mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2024-07-05 06:28:57 +00:00
Greg King 074e10d288 Adapted, to the c64 target, the INIT-segment overlay scheme from the apple2 targets.
When a program starts running, INIT is moved from one place to another place.  Then, INIT's code is executed; and, the first place is re-used for variables.  After the INIT code has finished, the second place can be re-used by the heap and the C stack.  That means that initiation code and data won't waste any RAM space after they stop being needed.
2015-10-05 05:47:43 -04:00

143 lines
3.1 KiB

; Startup code for cc65 (C64 version)
.export _exit
.exportzp init_load_, init_run_
.export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup
.import initlib, donelib
.import move_init, zerobss, callmain
.import __HIMEM__ ; from configure file
.importzp ST
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "c64.inc"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Startup code
; Two zero-page pointers are needed before any zero-page stuff is saved.
; Choose locations that are not used by anything.
init_load_ := FREKZP
init_run_ := FREKZP+2
.segment "STARTUP"
; Switch to the second charset.
lda #14
; Switch off the BASIC ROM.
lda $01
sta mmusave ; Save the memory configuration
and #$F8
ora #$06 ; Enable Kernal+I/O, disable BASIC
sta $01
stx spsave ; Save the system stack ptr
; Allow some re-entrancy by skipping the next task if it already was done.
; This often can let us rerun the program without reloading it.
ldx moveinit
beq L0
; Move the INIT segment from where it was loaded (over ZPSAVE and BSS)
; into where it must be run (in the heap).
jsr move_init
dec moveinit ; set to false
; Save space by putting the rest of the start-up code in the INIT segment,
; which can be re-used by the heap.
L0: jsr initstart
; Back from main() [this is also the exit() entry]. Run the module destructors.
_exit: pha ; Save the return code on stack
jsr donelib
; Copy back the zero-page stuff.
ldx #zpspace-1
L2: lda zpsave,x
sta sp,x
bpl L2
; Place the program return code into BASIC's status variable.
sta ST
; Restore the system stuff.
ldx spsave
txs ; Restore stack pointer
ldx mmusave
stx $01 ; Restore memory configuration
; Back to BASIC.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "INIT"
; Save the zero-page locations that we need.
ldx #zpspace-1
L1: lda sp,x
sta zpsave,x
bpl L1
; Clear the BSS data.
jsr zerobss
; Set up the stack.
lda #<__HIMEM__
ldx #>__HIMEM__
sta sp
stx sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
; Call the module constructors.
jsr initlib
; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main().
jmp callmain
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
mmusave:.res 1
spsave: .res 1
.byte 1
.segment "ZPSAVE"
zpsave: .res zpspace