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Oliver Schmidt 2c975d3642 Create static drivers directly from source files.
Up to now static drivers were created via co65 from dynamic drivers. However there was an issue with that approach:

The dynamic drivers are "o65 simple files" which obligates that they start with the 'code' segment. However dynamic drivers need to start with the module header - which is written to. For dynamic drivers this isn't more than a conceptual issue because they are always contain a 'data' segment and may therefore only be loaded into writable memory.

However when dynamic drivers are converted to static drivers using co65 then that issue becomes a real problem as then the 'code' segment may end up in non-writable memory - and thus writing to the module header fails.

Instead of changing the way dynamic drivers work I opted to rather make static driver creation totally independent from dynamic drivers. This allows to place the module header in the 'data' segment (see 'module.mac').
2014-06-04 23:50:18 +02:00

505 lines
14 KiB

; Serial driver for the C128 using a Swiftlink or Turbo-232 cartridge.
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-18
; The driver is based on the cc65 rs232 module, which in turn is based on
; Craig Bruce device driver for the Switftlink/Turbo-232.
; SwiftLink/Turbo-232 v0.90 device driver, by Craig Bruce, 14-Apr-1998.
; This software is Public Domain. It is in Buddy assembler format.
; This device driver uses the SwiftLink RS-232 Serial Cartridge, available from
; Creative Micro Designs, Inc, and also supports the extensions of the Turbo232
; Serial Cartridge. Both devices are based on the 6551 ACIA chip. It also
; supports the "hacked" SwiftLink with a 1.8432 MHz crystal.
; The code assumes that the kernal + I/O are in context. On the C128, call
; it from Bank 15. On the C64, don't flip out the Kernal unless a suitable
; NMI catcher is put into the RAM under then Kernal. For the SuperCPU, the
; interrupt handling assumes that the 65816 is in 6502-emulation mode.
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "ser-kernel.inc"
.include "ser-error.inc"
.include "c128.inc"
.macpack module
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Header. Includes jump table
module_header _c128_swlink_ser
; Driver signature
.byte $73, $65, $72 ; "ser"
.byte SER_API_VERSION ; Serial API version number
; Library reference
.addr $0000
; Jump table
.word OPEN
.word CLOSE
.word GET
.word PUT
.word STATUS
.word IOCTL
.word IRQ
; I/O definitions
ACIA = $DE00
ACIA_DATA = ACIA+0 ; Data register
ACIA_STATUS = ACIA+1 ; Status register
ACIA_CMD = ACIA+2 ; Command register
ACIA_CTRL = ACIA+3 ; Control register
; Global variables
; We reuse the RS232 zero page variables for the driver, since the ROM
; routines cannot be used together with this driver (may also use $A0F
; and following in case of problems).
RecvHead := $A7 ; Head of receive buffer
RecvTail := $A8 ; Tail of receive buffer
RecvFreeCnt := $A9 ; Number of bytes in receive buffer
SendHead := $AA ; Head of send buffer
SendTail := $AB ; Tail of send buffer
SendFreeCnt := $B4 ; Number of bytes free in send buffer
Stopped := $B5 ; Flow-stopped flag
RtsOff := $B6 ;
; Send and receive buffers: 256 bytes each
RecvBuf := $0C00 ; Use the ROM buffers
SendBuf := $0D00
; Tables used to translate RS232 params into register values
BaudTable: ; bit7 = 1 means setting is invalid
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_45_5
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_50
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_75
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_110
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_134_5
.byte $02 ; SER_BAUD_150
.byte $05 ; SER_BAUD_300
.byte $06 ; SER_BAUD_600
.byte $07 ; SER_BAUD_1200
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_1800
.byte $08 ; SER_BAUD_2400
.byte $09 ; SER_BAUD_3600
.byte $0A ; SER_BAUD_4800
.byte $0B ; SER_BAUD_7200
.byte $0C ; SER_BAUD_9600
.byte $0E ; SER_BAUD_19200
.byte $0F ; SER_BAUD_38400
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_57600
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_115200
.byte $FF ; SER_BAUD_230400
.byte $60 ; SER_BITS_5
.byte $40 ; SER_BITS_6
.byte $20 ; SER_BITS_7
.byte $00 ; SER_BITS_8
.byte $00 ; SER_STOP_1
.byte $80 ; SER_STOP_2
.byte $00 ; SER_PAR_NONE
.byte $20 ; SER_PAR_ODD
.byte $60 ; SER_PAR_EVEN
.byte $A0 ; SER_PAR_MARK
.byte $E0 ; SER_PAR_SPACE
; Interrupt stub that is copied into low RAM. The startup code uses a special
; memory configuration with just kernal and I/O enabled (anything else is RAM).
; The NMI handler in ROM will switch back to a configuration where just the
; low 16K RAM are accessible. So we have to copy a smal piece of code into
; low RAM that enables the cc65 configuration and then jumps to the real NMI
; handler.
NmiStubOrig := *
.org $1150 ; BASIC graphics area
.proc NmiStub
lda #MMU_CFG_CC65 ; Bank 0 with kernal ROM...
sta MMU_CR ; ...enable
jsr NmiHandler ; Call the actual NMI handler
lda #$00 ; Get ROM config...
sta MMU_CR ; ...and enable it
Vector := *+1
.byte $4C ; Jump to the saved IRQ vector
; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If
; possible, check if the hardware is present.
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
; Deactivate DTR and disable 6551 interrupts
lda #%00001010
; Copy the NMI stub into low memory
ldy #.sizeof (NmiStub)-1
@L1: lda NmiStubOrig,y
sta NmiStub,y
bpl @L1
; Set up the nmi vector
lda NMIVec
ldy NMIVec+1
sta NmiStub::Vector+0
sty NmiStub::Vector+1
lda #<NmiStub
ldy #>NmiStub
SetNMI: sta NMIVec
sty NMIVec+1
; Done, return an error code
lda #<SER_ERR_OK
tax ; A is zero
; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
; Stop interrupts, drop DTR
lda #%00001010
; Restore NMI vector and return OK
lda NmiStub::Vector+0
ldy NmiStub::Vector+1
jmp SetNMI
; PARAMS routine. A pointer to a ser_params structure is passed in ptr1.
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
; Check if the handshake setting is valid
ldy #SER_PARAMS::HANDSHAKE ; Handshake
lda (ptr1),y
cmp #SER_HS_HW ; This is all we support
bne InvParam
; Initialize buffers
jsr InitBuffers
; Set the value for the control register, which contains stop bits, word
; length and the baud rate.
lda (ptr1),y ; Baudrate index
lda BaudTable,y ; Get 6551 value
bmi InvBaud ; Branch if rate not supported
sta tmp1
ldy #SER_PARAMS::DATABITS ; Databits
lda (ptr1),y
lda BitTable,y
ora tmp1
sta tmp1
ldy #SER_PARAMS::STOPBITS ; Stopbits
lda (ptr1),y
lda StopTable,y
ora tmp1
ora #%00010000 ; Receiver clock source = baudrate
; Set the value for the command register. We remember the base value in
; RtsOff, since we will have to manipulate ACIA_CMD often.
ldy #SER_PARAMS::PARITY ; Parity
lda (ptr1),y
lda ParityTable,y
ora #%00000001 ; DTR active
sta RtsOff
ora #%00001000 ; Enable receive interrupts
; Done
lda #<SER_ERR_OK
tax ; A is zero
; Invalid parameter
; Baud rate not available
; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
; Stop interrupts, drop DTR
lda #%00001010
; Initalize buffers. Returns zero in a
jsr InitBuffers
; Return OK
lda #<SER_ERR_OK
tax ; A is zero
; GET: Will fetch a character from the receive buffer and store it into the
; variable pointer to by ptr1. If no data is available, SER_ERR_NO_DATA is
; return.
GET: ldx SendFreeCnt ; Send data if necessary
inx ; X == $FF?
beq @L1
lda #$00
jsr TryToSend
; Check for buffer empty
@L1: lda RecvFreeCnt ; (25)
cmp #$ff
bne @L2
; Check for flow stopped & enough free: release flow control
@L2: ldx Stopped ; (34)
beq @L3
cmp #63
bcc @L3
lda #$00
sta Stopped
lda RtsOff
ora #%00001000
; Get byte from buffer
@L3: ldx RecvHead ; (41)
lda RecvBuf,x
inc RecvHead
inc RecvFreeCnt
ldx #$00 ; (59)
sta (ptr1,x)
txa ; Return code = 0
; PUT: Output character in A.
; Must return an error code in a/x.
; Try to send
ldx SendFreeCnt
inx ; X = $ff?
beq @L2
lda #$00
jsr TryToSend
; Put byte into send buffer & send
@L2: ldx SendFreeCnt
bne @L3
lda #<SER_ERR_OVERFLOW ; X is already zero
@L3: ldx SendTail
sta SendBuf,x
inc SendTail
dec SendFreeCnt
lda #$ff
jsr TryToSend
lda #<SER_ERR_OK
; STATUS: Return the status in the variable pointed to by ptr1.
; Must return an error code in a/x.
ldx #0
sta (ptr1,x)
txa ; SER_ERR_OK
; IOCTL: Driver defined entry point. The wrapper will pass a pointer to ioctl
; specific data in ptr1, and the ioctl code in A.
; Must return an error code in a/x.
IOCTL: lda #<SER_ERR_INV_IOCTL ; We don't support ioclts for now
; IRQ: Not used on the C128
IRQ = $0000
; NMI handler
; C128 NMI overhead=76 cycles: int=7, maxLatency=6, ROMenter=33, ROMexit=30
; C64 NMI overhead=76 cycles: int=7, maxLatency=6, ROMenter=34, ROMexit=29
; timing: normal=76+43+9=128 cycles, assertFlow=76+52+9=137 cycles
; C128 @ 115.2k: 177 cycles avail (fast)
; C64 @ 57.6k: 177 cycles avail, worstAvail=177-43? = 134
; SCPU @ 230.4k: 868 cycles avail: for a joke!
; Note: Because of the C128 banking, a small stub has to go into low memory,
; since the ROM NMI entry point switches to a configuration, where only the
; low 16K of RAM are visible. The entry code switches into the standard cc65
; configuration (I/O + 16K kernal) and then jumps here. Registers are already
; saved by the ROM code.
lda ACIA_STATUS ;(4) ;status ;check for byte received
and #$08 ;(2)
beq @L9 ;(2*)
lda ACIA_DATA ;(4) data ;get byte and put into receive buffer
ldy RecvTail ;(4)
ldx RecvFreeCnt ;(4)
beq @L9 ;(2*) Jump if no space in receive buffer
sta RecvBuf,y ;(5)
inc RecvTail ;(6)
dec RecvFreeCnt ;(6)
cpx #33 ;(2) check for buffer space low
bcc @L2 ;(2*)
; Assert flow control
@L2: lda RtsOff ;(3) assert flow control if buffer space too low
sta ACIA_CMD ;(4) command
sta Stopped ;(3)
@L9: rts
; Try to send a byte. Internal routine. A = TryHard
.proc TryToSend
sta tmp1 ; Remember tryHard flag
@L0: lda SendFreeCnt
cmp #$ff
beq @L3 ; Bail out
; Check for flow stopped
@L1: lda Stopped
bne @L3 ; Bail out
; Check that swiftlink is ready to send
and #$10
bne @L4
bit tmp1 ;keep trying if must try hard
bmi @L0
@L3: rts
; Send byte and try again
@L4: ldx SendHead
lda SendBuf,x
inc SendHead
inc SendFreeCnt
jmp @L0
; Initialize buffers
ldx #0
stx Stopped
stx RecvHead
stx RecvTail
stx SendHead
stx SendTail
dex ; X = 255
stx RecvFreeCnt
stx SendFreeCnt