# Champ - N. Harold Cham's 65C02 Profiler This is a 6502/65C02 emulator / profiler that enables you to really get to know your APPLE ][ HiRes Graphics Mode Demo. ## Features * full, cycle-accurate 65C02 emulation * screen output as animated GIF with exact frame timing * average frame rate * see how much time is spent in which subroutine * watch variables (single variables or pairs) * no dependencies except Ruby, gcc and Merlin32 ## Usage First, make sure you have gcc, ruby and Merlin32 installed. You need to prepare a YAML file to tell champ about all source and object files and their memory locations. Take `plot3d.yaml` for example (using [Marc A. Golombeck's excellent 3D-Demo](https://github.com/mgolombeck/3D-Demo)): ``` load: 0x6000: plot3d/plot3d242.s 0x1200: plot3d/multtab.s 0x8400: plot3d/ldrwtab.s 0x8900: plot3d/SINETABLE 0x8b00: plot3d/object2.s 0x9000: plot3d/object1.s 0x9500: plot3d/FONT 0xb600: plot3d/projtab.s entry: ENTRY instant_rts: - LOAD1 ``` We specified some source files (they'll get compiled automatically) and some object files along with their locations in memory (`load`). We also specified the entry point for our program (`entry`), this can be a label or an address. Furthermore, we can disable subroutines by replacing the first opcode with a RTS (`instant_rts`). This is necessary in some cases because Champ does not emulate hardware and thus can not load data from disk, for example. To start champ, type: ``` $ ./champ.rb --max-frames 100 plot3d.yaml ``` This will run the emulator and write the HTML report to `report.html`. If you do not specify the maximum number of frames, you can still cancel the emulator by pressing Ctrl+C at any time. If you need fast results and don't need the animated GIF of all frames, specify the `--no-animation` flag, which will still give you all the information but without the animation. ## Example report ![Champ Screenshot](doc/screenshot.png?raw=true "Fig. 1 Champ Screenshot") ## Did you know? By the way, there's a full-fledged, incremental, standalone, no-dependencies GIF encoder in `pgif.c` that writes animated GIFs and uses some optimizations to further minimize space. It's stream-friendly and as you feed pixels in via `stdin`, it dutifully writes GIF data to `stdout` until `stdin` gets closed.