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!!DESCRIPTION!! C-Manual Chapter 7.8: Bitwise AND operator, 7.9 Bitwise OR operator, 7.10 Bitwise exclusive OR operator, 7.11 Logical AND operator, 7.12 Logical OR operator, 7.13 Conditional operator
!!ORIGIN!! LCC 4.1 Testsuite
!!LICENCE!! own, freely distributeable for non-profit. read CPYRIGHT.LCC
#include "common.h"
struct defs {
int cbits; /* No. of bits per char */
int ibits; /* int */
int sbits; /* short */
int lbits; /* long */
int ubits; /* unsigned */
int fbits; /* float */
int dbits; /* double */
#ifndef NO_FLOATS
float fprec; /* Smallest number that can be */
float dprec; /* significantly added to 1. */
int flgs; /* Print return codes, by section */
int flgm; /* Announce machine dependencies */
int flgd; /* give explicit diagnostics */
int flgl; /* Report local return codes. */
int rrc; /* recent return code */
int crc; /* Cumulative return code */
char rfs[8]; /* Return from section */
int lbits; /* long */
int ubits; /* unsigned */
int fbits; /* float */
int dbits; /* double */
#ifndef NO_FLOATS
float fprec; /* Smallest number that can be */
float dprec; /* significantly added to 1. */
int flgs; /* Print return codes, by section */
int flgm; /* Announce machine dependencies */
int flgd; /* give explicit diagnostics */
int flgl; /* Report local return codes. */
int rrc; /* recent return code */
int crc; /* Cumulative return code */
char rfs[8]; /* Return from section */
s7813(pd0) /* 7.8 Bitwise AND operator
7.9 Bitwise OR operator
7.10 Bitwise exclusive OR operator
7.11 Logical AND operator
7.12 Logical OR operator
7.13 Conditional operator */
struct defs *pd0;
int s7813(struct defs *pd0){
register int prlc, lrc;
int i, j, r, zero, one;
static char fl[] = "Local error %d.\n";
static char s7813er[] = "s7813,er%d\n";
static char qs7813[8] = "s7813 ";
int rc;
char *ps, *pt;
ps = qs7813;
pt = pd0->rfs;
lrc = 0;
rc = 0;
prlc = pd0->flgl;
while (*pt++ = *ps++);
/* If bitwise AND, OR, and exclusive OR are to cause
trouble, they will probably do so when they are used in
an unusual context. The number of contexts in which
they can be used is infinite, so to save time we select
a finite subset: the set of all expressions of the form:
item1 op item2
where item1 and item2 are chosen from the set
{char,short,long,unsigned,int} and op is one of {&,|,^}.
We will use 12 and 10 as values for the items, as these
values will fit into all data types on just about any
imaginable machine, and the results after performing the
bitwise operations on them are distinct for each operation,
12 | 10 -> 1100 | 1010 -> 1110 -> 14
12 ^ 10 -> 1100 ^ 1010 -> 0110 -> 6
12 & 10 -> 1100 & 1010 -> 1000 -> 8
There are 75 such combinations:
if(((char)12 & (char)10) != 8) {lrc = 1;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 | (char)10) != 14) {lrc = 2;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 ^ (char)10) != 6) {lrc = 3;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 & (short)10) != 8) {lrc = 4;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 | (short)10) != 14) {lrc = 5;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 ^ (short)10) != 6) {lrc = 6;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 & (long)10) != 8) {lrc = 7;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 | (long)10) != 14) {lrc = 8;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 ^ (long)10) != 6) {lrc = 9;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 & (unsigned)10) != 8) {lrc = 10;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 | (unsigned)10) != 14) {lrc = 11;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 ^ (unsigned)10) != 6) {lrc = 12;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 & (int)10) != 8) {lrc = 13;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 | (int)10) != 14) {lrc = 14;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((char)12 ^ (int)10) != 6) {lrc = 15;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 & (char)10) != 8) {lrc = 16;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 | (char)10) != 14) {lrc = 17;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 ^ (char)10) != 6) {lrc = 18;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 & (short)10) != 8) {lrc = 16;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 | (short)10) != 14) {lrc = 20;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 ^ (short)10) != 6) {lrc = 21;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 & (long)10) != 8) {lrc = 22;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 | (long)10) != 14) {lrc = 23;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 ^ (long)10) != 6) {lrc = 24;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 & (unsigned)10) != 8) {lrc = 25;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 | (unsigned)10) != 14) {lrc = 26;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 ^ (unsigned)10) != 6) {lrc = 27;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 & (int)10) != 8) {lrc = 28;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 | (int)10) != 14) {lrc = 26;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((short)12 ^ (int)10) != 6) {lrc = 30;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 & (char)10) != 8) {lrc = 31;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 | (char)10) != 14) {lrc = 32;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 ^ (char)10) != 6) {lrc = 33;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 & (short)10) != 8) {lrc = 34;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 | (short)10) != 14) {lrc = 35;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 ^ (short)10) != 6) {lrc = 36;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 & (long)10) != 8) {lrc = 37;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 | (long)10) != 14) {lrc = 38;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 ^ (long)10) != 6) {lrc = 39;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 & (unsigned)10) != 8) {lrc = 40;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 | (unsigned)10) != 14) {lrc = 41;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 ^ (unsigned)10) != 6) {lrc = 42;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 & (int)10) != 8) {lrc = 43;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 | (int)10) != 14) {lrc = 44;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((long)12 ^ (int)10) != 6) {lrc = 45;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 & (char)10) != 8) {lrc = 46;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 | (char)10) != 14) {lrc = 47;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 ^ (char)10) != 6) {lrc = 48;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 & (short)10) != 8) {lrc = 49;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 | (short)10) != 14) {lrc = 50;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 ^ (short)10) != 6) {lrc = 51;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 & (long)10) != 8) {lrc = 52;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 | (long)10) != 14) {lrc = 53;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 ^ (long)10) != 6) {lrc = 54;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 & (unsigned)10) != 8) {lrc = 55;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 | (unsigned)10) != 14) {lrc = 56;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 ^ (unsigned)10) != 6) {lrc = 57;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 & (int)10) != 8) {lrc = 58;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 | (int)10) != 14) {lrc = 56;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((unsigned)12 ^ (int)10) != 6) {lrc = 60;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 & (char)10) != 8) {lrc = 61;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 | (char)10) != 14) {lrc = 62;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 ^ (char)10) != 6) {lrc = 63;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 & (short)10) != 8) {lrc = 64;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 | (short)10) != 14) {lrc = 65;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 ^ (short)10) != 6) {lrc = 66;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 & (long)10) != 8) {lrc = 67;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 | (long)10) != 14) {lrc = 68;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 ^ (long)10) != 6) {lrc = 69;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 & (unsigned)10) != 8) {lrc = 70;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 | (unsigned)10) != 14) {lrc = 71;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 ^ (unsigned)10) != 6) {lrc = 72;
if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 & (int)10) != 8) {lrc = 73; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 | (int)10) != 14) {lrc = 74; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(((int)12 ^ (int)10) != 6) {lrc = 75; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(lrc != 0){
if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s7813er,1);
rc = rc+1;
/* The && operator groups left to right. It returns 1
if both of the operands are nonzero; 0 otherwise.
It guarantees left to right evaluation; moreover, the
second operand is not evaluated if the value of the
first operand is 0.
lrc = 0;
i = j = 0;
r = i++ && j++;
if(i!=1) {lrc = 1; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=0) {lrc = 2; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=0) {lrc = 3; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
r = i && j++;
if(i!=1) {lrc = 4; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=1) {lrc = 5; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=0) {lrc = 6; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
r = i-- && j;
if(i!=0) {lrc = 7; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=1) {lrc = 8; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=1) {lrc = 9; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
r = i && j--;
if(i!=0) {lrc = 10; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=1) {lrc = 11; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=0) {lrc = 12; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s7813er,2);
rc = rc+2;
/* The || operator groups left to right. It returns 1
if either of its operands is nonzero; 0 otherwise. It
guarantees left to right evaluation; moreover, the second
operand is not evaluated if the value of the first
operand is nonzero.
lrc = 0;
i = j = 0;
r = i++ || j;
if(i!=1) {lrc = 1; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=0) {lrc = 2; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=0) {lrc = 3; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
r = j++ || i;
if(i!=1) {lrc = 4; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=1) {lrc = 5; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=1) {lrc = 6; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
r = i-- || j--;
if(i!=0) {lrc = 7; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=1) {lrc = 8; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=1) {lrc = 9; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
r = i || j--;
if(i!=0) {lrc = 10; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(j!=0) {lrc = 11; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(r!=1) {lrc = 12; if(prlc) printf(fl,lrc);}
if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s7813er,4);
rc = rc+4;
/* Conditional expressions group right to left. */
i = j = 0;
zero = 0;
one = 1;
r = one?zero:one?i++:j++;
if(r!=0 || i!=0 || j!=0){
if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s7813er,8);
rc = rc+8;
/* The first expression is evaluated and if it is non-
zero, the result is the value of the second expression;
otherwise, that of the third expression.
if((one?zero:1) != 0 || (zero?1:zero) != 0){
if(pd0->flgd != 0) printf(s7813er,16);
rc = rc+16;
return rc;
the main loop that launches the sections
int section(int j,struct* pd0){
int section(int j,void* pd0){
case 0: return s7813(pd0);
#define cq_sections 1
int n;
char **args;
int main(int n,char **args) {
int j;
static struct defs d0, *pd0;
d0.flgs = 1; /* These flags dictate */
d0.flgm = 1; /* the verbosity of */
d0.flgd = 1; /* the program. */
d0.flgl = 1;
pd0 = &d0;
for (j=0; j<cq_sections; j++) {
if(d0.flgs != 0) printf("Section %s returned %d.\n",d0.rfs,d0.rrc);
if(d0.crc == 0) printf("\nNo errors detected.\n");
else printf("\nFailed.\n");
return d0.crc;