2016-06-27 23:01:09 +01:00

42 lines
1.8 KiB

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// A Portable C++ WDC 65C816 Emulator
// Copyright (C)2016 Andrew John Jacobs
// All rights reserved.
// This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Open the
// following URL to see the details.
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
#include "mem816.h"
// Construct a memory area using dynamic allocation
mem816::mem816(Addr memMask, Addr ramSize, const Byte *pROM)
: memMask(memMask), ramSize(ramSize), pROM(pROM), freeRAM(true)
pRAM = new Byte[ramSize];
// Construct a memory area using statically allocated arrays
mem816::mem816(Addr memMask, Addr ramSize, Byte *pRAM, const Byte *pROM)
: memMask(memMask), ramSize(ramSize), pRAM(pRAM), pROM(pROM), freeRAM(false)
{ }
// Destory an instance releasing the RAM if allocated.
if (freeRAM) delete pRAM;