make graph edges represent call counts via thickness

This commit is contained in:
Michael Specht 2018-02-19 20:41:28 +01:00
parent 1a52706d89
commit 044f7be667
1 changed files with 13 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -725,9 +725,9 @@ class Champ
io.puts "overlap = false;"
io.puts "rankdir = LR;"
io.puts "splines = true;"
io.puts "graph [fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = 9, size = \"14, 11\", nodesep = 0.2, ranksep = 0.3, ordering = out];"
io.puts "node [fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = 9, shape = rect, style = filled, fillcolor = \"#fce94f\" color = \"#c4a000\"];"
io.puts "edge [fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = 9, color = \"#444444\"];"
io.puts "graph [fontname = sans, fontsize = 8, size = \"14, 11\", nodesep = 0.2, ranksep = 0.3, ordering = out];"
io.puts "node [fontname = sans, fontsize = 8, shape = rect, style = filled, fillcolor = \"#fce94f\" color = \"#c4a000\"];"
io.puts "edge [fontname = sans, fontsize = 8, color = \"#444444\"];"
all_nodes.each do |node|
label = @label_for_pc[node] || sprintf('0x%04x', node)
label = "<B>#{label}</B>"
@ -736,13 +736,21 @@ class Champ
io.puts " _#{node} [label = <#{label}>];"
max_call_count = 0
@call_graph_counts.each_pair do |key, entries|
entries.values.each do |count|
max_call_count = count if count > max_call_count
@call_graph_counts.each_pair do |key, entries|
entries.keys.each do |other_key|
io.puts "_#{key} -> _#{other_key} [label = \"#{entries[other_key]}x\"];"
penwidth = 0.5 + ((entries[other_key].to_f / max_call_count) ** 0.3) * 2
io.puts "_#{key} -> _#{other_key} [label = \"#{entries[other_key]}x\", penwidth = #{penwidth}];"
io.puts "}"
dot = io.string
svg = Open3.popen2('dot -Tsvg') do |stdin, stdout, thread|