# Champ - N. Harold Cham's 65C02 Profiler This is a 6502/65C02 emulator / profiler that enables you to really get to know your APPLE ][ HiRes Graphics Mode Demo. ## Features * full, cycle-accurate 65C02 emulation * screen output as animated GIF with exact frame timing * calculation of average frame rate * see how much time is spent in which subroutine * watch variables (single variables or pairs) * no required dependencies except Ruby, gcc and Merlin32 * optional: GraphViz if you want a call graph ## Usage First, make sure you have gcc, ruby and Merlin32 installed. You need to prepare a YAML file to tell champ about all source and object files and their memory locations. Take [plot3d.yaml](examples/plot3d.yaml) for example (using [Marc A. Golombeck's excellent 3D-Demo](https://github.com/mgolombeck/3D-Demo)): ``` load: 0x6000: plot3d/plot3d242.s 0x1200: plot3d/multtab.s 0x8400: plot3d/ldrwtab.s 0x8900: plot3d/SINETABLE 0x8b00: plot3d/object2.s 0x9000: plot3d/object1.s 0x9500: plot3d/FONT 0xb600: plot3d/projtab.s entry: ENTRY instant_rts: - LOAD1 ``` We specified some source files (which will get compiled automatically) and some object files along with their locations in memory (`load`). We also specified the entry point for our program (`entry`), this can be a label or an address. Furthermore, we can disable subroutines by replacing the first opcode with a RTS (`instant_rts`). This is necessary in some cases because Champ does not emulate hardware and thus can not load data from disk, for example. ### Running the profiler To start champ, type: ``` $ ./champ.rb --max-frames 100 plot3d.yaml ``` This will run the emulator and write the HTML report to `report.html`. If you do not specify the maximum number of frames, you can still cancel the emulator by pressing Ctrl+C at any time. If you need fast results and don't need the animated GIF of all frames, specify the `--no-animation` flag, which will still give you all the information but without the animation. ## Example report ![Champ Screenshot](doc/screenshot.png?raw=true "Fig. 1 Champ Screenshot") ### Defining watches You can watch registers or variables at certain program counter addresses by inserting a _champ directive_ in a comment after the respective code line in your assembler source code. All champ directives start with an _at sign_ (`@`). Here's an example ([example01.yaml](example01.yaml) / [example01.s](example01.s)): ``` DSK test MX %11 ORG $6000 FOO EQU $8000 JSR TEST RTS TEST LDA #64 ; load 64 into accumulator ASL ; multiply by two @Au STA FOO ; store result @Au RTS ``` Running this example results in the following watch graphs: ![A at PC 0x6006](doc/example01_1.gif?raw=true) ![A at PC 0x6007](doc/example01_2.gif?raw=true) Champ generates a graph for every watch. You can see the watched variable plotted against the cycles, and also the PC address, file name, and source line number of the watch as well as the subroutine in which the watch was defined. With the `@Au` directive, we tell champ to monitor the A register and interpret it as an unsigned 8 bit integer (likewise, `@As` would treat the value as a signed 8 bit integer). By default, all champ values get recorded before the operation has been executed. To get the value after the operation, you can write: `@Au(post)`. Feel free to add as many champ directives as you need in a single line, each starting with a new at sign. ### Global variables In addition to watching individual registers, you can also watch global variables ([example02.yaml](example02.yaml) / [example02.s](example02.s)): ``` DSK test MX %11 ORG $6000 FOO EQU $8000 ; @u16 JSR TEST RTS TEST LDA #0 STA FOO LDA #$40 STA FOO+1 ; @FOO(post) RTS ``` Here, we declare the type of the global variable in the same place the variable itself is declared, using `u8`, `s8`, `u16`, or `s16` to declare the type. Later, we can just watch the variable by issuing a champ directive like `@FOO`. In this example, we use the `(post)` option to see the variable contents after the `STA` operation. ![FOO at PC 0x600b](doc/example02_1.gif?raw=true) Here's another example with some more interesting plots ([example03.yaml](example03.yaml) / [example03.s](example03.s)): ``` DSK test MX %11 ORG $6000 FOO EQU $8000 JSR TEST RTS TEST LDX #$FF LDA #1 LOOP TAY TXA EOR #$FF LSR LSR STA FOO TYA ADC FOO ; @Au(post) DEX ; @Xu(post) BNE LOOP ``` This is a small program which lets the accumulator grow quadratically while X decreases linearly: ![A at PC 0x6012](doc/example03_1.gif?raw=true) ![X at PC 0x6015](doc/example03_2.gif?raw=true) ### Two-dimensional watches We can also watch pairs of variables by separating them with a comma in the champ directive: ``` DEX ; @Xu(post) @Au,FOO(post) ``` This will plot FOO against X: ![FOO against A at PC 0x6015](doc/example03_3.gif?raw=true) ### Disabling watches To disable a watch, add a `;` right behind the `@`: ``` ADC FOO ; @;Au(post) ``` ## Did you know? By the way, there's a full-fledged, incremental, standalone, no-dependencies GIF encoder in [pgif.c](pgif.c) that writes animated GIFs and uses some optimizations to further minimize space. It's stream-friendly and as you feed pixels in via `stdin`, it dutifully writes GIF data to `stdout` until `stdin` gets closed.