mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2025-03-28 06:35:59 +00:00
Oliver Schmidt feb5026823
Added option to disable the force-to-uppercase behavior of the apple2 target. ()
* Added option to disable the force-to-uppercase behavior of the apple2 target.

* Fixed dangling spaces.
2024-08-07 18:27:09 +02:00

118 lines
2.6 KiB

; Oliver Schmidt, 12.01.2005
; int __fastcall__ write (int fd, const void* buf, unsigned count);
.export _write
.import rwprolog, rwcommon, rwepilog
.import COUT
.ifndef __APPLE2ENH__
.import uppercasemask
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "errno.inc"
.include "fcntl.inc"
.include "mli.inc"
.include "filedes.inc"
; Get parameters
jsr rwprolog
bcs errno
tax ; Save fd
; Check for write access
lda fdtab + FD::FLAGS,y
beq einval
; Check for device
txa ; Restore fd
bmi device
; Check for append flag
lda fdtab + FD::FLAGS,y
beq write
; Set fd
stx mliparam + MLI::EOF::REF_NUM
; Get file size
jsr callmli
bcs oserr
; REF_NUM already set
.assert MLI::MARK::REF_NUM = MLI::EOF::REF_NUM, error
; POSITION already set
.assert MLI::MARK::POSITION = MLI::EOF::EOF, error
; Set file pointer
jsr callmli
bcs oserr
; Do write
write: lda fdtab + FD::REF_NUM,y
jmp rwcommon
; Save count for epilog
device: ldx ptr2
lda ptr2+1
stx mliparam + MLI::RW::TRANS_COUNT
sta mliparam + MLI::RW::TRANS_COUNT+1
; Check for zero count
ora ptr2
beq done
; Get char from buf
ldy #$00
next: lda (ptr1),y
; Replace '\n' with '\r'
cmp #$0A
bne :+
lda #$0D
; Set hi bit and write to device
: ora #$80
.ifndef __APPLE2ENH__
cmp #$E0 ; Test for lowercase
bcc output
and uppercasemask
output: jsr COUT ; Preserves X and Y
; Increment pointer
bne :+
inc ptr1+1
; Decrement count
: dex
bne next
dec ptr2+1
bpl next
; Return success
done: lda #$00
jmp rwepilog
; Load errno code
einval: lda #EINVAL
; Set __errno
errno: jmp ___directerrno
; Set ___oserror
oserr: jmp ___mappederrno