
bmi @L0
@L3: rts
;** send byte and try again
@L4: ldx SendHead
lda SendBuf,x
sta ACIA+RegData
inc SendHead
inc SendFreeCnt
jmp @L0
; PollReceive - poll for rx char
; This function is useful in odd cases where the 6551 has a character in
; it but it fails to raise an NMI. It might be edge-triggering conditions?
; Actually, I'm not entirely sure that this condition can still arrise, but
; calling this function does no harm.
lda #$08
and ACIA+RegStatus
beq @L9
and ACIA+RegStatus
beq @L9
lda ACIA+RegData
ldx RecvFreeCnt
beq @L9
ldx RecvTail
sta RecvBuf,x
inc RecvTail
dec RecvFreeCnt
@L9: rts
; DelayMs : delay for given number of milliseconds
; This implementation isn't very rigerous; it merely delays for the
; approximate number of clock cycles for the processor speed.
; Algorithm:
; repeat for number of milliseconds:
; repeat for number of MHz of cpu speed:
; delay for 1017 clock cycles
DelayMs: ;( .A=milliseconds )
@L1: ldy CpuSpeed
@L2: ldx #203 ;(2)
@L3: dex ;(2)
bne @L3 ;(3) // 1017 cycles
bne @L2
sbc #1
bne @L1