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synced 2025-03-30 04:31:37 +00:00
As described e.g. in the Apple IIe Technote #6: 'The Apple II Paddle Circuits' it doesn't work to call PREAD several times in immediate succession. However, so far the Apple II joystick driver did just that in order to read the two joystick axis. Therefore the driver now uses a custom routine that reads both paddles _at_the_same_time_. The code doing so requires nearly twice the cycles meaning that the overall time for a joy_read() stays roughly the same. However, twice the cycles in the read loop means half the resolution. But for the cc65 joystick driver use case that doesn't hurt at all as the driver is supposed to only detect neutral vs. left/right and up/down. CPU accelerators are supposed to detect access to $C070 and slow down for some time automatically. However, the IIgs rather comes with a modified ROM routine. Therefore it is necessary to manually slow down the IIgs when replacing the ROM routine.
81 lines
2.9 KiB
81 lines
2.9 KiB
; Zero page stuff
WNDLFT := $20 ; Text window left
WNDWDTH := $21 ; Text window width
WNDTOP := $22 ; Text window top
WNDBTM := $23 ; Text window bottom+1
CH := $24 ; Cursor horizontal position
CV := $25 ; Cursor vertical position
BASL := $28 ; Text base address low
BASH := $29 ; Text base address high
INVFLG := $32 ; Normal/inverse(/flash)
PROMPT := $33 ; Used by GETLN
RNDL := $4E ; Random counter low
RNDH := $4F ; Random counter high
HIMEM := $73 ; Highest available memory address+1
; Vectors
DOSWARM := $03D0 ; DOS warmstart vector
BRKVec := $03F0 ; Break vector
SOFTEV := $03F2 ; Vector for warm start
PWREDUP := $03F4 ; This must be = EOR #$A5 of SOFTEV+1
; Hardware
; Keyboard input
KBD := $C000 ; Read keyboard
KBDSTRB := $C010 ; Clear keyboard strobe
; 80 column video switches
CLR80COL:= $C000 ; Disable 80 column store
SET80COL:= $C001 ; Enable 80 column store
RD80COL := $C018 ; >127 if 80 column store enabled
RD80VID := $C01F ; >127 if 80 column video enabled
; Character set switches
CLRALTCHAR := $C00E ; Normal Apple II char set
SETALTCHAR := $C00F ; Norm/inv LC, no flash
ALTCHARSET := $C01E ; >127 if alt charset switched in
; Language card switches
RDLCBNK2:= $C011 ; >127 if LC bank 2 in use
RDLCRAM := $C012 ; >127 if LC is read enabled
ROMIN := $C081 ; Swap in D000-FFFF ROM
LCBANK2 := $C083 ; Swap in LC bank 2
LCBANK1 := $C08B ; Swap in LC bank 1
; Video mode switches
TXTCLR := $C050 ; Display graphics
TXTSET := $C051 ; Display text
MIXCLR := $C052 ; Disable 4 lines of text
MIXSET := $C053 ; Enable 4 lines of text
LOWSCR := $C054 ; Page 1
HISCR := $C055 ; Page 2
LORES := $C056 ; Lores graphics
HIRES := $C057 ; Hires graphics
DHIRESON := $C05E ; Enable double-width graphics
DHIRESOFF := $C05F ; Disable double-width graphics
; Game controller
TAPEIN := $C060 ; Read casette input / Switch input 3
BUTN0 := $C061 ; Switch input 0 / Open-Apple key
BUTN1 := $C062 ; Switch input 1 / Closed-Apple key
BUTN2 := $C063 ; Switch input 2 / Shift key
PADDL0 := $C064 ; Analog input 0
PADDL1 := $C065 ; Analog input 1
PADDL2 := $C066 ; Analog input 2
PADDL3 := $C067 ; Analog input 3
PTRIG := $C070 ; Analog input reset
; Input/Output Unit
IOUDISON := $C07E ; Disable IOU
IOUDISOFF := $C07F ; Enable IOU
; Control Your Apple
CYAREG := $C036 ; Bits 0-3=disk detect 4=shadow all banks 7=fast