mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2025-03-28 06:35:59 +00:00
Bill Kendrick af8eb57f63 Atari colors into _gtia.h; NMIRES/NMIST as union
Use a C "union" to give both read (NMIST) and write (NMIRES) labels
to their shared register in ANTIC. (h/t @groessler).

Consolodate duplicated color definitions (HUE_..., COLOR_... and TGI_COLOR_...;
and the "_gtia_mkcolor()" macro), found in both "atari.h" and "atari5200.h",
moving it to "_gtia.h", which they both share (and which makes the most sense).
2019-01-17 22:44:25 -08:00

504 lines
21 KiB

/* */
/* atari.h */
/* */
/* Atari system specific definitions */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* (C) 2000-2019 Mark Keates <markk@dendrite.co.uk> */
/* Freddy Offenga <taf_offenga@yahoo.com> */
/* Christian Groessler <chris@groessler.org> */
/* Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net> */
/* */
/* */
/* This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied */
/* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages */
/* arising from the use of this software. */
/* */
/* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, */
/* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it */
/* freely, subject to the following restrictions: */
/* */
/* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not */
/* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software */
/* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be */
/* appreciated but is not required. */
/* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not */
/* be misrepresented as being the original software. */
/* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source */
/* distribution. */
/* */
#ifndef _ATARI_H
#define _ATARI_H
/* Check for errors */
#if !defined(__ATARI__)
# error This module may only be used when compiling for the Atari!
/* Character codes */
#define CH_DELCHR 0xFE /* delete char under the cursor */
#define CH_ENTER 0x9B
#define CH_ESC 0x1B
#define CH_CURS_UP 28
#define CH_CURS_DOWN 29
#define CH_CURS_LEFT 30
#define CH_CURS_RIGHT 31
#define CH_TAB 0x7F /* tabulator */
#define CH_EOL 0x9B /* end-of-line marker */
#define CH_CLR 0x7D /* clear screen */
#define CH_BEL 0xFD /* bell */
#define CH_DEL 0x7E /* back space (delete char to the left) */
#define CH_RUBOUT 0x7E /* back space (old, deprecated) */
#define CH_DELLINE 0x9C /* delete line */
#define CH_INSLINE 0x9D /* insert line */
/* These are defined to be Atari + NumberKey */
#define CH_F1 177
#define CH_F2 178
#define CH_F3 179
#define CH_F4 180
#define CH_F5 181
#define CH_F6 182
#define CH_F7 183
#define CH_F8 184
#define CH_F9 185
#define CH_F10 176
#define CH_ULCORNER 0x11
#define CH_URCORNER 0x05
#define CH_LLCORNER 0x1A
#define CH_LRCORNER 0x03
#define CH_TTEE 0x17
#define CH_BTEE 0x18
#define CH_LTEE 0x01
#define CH_RTEE 0x04
#define CH_CROSS 0x13
#define CH_HLINE 0x12
#define CH_VLINE 0x7C
/* Masks for joy_read */
#define JOY_UP_MASK 0x01
#define JOY_DOWN_MASK 0x02
#define JOY_LEFT_MASK 0x04
#define JOY_RIGHT_MASK 0x08
#define JOY_BTN_1_MASK 0x10
#define JOY_FIRE(v) ((v) & JOY_FIRE_MASK)
/* Keyboard values returned by kbcode / CH */
#define KEY_NONE ((unsigned char) 0xFF)
#define KEY_0 ((unsigned char) 0x32)
#define KEY_1 ((unsigned char) 0x1F)
#define KEY_2 ((unsigned char) 0x1E)
#define KEY_3 ((unsigned char) 0x1A)
#define KEY_4 ((unsigned char) 0x18)
#define KEY_5 ((unsigned char) 0x1D)
#define KEY_6 ((unsigned char) 0x1B)
#define KEY_7 ((unsigned char) 0x33)
#define KEY_8 ((unsigned char) 0x35)
#define KEY_9 ((unsigned char) 0x30)
#define KEY_A ((unsigned char) 0x3F)
#define KEY_B ((unsigned char) 0x15)
#define KEY_C ((unsigned char) 0x12)
#define KEY_D ((unsigned char) 0x3A)
#define KEY_E ((unsigned char) 0x2A)
#define KEY_F ((unsigned char) 0x38)
#define KEY_G ((unsigned char) 0x3D)
#define KEY_H ((unsigned char) 0x39)
#define KEY_I ((unsigned char) 0x0D)
#define KEY_J ((unsigned char) 0x01)
#define KEY_K ((unsigned char) 0x05)
#define KEY_L ((unsigned char) 0x00)
#define KEY_M ((unsigned char) 0x25)
#define KEY_N ((unsigned char) 0x23)
#define KEY_O ((unsigned char) 0x08)
#define KEY_P ((unsigned char) 0x0A)
#define KEY_Q ((unsigned char) 0x2F)
#define KEY_R ((unsigned char) 0x28)
#define KEY_S ((unsigned char) 0x3E)
#define KEY_T ((unsigned char) 0x2D)
#define KEY_U ((unsigned char) 0x0B)
#define KEY_V ((unsigned char) 0x10)
#define KEY_W ((unsigned char) 0x2E)
#define KEY_X ((unsigned char) 0x16)
#define KEY_Y ((unsigned char) 0x2B)
#define KEY_Z ((unsigned char) 0x17)
#define KEY_COMMA ((unsigned char) 0x20)
#define KEY_PERIOD ((unsigned char) 0x22)
#define KEY_SLASH ((unsigned char) 0x26)
#define KEY_SEMICOLON ((unsigned char) 0x02)
#define KEY_PLUS ((unsigned char) 0x06)
#define KEY_ASTERISK ((unsigned char) 0x07)
#define KEY_DASH ((unsigned char) 0x0E)
#define KEY_EQUALS ((unsigned char) 0x0F)
#define KEY_LESSTHAN ((unsigned char) 0x36)
#define KEY_GREATERTHAN ((unsigned char) 0x37)
#define KEY_ESC ((unsigned char) 0x1C)
#define KEY_TAB ((unsigned char) 0x2C)
#define KEY_SPACE ((unsigned char) 0x21)
#define KEY_RETURN ((unsigned char) 0x0C)
#define KEY_DELETE ((unsigned char) 0x34)
#define KEY_CAPS ((unsigned char) 0x3C)
#define KEY_INVERSE ((unsigned char) 0x27)
#define KEY_HELP ((unsigned char) 0x11)
/* Function keys only exist on the 1200XL model. */
#define KEY_F1 ((unsigned char) 0x03)
#define KEY_F2 ((unsigned char) 0x04)
#define KEY_F3 ((unsigned char) 0x13)
#define KEY_F4 ((unsigned char) 0x14)
/* N.B. Cannot read Ctrl key alone */
#define KEY_CTRL ((unsigned char) 0x80)
/* N.B. Cannot read Shift key alone via KBCODE;
** instead, check "Shfit key press" bit of SKSTAT register.
** Also, no way to tell left Shift from right Shift.
#define KEY_SHIFT ((unsigned char) 0x40)
/* Composed keys
** (Other combinations are possible, including Shift+Ctrl+key,
** though not all such combinations are available.)
#define KEY_HASH (KEY_3 | KEY_SHIFT)
#define KEY_AT (KEY_8 | KEY_SHIFT)
/* Color register functions */
extern void __fastcall__ _setcolor (unsigned char color_reg, unsigned char hue, unsigned char luminace);
extern void __fastcall__ _setcolor_low (unsigned char color_reg, unsigned char color_value);
extern unsigned char __fastcall__ _getcolor (unsigned char color_reg);
/* Other screen functions */
extern int __fastcall__ _graphics (unsigned char mode); /* mode value same as in BASIC */
extern void __fastcall__ _scroll (signed char numlines);
/* numlines > 0 scrolls up */
/* numlines < 0 scrolls down */
/* Misc. functions */
extern unsigned char get_ostype(void); /* get ROM version */
extern unsigned char get_tv(void); /* get TV system */
extern void _save_vecs(void); /* save system vectors */
extern void _rest_vecs(void); /* restore system vectors */
extern char *_getdefdev(void); /* get default floppy device */
extern unsigned char _is_cmdline_dos(void); /* does DOS support command lines */
/* Global variables */
extern unsigned char _dos_type; /* the DOS flavour */
#ifndef __ATARIXL__
extern void atr130_emd[];
extern void atrstd_joy[]; /* referred to by joy_static_stddrv[] */
extern void atrmj8_joy[];
extern void atrjoy_mou[];
extern void atrst_mou[]; /* referred to by mouse_static_stddrv[] */
extern void atrami_mou[];
extern void atrtrk_mou[];
extern void atrtt_mou[];
extern void atrrdev_ser[];
extern void atr3_tgi[];
extern void atr4_tgi[];
extern void atr5_tgi[];
extern void atr6_tgi[];
extern void atr7_tgi[];
extern void atr8_tgi[]; /* referred to by tgi_static_stddrv[] */
extern void atr8p2_tgi[];
extern void atr9_tgi[];
extern void atr9p2_tgi[];
extern void atr10_tgi[];
extern void atr10p2_tgi[];
extern void atr11_tgi[];
extern void atr14_tgi[];
extern void atr15_tgi[];
extern void atr15p2_tgi[];
extern void atrx130_emd[];
extern void atrxstd_joy[]; /* referred to by joy_static_stddrv[] */
extern void atrxmj8_joy[];
extern void atrxjoy_mou[];
extern void atrxst_mou[]; /* referred to by mouse_static_stddrv[] */
extern void atrxami_mou[];
extern void atrxtrk_mou[];
extern void atrxtt_mou[];
extern void atrxrdev_ser[];
extern void atrx3_tgi[];
extern void atrx4_tgi[];
extern void atrx5_tgi[];
extern void atrx6_tgi[];
extern void atrx7_tgi[];
extern void atrx8_tgi[]; /* referred to by tgi_static_stddrv[] */
extern void atrx8p2_tgi[];
extern void atrx9_tgi[];
extern void atrx9p2_tgi[];
extern void atrx10_tgi[];
extern void atrx10p2_tgi[];
extern void atrx11_tgi[];
extern void atrx14_tgi[];
extern void atrx15_tgi[];
extern void atrx15p2_tgi[];
/* get_ostype return value defines (for explanation, see ostype.s) */
/* masks */
#define AT_OS_TYPE_MAIN 7
#define AT_OS_TYPE_MINOR (7 << 3)
/* AT_OS_TYPE_MAIN values */
#define AT_OS_UNKNOWN 0
#define AT_OS_400800 1
#define AT_OS_1200XL 2
#define AT_OS_XLXE 3
/* AS_OS_TYPE_MINOR values */
/* for 400/800 remember this are the ROM versions */
/* to check whether the hw is PAL or NTSC, use get_tv() */
#define AT_OS_400800PAL_A 1
#define AT_OS_400800PAL_B 2
#define AT_OS_400800NTSC_A 1
#define AT_OS_400800NTSC_B 2
#define AT_OS_1200_10 1
#define AT_OS_1200_11 2
#define AT_OS_XLXE_1 1
#define AT_OS_XLXE_2 2
#define AT_OS_XLXE_3 3
#define AT_OS_XLXE_4 4
/* get_tv return values */
#define AT_NTSC 0
#define AT_PAL 1
/* valid _dos_type values */
#define SPARTADOS 0
#define REALDOS 1
#define BWDOS 2
#define OSADOS 3
#define XDOS 4
#define ATARIDOS 5
#define MYDOS 6
#define NODOS 255
/* Define hardware and where they're mapped in memory */
#include <_gtia.h>
#define GTIA_READ (*(struct __gtia_read*)0xD000)
#define GTIA_WRITE (*(struct __gtia_write*)0xD000)
#include <_pbi.h>
#include <_pokey.h>
#define POKEY_READ (*(struct __pokey_read*)0xD200)
#define POKEY_WRITE (*(struct __pokey_write*)0xD200)
#include <_pia.h>
#define PIA (*(struct __pia*)0xD300)
#include <_antic.h>
#define ANTIC (*(struct __antic*)0xD400)
/* Shadow registers for hardware registers */
/* GTIA */
#define STRIG0 (*(unsigned char*)0x284) /* TRIG0 */
#define STRIG1 (*(unsigned char*)0x285) /* TRIG1 */
#define STRIG2 (*(unsigned char*)0x286) /* TRIG2 */
#define STRIG3 (*(unsigned char*)0x287) /* TRIG3 */
#define PCOLR0 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C0) /* COLPM0 */
#define PCOLR1 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C1) /* COLPM1 */
#define PCOLR2 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C2) /* COLPM2 */
#define PCOLR3 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C3) /* COLPM3 */
#define COLOR0 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C4) /* COLPF0 */
#define COLOR1 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C5) /* COLPF1 */
#define COLOR2 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C6) /* COLPF2 */
#define COLOR3 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C7) /* COLPF3 */
#define COLOR4 (*(unsigned char*)0x2C8) /* COLPBK */
#define GPRIOR (*(unsigned char*)0x264) /* PRIOR */
/* ANTIC */
#define SDMCTL (*(unsigned char*)0x22F) /* DMACTL */
#define CHACT (*(unsigned char*)0x2F3) /* CHACTL */
#define SDLSTL (*(unsigned char*)0x230) /* DLISTL */
#define SDLSTH (*(unsigned char*)0x231) /* DLISTH */
#define SDLST (*(unsigned int*)0x230) /* DLISTL/H together */
#define CHBAS (*(unsigned char*)0x2F4) /* CHBASE */
#define LPENH (*(unsigned char*)0x233) /* PENH */
#define LPENV (*(unsigned char*)0x234) /* PENV */
/* POKEY */
#define PADDL0 (*(unsigned char*)0x270) /* POT0 */
#define PADDL1 (*(unsigned char*)0x271) /* POT1 */
#define PADDL2 (*(unsigned char*)0x272) /* POT2 */
#define PADDL3 (*(unsigned char*)0x273) /* POT3 */
#define PADDL4 (*(unsigned char*)0x274) /* POT4 */
#define PADDL5 (*(unsigned char*)0x275) /* POT5 */
#define PADDL6 (*(unsigned char*)0x276) /* POT6 */
#define PADDL7 (*(unsigned char*)0x277) /* POT7 */
#define CH (*(unsigned char*)0x2FC) /* KBCODE */
#define POKMSK (*(unsigned char*)0x10) /* IRQEN */
/* PIA */
#define STICK0 (*(unsigned char*)0x278) /* PORTA for controller port 1 */
#define STICK1 (*(unsigned char*)0x279) /* PORTA for controller port 2 */
#define STICK2 (*(unsigned char*)0x27A) /* PORTB for controller port 3 */
#define STICK3 (*(unsigned char*)0x27B) /* PORTB for controller port 4 */
#define PTRIG0 (*(unsigned char*)0x27C) /* PORTA for controller port 1, paddle 1 */
#define PTRIG1 (*(unsigned char*)0x27D) /* PORTA for controller port 1, paddle 2 */
#define PTRIG2 (*(unsigned char*)0x27E) /* PORTA for controller port 1, paddle 3 */
#define PTRIG3 (*(unsigned char*)0x27F) /* PORTA for controller port 1, paddle 4 */
#define PTRIG4 (*(unsigned char*)0x280) /* PORTA for controller port 2, paddle 5 */
#define PTRIG5 (*(unsigned char*)0x281) /* PORTA for controller port 2, paddle 6 */
#define PTRIG6 (*(unsigned char*)0x282) /* PORTA for controller port 2, paddle 7 */
#define PTRIG7 (*(unsigned char*)0x283) /* PORTA for controller port 2, paddle 8 */
/* Device control block */
struct __dcb {
unsigned char device; /* device id */
unsigned char unit; /* unit number */
unsigned char command; /* command */
unsigned char status; /* command type / status return */
void *buffer; /* pointer to buffer */
unsigned char timeout; /* device timeout in seconds */
unsigned char unused;
unsigned int xfersize; /* # of bytes to transfer */
unsigned char aux1; /* 1st command auxiliary byte */
unsigned char aux2; /* 2nd command auxiliary byte */
#define DCB (*(struct __dcb *)0x300)
/* I/O control block */
struct __iocb {
unsigned char handler; /* handler index number (0xff free) */
unsigned char drive; /* device number (drive) */
unsigned char command; /* command */
unsigned char status; /* status of last operation */
void *buffer; /* pointer to buffer */
void *put_byte; /* pointer to device's PUT BYTE routine */
unsigned int buflen; /* length of buffer */
unsigned char aux1; /* 1st auxiliary byte */
unsigned char aux2; /* 2nd auxiliary byte */
unsigned char aux3; /* 3rd auxiliary byte */
unsigned char aux4; /* 4th auxiliary byte */
unsigned char aux5; /* 5th auxiliary byte */
unsigned char spare; /* spare byte */
#define ZIOCB (*(struct __iocb *)0x20) /* zero page IOCB */
#define IOCB (*(struct __iocb *)0x340) /* system IOCB buffers */
/* IOCB Command Codes */
#define IOCB_OPEN 0x03 /* open */
#define IOCB_GETREC 0x05 /* get record */
#define IOCB_GETCHR 0x07 /* get character(s) */
#define IOCB_PUTREC 0x09 /* put record */
#define IOCB_PUTCHR 0x0B /* put character(s) */
#define IOCB_CLOSE 0x0C /* close */
#define IOCB_STATIS 0x0D /* status */
#define IOCB_SPECIL 0x0E /* special */
#define IOCB_DRAWLN 0x11 /* draw line */
#define IOCB_FILLIN 0x12 /* draw line with right fill */
#define IOCB_RENAME 0x20 /* rename disk file */
#define IOCB_DELETE 0x21 /* delete disk file */
#define IOCB_LOCKFL 0x23 /* lock file (set to read-only) */
#define IOCB_UNLOCK 0x24 /* unlock file */
#define IOCB_POINT 0x25 /* point sector */
#define IOCB_NOTE 0x26 /* note sector */
#define IOCB_GETFL 0x27 /* get file length */
#define IOCB_CHDIR_MYDOS 0x29 /* change directory (MyDOS) */
#define IOCB_MKDIR 0x2A /* make directory (MyDOS/SpartaDOS) */
#define IOCB_RMDIR 0x2B /* remove directory (SpartaDOS) */
#define IOCB_CHDIR_SPDOS 0x2C /* change directory (SpartaDOS) */
#define IOCB_GETCWD 0x30 /* get current directory (MyDOS/SpartaDOS) */
#define IOCB_FORMAT 0xFE /* format */
/* End of atari.h */